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Posts posted by beechbum

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    They are Ukrainians not Russians. I actually quite liked the chinese restaurant they had before.

    You gotta be taking the piss, that was THE most disgusting food I've eaten since moved here.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I've been watching Mad Dogs about a group of friends from the UK that go and visit their mate in Mallorca. They get tangled up in drugs, illicit cash, corrupt police and murder.

    Cheers, just dling S1,2 &3. Looks like theres a US rip off starting up.

  3. Thanks to the genius that decided it was a good idea to place pamphlets advertising naiharn condos and la boucherie chalong(will never eat at that s-hole again) on car windscreens and motorbikes, the bloody things were everywhere given there's been a decent wind blowing for awhile...f'n morons.

  4. Dont want to detract from LPs post but While we're the subject, can anyone recomend a good gardener in the Chalong area?

  5. As mentioned, go to the Or Bor Tor, any time one of the street lights near our house don't work my wife calls or visit's them and it's promptly repaired and no we don't get billed for street lighting or the repair of.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    There was a couple of horses there this morning, so i guess thats ok as well as long as its your own personnel horse!

    Is anyone else picturing Mr. Ed sitting behind a desk in a Human Resources office?

    I'm finding this hard to believe as the closest stable is some ways away, you positive beechbum(?) Nai Harn beach? As I know many who are on the beach there in the mornings I'll ask to confirm, but I'm thinking you have the wrong beach. Considering all the people on the beach there in the mornings (walking dogs etc.) would be quite dangerous to ride horses there.

    Back to the topic,friend last night got a freebie umbrella as when we were finishing up cocktails, there it was, left behind by someone who obviously didn't care.

    Im 100% positive GOM, been here a long time and go to Nai Harn almost daily from Chalong, they wet the horses down in the inlet them walked them into the sea in front of the inlet for about 20mins.

    My dog had an astonished look on his face.

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