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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. They are simply out of touch & isolate themselves in the hyper critical world of cyber space....

    Their people & actual analytical life skills never take on the layers of social interactions required to cope with each "step" of life.....

    The are societally still infants,  children no matter their age....They have no real life development or coping skills....

    Coupled with the cyber "value" system & not a real world system of values they are empty vessels....

    Parenting is a lost art as each generation gets progressively less strident....

    • Like 1
  2. Typically, maybe 1600 or later on weekends....We sing Karaoke a few hours on Saturday nights & put out a spread of snack foods, that's when I'll have a few.....

    Sometimes, if making something enticing like homemade salsa with chips I'll like a Margarita or cocktail & just settle in to enjoy....

    I'm not a beer enthusiast, so it's mostly mixed drinks.....

    The wife will take a sip, but basically doesn't drink....Her bottle of Bombay lasts about 3 years.....Reserved for special occasions....

    • Like 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, atpeace said:

    That is terrible and what an awful place for her to be but your advice is equally terrible.


    Tell her to take the pay cut and look for something else immediately.  Life isn't fair and if if no other opportunities arise then she is lucky to be at least earning 11k.  Returning home defeated and being fed by Dad won't help her other than help her become more dependent on others. Doubt this is what you or she desires.  If she finds her way out of this predicament she will be a better person for it in the future.  Why not help her with rent or anything else if she runs out of cash while she is working and looking?

    Sound advice....

  4. 10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Why should it be a problem if our friends know where we live? I have to admit I am not much of a "lets meet in my or your place" guy. When I see my friends we mostly meet in a restaurant. But the few people who I call "friends" know where I live and I would let them in anytime. They are my friends, I trust them.

    It's a Thai thing....None of our Thai neighbors or friends bring people into their house - while our western/mixed friends do..... The Thais all have outside tables in a covered area & visit with guests there....

    Inside the house, apparently, seems to be a western tradition.....

  5. No, I have a few "friends" scattered about....Less than 5....Never have been a pub/club goer..... That's a pretty artificial crowd....

    I actually have a good network of long term friends built up through years of friendly, but serious sports competition across the US that we visit when there....

    I have a good wife and family....We just enjoy our little corner of the world in a quiet MuBan that's full of people with quick smiles & a wave.... There's 3 farang including myself, I chat with one occasionally & have never bumped into the other one......

    I didn't move here with expectations of seeking out a social circle/posse of guys....


    • Like 1
  6. 53 minutes ago, seedy said:


    do you mean here -

    Daeng Klon Pratou Mahidol

    Seems right....?....I first found it & use the Ricoh sign for my landmark & have watched them expand over the years..... It's about a 10 minute walk away from Airport Plaza....

    I've only heard it referred to as Daeng's.....

    He is supposed to have a 2nd shop somewhere else, but I'm just familiar with this one .... 

  7. Check Daeng's off Mahidol Rd....Turn in at the red & white Ricoh sign....

    It's a shop that handles, mods, welds, fabricates, everything automotive....Up to, and including custom built big motorcycles....

    They have racks in stock + can order for you...Or build as needed....

    It's a great resource once you learn/see all that they do....Most things can be done while you wait...

    At least one gal at the desk speaks English as do some head techs....

    • Like 1
  8. There's one form available outside under the canopied area.....You have to make copies of your old passport - all pages....My US passport came with a letter to present to immigration asking that they transfer the necessary stamps.....There is a copy place at the back should they need anything else....

    I got there close to opening & it still took about 3 hours.....

  9. 13 degrees here....After researching online & shopping a few places being shown the +/- by sales staff we went the Pansonic brand....The sales person did point out that if the flow is low the water temp can fluctuate - and it does toward the hot side if I turn down the volume...So far we haven't needed to go beyond 1/2 and still have a nice, warm shower.....Have not had a reason to try a hotter setting....

    There was a thread/topic on here a few years back about heaters for use in the mountains with colder temps & that's where I was initially pointed towards the Pansonic recommendations....

    Our daughter was up showering & washing her hair early this morning & no yelps from her bathroom.....

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