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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. 20 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    Boosted with Moderna this morning at CM Ram.  Hubby went there Monday morning to book appointment for me today since it's our 45th wedding anniversary.  Great gift!

    Congrats on the 45 ????????

    • Like 1
  2. They're big into ballroom dancing in the states + dancing in general....To the point they have some open house rooms specially designed with dancing (all types) in mind....

    Most small to decent sized Thai cities have night clubs with large dance floors & writhing Thai bodies to match....

  3. 3 hours ago, siamike said:

    Really wish the poll had included eBay as they have become my first choice.  Although eBay is not always the cheapest option, I find that most of the time they are.  As others have already mentioned, shipping time is also important, and over this past year I've become frustrated with both Lazada and Shopee sellers that indicate the item I want is located in Thailand, but all too often the delivery takes a month or more, suggesting to me the product was most likely ordered from China.  Also, most eBay sellers provide a tracking number and always provide a delivery window of time, and if your parcel fails to arrive on time, eBay guarantees to refund your money.  

    Anything I've ordered of quality from ebay has not gotten to me for the past 5 years.....

    All the minimal stuff zips right through....

    Somebody's got a house full of quality stuff or a thriving resale enterprise going....I gave up & stopped using ebay....

  4. 59 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

    It's nice to be old enough to actually have the chronological cred. to reply to this question lol ????


    Not being dead (I should by all reckoning be dead)

    having some money

    Being healthy (despite the torture I put my body through as a younger man)

    To enjoy not working

    To relish a woman



    Trying out new recipes in my beautiful kitchen (and feeding others)

    Making a cake and giving it to friends

    To still be very curious

    To know how to surf the web and learn so much in such an instant wayTo not polTo laugh at myself and with others

    To play golf (glorious walk)


    To walk away from things that I now can see have little to no importance in the big picture of life

    To refuse to be silent where misogyny, sexism, racism is concerned

    To give some of my money to less fortunates

    To invite friends for a d.mn good Aussie style BBQ

    To do my little bit of charity work

    See, immerse in  and take in nature

    To grow and harvest our veggie and fruit

    To dance

    To share time and give of my time to others

    To listen


    To play loud music 

    To dive into my own glorious swimming pool

    Our darling spotty Dalmatians

    To go and eat n drink with my few buddies 

    To enjoy our beautiful new home and garden

    To be in the moment and savour the moments

    Staying fit

    Move more slowly e.g. drive with patience and not need to rush anymore

    To sail and remember my days with my dad doing the same thing.

    To wash and polish my cars and feel the gratitude for having such beautiful temporal gifts.

    To ride my cute Vespa down the road to the glorious beach and swim

    To sleep when I want to

    To compliment and praise my love


    shopping (even dig c is fun lol ????)

    To know (just a little more) what I want, need, and the opposites of them

    To not apologise for enjoying myself to those who are crankier than me  lol ????????



    Well said....

  5. I found Shopee to take too long on delivery - order to door....

    Only COD when I order - still have cash stuck in Lazada's wallet from orders the sellers dropped....

    Probably at 90%+ Lazada versus Shopee....I will cross check  against the other on items that I am unsure of what a reasonable price is....

    I'd rather shop locally - Thailand available over feeding China's engine but they're avoiding disclosure of origin... With Shopee there's little doubt of origin....

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    I prefer my newest on the front / steering.  Gripping the road when I need to make and emergency maneuver is more important to me.  Just so happens, present and last 3, were front wheel drive, so doesn't matter now of days.  Don't see a truck or 4x4 in my future.


    In the past, when having rear wheel drive, still put new ones up front.  Steering and braking, the weight goes to the front, so best rubber up there is better.

    Yes - there is the contention that under certain conditions the new rear drive tires can push the worn front tires more than their traction ability to hold.....

    Probably more in adverse climates & conditions, but could happen here when wet or flooded ....

    • Haha 1
  7. Note: tires from 2 different manufacturers can vary in size even though marked as identical sizing - some up to 1.5" in height....Not a huge difference, but if mismatched on the same axle it could damage a 4 wheel drive vehicle, or under an extreme braking/maneuvering/wet/icy conditions it could be a factor.....

    In my SUV I kissed a curb a few months ago - pop.....I replaced both fronts to have the same tread pattern working for me.....

    Although there was useable wear remaining on the rear tires I replaced them at the next service interval....

    I went from Yokohama to Maxxis & liked the Maxxis tread pattern better....They also looked to be more substantial....

    It can be iffy replacing a single tire without a good judgement inspection for an exact matching of actual sizing & matching the tread patterns to get as close a match as possible.....


    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, connda said:

    My ex-wife lost custody of my daughter to me when my daughter was 11.
    I paid my ex-wife custody up until my daughter was handed over to me by a court.
    My ex-wife never paid me a cent.  Nothing.  Ever.  And I couldn't get WA state to move against her.  They needed me to provide her SSN to them? They were a government organization who collected support from me.  They had her SSN. 

    So give it a ****ing break.  There are two sides to the lame story.  I don't want to hear it - it's total BS.

    There as some men and women who drop the financial support of their children. 

    Same here.... Raised my daughter from 3 months until majority age.....If I put one ¢ cent/penny on a counter that would be 1¢ more than she ever contributed....

    On the flip side of that, there was zero interaction or interference.....The silver lining....

  9. In FB the only friends we have are people we actually know through living - not online....

    I get friend requests from people that do not seem to have any link with my life, or be friends of friends/have any common connections but don't accept them.....

    Some of my friends happen to also have been/are on ASEAN/TV...

    I probably have met some TV people & have never known it..... It's not a topic I'd start, or ask about, out of the thin air....

  10. 3 hours ago, bkksteve123 said:

    The high humidity makes it feel colder than when it's 16C in Europe.


    I live about 15km from you towards CM and lately the mornings have felt very chilly. No heating inside also makes it not so pleasant to get up from bed and shower. The usual shorts and t-shirt outsit is simply not enough until around 10am.


    I'm enjoying it though!

    Agree, I think it was close to 85% early one morning..... Adds big time to the chill factor....

    I used to live in the sierras & would walk around in shirt sleeves on  20'F mornings outside with snow on the ground to break the ice up in the horse troughs or grabbing wood from the shed....Never bothered me or gave it a thought....

    But, feeling it here....

    • Like 1
  11. I love a good 2 hour oil massage & have a place I still occasionally go....I always get the same gal.... She's very attractive, in shape easy and fun to be around, friendly...Very attentive....


    However, with C19 rearing it's ugly head I've stopped going....I can't see being in a closed, small room with someone that basically has NO say on who she's going to be very close to sharing air several hours of each day.... I'm vaxxed, but have no idea their status or the status of their constantly revolving clientele....Seems like a Covid version of Russian roulette....

    • Sad 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Foexie said:

    Haaaa lovely cats but what the white with black taile done wrong for not getting an extra coat?

    He sheds the coat more than the others....It actually surprises me how easily they accept & wear them....

    He's the only cat that wasn't a baby kitten when he found us (came with a rental house) & he's a bit more independent than the rest....

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