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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. 1 hour ago, Don Chance said:
    You were the shadow to my light
    Did you feel us
    Another start
    You fade away
    Afraid our aim is out of sight
    Wanna see us
    Where are you now?

    Was it all in my fantasy?
    Where are you now?
    Were you only imaginary?
    Where are you now?
    Under the sea?
    Where are you now?
    Another dream....
    The monsters running wild inside of me
    I'm faded
    So lost
    I'm faded
    These shallow waters, never met
    What I needed
    I'm letting go
    A deeper dive
    Eternal silence of the sea
    I'm breathing
    Where are you now?


  2. Always have had a car & cannot see an upside to not having one....

    I like having the armor around me + the A/C is a must, along with not breathing everyone else's diesel/exhaust fumes, the heat and rain.....

    We have 2 cars, an SUV, and a small 4 door sedan....

    We do not have a motorcycle, although our uni daughter does....

    The only time we hire a taxi is to & from an airport....

    The upkeep and operational cost of owning one is minimal compared to the inconvenience of not having one....

    I'm not big on trading armor for mobility, either as a driver or passenger (especially as a passenger).....

  3. Typically for me that could happen within a "broad" inner circle (sports competition their wives would too).... Competing over the years kind of earned that comraderie....

    In the OP's example it would be an unwanted & unwelcome gesture beyond a handshake.... Especially in a bar/tavern/restaurant scene....


    That's before the Covid pandemic changed all the rules.....

  4. 3 hours ago, amexpat said:

    The old blame McDonald's b.s.  Take a bike ride out into the mountains or sticks where you will find many, even mostly, overweight people living hours away from any McD, KFC, etc which they couldn't afford anyway.  But they do have coca cola, fanta, and smoothies with incredible amounts of sugar. Plenty of fattening foods to make them look like UK or OZ girls, too. 

    Chances are there's a 7/11 within reach.... That's where I'd center the "McDonalds" blame game....Those 5 baht goodies readily available for young kids right up through the now conditioned, almost daily, coffee/coke & snack stop....

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    The problem with an elevated tank is that most times the mains water pressure is too low to fill the tank.
    In my housing estate we have many houses with water tanks at ground level, these tanks rarely fill. 
    I have an underground tank, even when the water pressure is just a drip my tank fills overnight. 

    So it acts as a reservoir...Is it a standard tank that has been buried? Or a cement cistern....

  6. Our water supply/system/district has been off for one day a week over the past few weeks & were notified today it will be again tomorrow....

    TIT - it's pretty much how it is....We have a tank and it really hasn't been an issue since we installed the pump and tank....

    We do have well water so my wife's garden will be attended to....


    Want to see an angry Thai wife = accidentally step on one of my wife's plants....


  7. 1 hour ago, big dendrobenaes said:

    HAVE you not been to the Philippines ???????????????!!!!

    Yes - some lovely girls for sure, but nowhere near the beauty ratio as here....

    They age badly, are intensely jealous, & always seem to have a sweaty sheen about them....Possibly diet related.... They're also deeply locked into catholicism + do not offer the ready smiles that Thai people do....

  8. 24 minutes ago, fredscats said:

    Firstly you were taken for an idiot,"as per their instructions"  right,  saw you coming a mile off lol....you paid over odds for visa,paid over the odds for operation at run down state run hospital in Mumbai,  changed airline in India for onward flight to BKK with lower weight limit

     You needed some research,not much tho,Google is your friend

    Had never been to Thailand at that time....Flew in & out of SFO United Airlines via Frankfurt....

    And, obtained the visa as India required....

    The car dropped us at the airport with just enough time to check in....Many people were unhappy with the tarrif....Some discarding stuff, others shipping separately - which we didn't have time to do....The airport had souvenir shops selling a lot of heavy brass/metal bells & trinkets..... Fortunately, we didn't add any weight getting any....We left with the exact same luggage weight we arrived with...

    You keep telling me where I was & where I flew to, what hospital; and to no one's surprise = wrong on all counts.....

    Find someplace else to spout your misguided  nonsense....

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, fredscats said:

    Is this in your dreams?  medical visa?  b.ollocks,tourist visa 6 months 2 visits allowed. Laughable to extreme this statement, "dead bodies in street robbed, after death"  ,how u know they were robbed after death,maybe before ?   ,make believe,  "flew in/flew out scammed " LOL  Think you missed the right dept while there sunshine.

      Just Google or Skype any of private 50 hospitals there in Calcutta, nearest point,see recommendations,surely cannot in Thailand 


    True state run hospitals are overrun and foreigners go there too to for treatment, why oh! why?    ,NHS UK flew out patients there,hip/leg replacements   been myself many times   prostate op 43000 baht quote Th, 700US there,one week private room. India medical hub of the world ( Medifee.com)  How much colonoscopy here in TH   35000baht ish     starts 800 baht there


    But I do know where you landed....Mumbai,bit of a shock,but just Mumbai,  Calcutta  ? clean,ultra modern,really good,fantastic sights too   2 hours away from bkk    5000baht return,when covid allows

    This was in Chennai & everything as stated = happened....

    Flew in from the states...Received the medical tourist visa from their office in SF as per their instructions.... About 2007...

    • Confused 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Isaanlife said:

    Any info on how the hospital works in India if you are just a tourist?

    You have to get a medical visa for entrance to India...

    If you think these hospitals are crowded you're in for a huge awakening at the sea of humanity waiting to be seen in the hospitals there - literally 100's & 100's.... Incredible sight....

    I had opted to have a procedure done there - gall bladder...

    Never again would I opt to go to India, especially after also having surgery here & able to compare services & facilities - hip done here...

    Also beware you may/will be scammed at the airport on the flight out....We flew in with the allowable 50# limit....Flying out you are allowed 40# & taxed on the overage = cost me $400.00 "tax/surcharge/tariff" to take the exact same weight of luggage out that we flew in with ... 

    Horrible place - dead bodies on sidewalks stripped of their clothes...Robbed after death....NO respect for personal space....Traffic that makes the drivers here look good/sane .. .. Misery & dirty everywhere you look....

    • Confused 2
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