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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Pfizer + Pfizer = 6 months until the booster.....Who knows what trail of logic will be defined by then.....
  2. I found Shopee to take too long on delivery - order to door.... Only COD when I order - still have cash stuck in Lazada's wallet from orders the sellers dropped.... Probably at 90%+ Lazada versus Shopee....I will cross check against the other on items that I am unsure of what a reasonable price is.... I'd rather shop locally - Thailand available over feeding China's engine but they're avoiding disclosure of origin... With Shopee there's little doubt of origin....
  3. Yes - there is the contention that under certain conditions the new rear drive tires can push the worn front tires more than their traction ability to hold..... Probably more in adverse climates & conditions, but could happen here when wet or flooded ....
  4. More maintenance than anything else; but bike ride a few kilometers every day.... While riding around I've befriended a couple of dogs who's owner's just upped & moved away....I stop and give them doggie treats, (one I carry some dry food for when I see him), give them a good pet, sit down next to them and rub/pet & talk to them for a few minutes ....They really seem happy for the attention + it makes me feel better for them.... They're nice & friendly dogs, it's too bad they've been cast aside.... Then I come home and hit our home gym for awhile....
  5. Note: tires from 2 different manufacturers can vary in size even though marked as identical sizing - some up to 1.5" in height....Not a huge difference, but if mismatched on the same axle it could damage a 4 wheel drive vehicle, or under an extreme braking/maneuvering/wet/icy conditions it could be a factor..... In my SUV I kissed a curb a few months ago - pop.....I replaced both fronts to have the same tread pattern working for me..... Although there was useable wear remaining on the rear tires I replaced them at the next service interval.... I went from Yokohama to Maxxis & liked the Maxxis tread pattern better....They also looked to be more substantial.... It can be iffy replacing a single tire without a good judgement inspection for an exact matching of actual sizing & matching the tread patterns to get as close a match as possible.....
  6. Currently semi planning to take our 4-6 month RV excursion in the US....It was our normal plan until about 2 years ago (C19).... This might be the last go at doing it this way as I'm tired of paying to have the vehicles stored.... Storage alone has increased 20% over the past couple of years .... Might take an outside shot of getting a Canadian visa for my wife & stay out up to a year....
  7. Personally, I wouldn't trust any sidewall patch - even a hot boot...The sidewalk is designed to roll & flex to keep the tread surface constantly flat against the ground....It could roll that patch right off of there .....
  8. We live south of the city & have had 7 day a week deliveries....It does seem to change with who the delivery service is....
  9. Same here.... Raised my daughter from 3 months until majority age.....If I put one ¢ cent/penny on a counter that would be 1¢ more than she ever contributed.... On the flip side of that, there was zero interaction or interference.....The silver lining....
  10. Yeah - a Filipina I invested about 6-7 years with.... We lived together & talked about marriage, but never became fully engaged ... Trouble is it turned out ----> she already was married.....
  11. In FB the only friends we have are people we actually know through living - not online.... I get friend requests from people that do not seem to have any link with my life, or be friends of friends/have any common connections but don't accept them..... Some of my friends happen to also have been/are on ASEAN/TV... I probably have met some TV people & have never known it..... It's not a topic I'd start, or ask about, out of the thin air....
  12. Basically, it's their newspaper... Relaying news, happenings, needs for volunteering or jobs available within the village family, updates, meetings, funerals, water or road closures, weather, wat doings etc..... It's their daily updates....But a PITA if close to a speaker....
  13. https://www.generalspringkc.com/blog/how-to-give-my-truck-a-smoother-ride/ Here, read through this.....
  14. Kind of a Broke-Back Mountain rendezvous......
  15. Agree, I think it was close to 85% early one morning..... Adds big time to the chill factor.... I used to live in the sierras & would walk around in shirt sleeves on 20'F mornings outside with snow on the ground to break the ice up in the horse troughs or grabbing wood from the shed....Never bothered me or gave it a thought.... But, feeling it here....
  16. I love a good 2 hour oil massage & have a place I still occasionally go....I always get the same gal.... She's very attractive, in shape easy and fun to be around, friendly...Very attentive.... However, with C19 rearing it's ugly head I've stopped going....I can't see being in a closed, small room with someone that basically has NO say on who she's going to be very close to sharing air several hours of each day.... I'm vaxxed, but have no idea their status or the status of their constantly revolving clientele....Seems like a Covid version of Russian roulette....
  17. He sheds the coat more than the others....It actually surprises me how easily they accept & wear them.... He's the only cat that wasn't a baby kitten when he found us (came with a rental house) & he's a bit more independent than the rest....
  18. I used to enjoy the Duke's buffet with all the trimmings & 2 hour seating..... This year it's choose your entree & only one main = turkey OR whatever - not and....Kiss & goodbye like a regular restaurant meal.... Chiang Mai Smoke House has a buffet or delivery....See it's FB page.... Auf der Au has 2 places & great buffet style dining - but don't know about Christmas....FB page might have info.... Wild Hog had a buffet last year - not sure about this year....FB page might tell.. Edit - Wild Hog = yes but almost sold out - have prebook & deposit.... It's not on a main road, so you will need transportation.....
  19. Always a treat to see in person....Even if not by a "name" troupe....Most metro areas have large enough facilities & talent to offer several full stage/orchestral productions....
  20. We had our service/wiring overhauled & upgraded....The electrician sank a 6 foot pole/ground as part of the process.... Hadn't even thought about the "zap" since....
  21. Only if you can't separate the real life guy to the actor.... BWDS
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