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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Note - I intermittent fast.....So breakfast is about 0900 & the 2nd/last meal of the day is at about 1400..... Once used to it, 2 meals a day works out well.... Some days, it's 1 meal - but depends on how the day rolls along, not usually planned.....
  2. This is everything you need to know....The best in CM.....Updates every year Boston University.....Speaks English..... He used to spend 2 weeks CM + practice in Dubai & Japan each month.... I'm not sure with Covid....He uses the latest, most advanced US titanium hips..... Cost me 250k including a big private a Ravajev? Hospital across from the Holiday Inn & around the corner from his office..... I'm not sure if this is his cell or the office....Either way you'll be taken good care of ....
  3. Bacon & homemade garlic french bread - which turned into a sandwich.....Two eggs over hard - broken yolks....Sliced avocado, cucumber, & lettuce with dressing/dips..... <Shared some cucumber slices with the cats>..... A big glass of no fat milk.....The wife had coffee..... Edit/note = no idea why the bold keeps showing up....
  4. A lot of biker riding habits erratically changed when the bikes got faster......In the days of the 90-110CC they were forced to keep left & slow.....Now there's more bob & weave - shoot the gap kamikaze riding going on..... Have to be 360 aware of all angles now....
  5. Congratulations to your wife for all the well deserved, hard earned accolades..... Thailand has many women worthy of distinction.....In truth, the Thai women are the heart and backbone of the nation.... Thank you for sharing with your uplifting post.....The pride that comes through positive accomplishment is the most satisfying..... Good on both of you..... Edit - the bold print somehow magically inserted itself....?
  6. Thai Visa Assist & Star Visa are 2 established, long time services.... I have used both for various services.... Both will give frank, honest answers.... There is a Honda driving/riding school that provides lessons & assistance for licensing..... If you are not used to riding motorcycles/scooters - use extreme caution.....All the good mannered driving codes, habits, & courtesies you observe in other countries are pretty much flagrantly ignored here.....The common sense laws/rules are in place, but there's no enforcement...Thus, the rules ignored....Largely following the one with the most lug nuts = "rules/wins".....
  7. We bought one very much like this through Lazada...The back camera came with it but I didn't want to drop the headliner to route the wiring...It's been flawless for 2+ years = plug & play....This looks like an updated version of the one we have....
  8. If it's the type of heat that stays all night = a/c & ceiling fan....Windows shut.... If it's cooling down at night, then a fan that pulls in the cooler outside air into the room by a window....If sufficiently cooled we shut off the fan by the window & just use the ceiling fan..... We much prefer the air flow/circulation by the ceiling fan, which is centered over the bed.... For some reason I don't like floor fans much - especially if oscillating.... The nicely rippled air from the ceiling fan is soothing + quieter than the tunneled air projection from a floor fan....
  9. More so unavoidable which, over time translates to "acceptable".... Cumbersome cameras are gone.... They've been replaced with Dick Tracy phones / cameras coupled to instantaneous world wide social media.....
  10. Agreed - extremely annoying....One right in the middle of this reply.... Ridiculous....
  11. I've seen them at Home Pro....Looked like oak.....
  12. Hawaii is a nice, scenic place....It is enjoyable for about a week....Two weeks if you island hop..... There's a lot to see and do.... However, island fever is real.....It only takes a short time to take in the sights and local flavor.... I like motoring trips....You can only go in repetitive circles so many times...... Growing up in a state that has virtually everything of natural beauty to offer + hop in a car & drive up to/or well over 20 hours in many directions leaves Hawaii feeling confining after a few trips.... I went there for pleasure as well as sports competitions....After awhile it's wash, rinse, and repeat....
  13. It's pretty obvious that she's been a serial apex abuser all along, making purchases with her body & a quick manipulating mind.,.. She's a highly troubled woman who thinks she's smarter than she really is..... The body language experts have been having a field day at her expense.....
  14. Waiting to see how bad it gets.... We're holding on a 5-6 month August trip before paying for a flight with all the catch as catch can rule & procedure changes.... Once out of storage & on the road we get 8-12 mpg depending on terrain.....Usually we stay 3 days to a week at each area we like....This year we might stay 2 weeks up to a month in each///fewer places & do more extensive local area exploring..... We have/can go 5,000 miles per trip but fuel costs can seriously hamper the miles traveled this year..... Don't forget Calif is considering also levying a per mile tax....One of the first orders of business is getting the vehicles out of CA and registered to a different state... Whenever we get there....
  15. Nope - left out in the heat & diesel fumes for untold days....Flies buzzing & landing while a useless fan holding swinging empty plastic plastic bags around in semi close proximity to dissuade them.. Rim Ping has a butcher counter, Big C #2, or Makro (last).....
  16. Goodspeed computers.....2nd floor of Pantip Plaza.....
  17. Makro has large commercial sizes of rolled parchment paper....The largest I use is about 18" wide.... It's possible they might have the butcher paper available..... Yok on the superhighway seems to be the go to place for all things food prep/cooking related.... I've never been but have seen many referrals for hard to find items....
  18. You have to have a special personality to pull that off....
  19. No - I mask up anytime I/we are out in close proximity to others..... Better to err on the side of safety over "it's my right not to" since I don't know who could be hazardous & who isn't.....Anyone without a mask I give a wide berth... All the Thais around me mask up.... The 3 anti maskers I know in the US ended up hospitalized for 5-7 days & on oxygen for a month afterwards .... I'll trust masking up.....We use the J-K 94-95's.....
  20. Almost everything here is over the counter..... Find the biggest pharmacy close to you & take in the box or punched out wrapper (most will order or have another manufacturer's available) - or - some have great success with an online pharmacy....
  21. I spent 8 years together with a Filipina that, honestly, never met a stranger & would have somebody's life story out of them within minutes of meeting - almost anywhere on earth.... Happenstance, casual, or social - she had that knack..... For me, who's pretty quiet, it was both fascinating & impatience-nating at the same time - I'd just wait it out....Everybody loved her.... My wife can be very sociable & jovial in casual conversation.... She just doesn't care for long, drawn out chit chat or gossip ....
  22. Yep - 100%.....Central Thailand = wide open spaces. Not too many neighbors - but there must have been someone around to talk to..... Actually, her family doesn't seem overly chatty by observation..... It works well for me, as my family wasn't overly out going / chatty either.....
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