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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. If you use their Big C card about once a year they check & ask for a passport number..... I have a different PP number now as I received a new PP, however, I hand them my DL that has my old number & no more questions asked.... I shopped today with no questions asked....
  2. That depends on what side of the planet you are ... Oil is reliable with enough reserves for the next half century.... There isn't enough lithium to strip mine & produce the amount of vehicles needed to populate the world + the electricity needed to keep these vehicles on the road will come from coal/oil/natural gas/nuclear.... Lose lose..... Time for other options to be explored....
  3. This is just the beginning.... In moderate impact accidents they are exploding & scattering shrapnel hundreds feet in all directions.... Bombs on wheels.... Nevermind all the other reasons they are impractical....
  4. Your phone should work on wifi wherever you are..... If you need to use your DTAC for actual phone calls from your Thai number then you need the DTAC roaming.... When in the US I just get a pay as you go phone for US calls & use my Thai phone with wifi.... The go phone can work as a hot spot when needed.....
  5. RIP I'm surprised at the young age to be a member of the queen's guard....I would have thought it would be more a experienced/veteran staffed unit.....
  6. We have a Samsung inverter A/C.....When hitting the mode button one of the modes that shows in the display is "heat"..... I've never checked to see if did anything..... We have a small ceramic heater with a fan.....It does work very well, but I don't think we've used it 20 times in 10+ years.... We're in the CM area....So far the only concession I've made is to wear a nylon baseball shell while riding the bicycle on some evenings.... You know you're semi acclimated when you feel chilly riding and it's 85f/30c out... Update = I tried the heat function, it doesn't do much of anything....It shows 28' on display....It will not set higher than that & the ambient temperature is 26'.....
  7. Has anybody tried to make 2 transfers with a small time gap to complete the 1st one first?
  8. Most Thais that do are working or near their house.... It's considered bad form, just as it is everywhere else.... Twice I been in a vehicle with Thais when they've seen a farang man shirtless walking on the road.....Each time the Thais just burst out laughing....The hairy bodies were found to be hilarious.... It's pretty tasteless & tacky to walk around like that.... It's not a societal norm here....
  9. I cycle every day/evening + workout on our home gym in the morning.... The shirts aren't from size changes as I've worn the same sizes for decades & never allowed myself to be over weight...... The count came when we bought new wardrobes & I was surprised I filled it with some left out.... Contrast that to my wife who has her full wardrobe plus, dresser drawers, and plastic containers in our storage room with full ranges of clothes styles + clothes for a travel wardrobe stashed away until needed.....
  10. Keep the same size...It could throw your module/electronics off....They are calibrated for the correct tire size application.....It could also trigger the check engine/mil light as (for one) the speed-distance sensor would now be out of spec..... It's possible the wrong tire size was a typo.....
  11. Hope everyone does ok...Our MuBaan is raised + the houses are raised about 2 feet above that.... Below us are thousands of rai lowlands with drain off culverts throughout the region.... I'd hate to think of what it would take to inundate the entire area....One of the reasons we picked here.... According to the locals, it's never happened.... ???? ⛵....
  12. Well, you screwed it up now that we've replied, if you're at all curious.... Now you're back to restarting your count.... I can't say I've ever seen that many notifications - I always reset them....
  13. They must have them somewhere because our neighbors have us some her sister grew....So they are somewhere.... My neighbor said Thais don't like them - can't be used for Thai cooking.... We made lemonade.... There's a huge garden, landscaping market behind the Tesco off the super highway just as the highway downsizes into a section with traffic lights.....North of the Central Mall about 3-5 kilos..
  14. True, with seemingly hot water springs & geysers just about everywhere....
  15. I live how I always have..... Out in a country environment, but within 20 miles of a good sized metropolitan area that checks all the boxes..... Thinking back, I grew up when it used to be country-ish about 15 miles out of San Francisco and I've kept the same comfortable pattern....When I want noise, smog, & crowds clamoring to want to be busy; I drive in, enjoy, then drive back home.... Same as I always have....
  16. After having been within 4 miles of the epicenter of the Loma Prieta quake....Seeing streets roll 3-4 feet, houses jump off their foundations, & an entire mountain shift about 40 feet ripping the highway and concrete rebar reinforced medians like paper.... I shudder to think of what can happen here with all the water towers, brick houses & high rises without steel framework, cement power poles, and marginally constructed roads..... A big quake will be catastrophic....The one thing that is good is no underground natural gas pipelines feeding residential and commercial areas....
  17. Passport for what country? For my US I mailed in the form, pics, payment, self addressed prepaid envelope, & old passport = received the new one in 11 days...
  18. My youngest American daughter that I'd raised solo was killed in a car crash 4 months before my move here...We were close & it's her I think of the most.... She's next to my Mom & Dad, who were the best one could hope for....I cared for them both through their final chapter & time took it's normal toll..... I have older daughters in Texas I message + visit when we are there.... There's some cousins in Florida that are 80+....I don't contact them much, but at this age I need to get there for a visit the next time over..... My son in Washington might as well be on a different planet.... We haven't spoken in years..... My family here helps me stay stimulated, active & vibrant....
  19. I got caught without my front license plate mounted - new bumper configuration & I hadn't mounted the plate yet....I showed the plate & new mounting holes not lined up.... The fine was 400Baht....
  20. At last check I had just over 140 shirts hanging in my wardrobe.... About half are tee shirts & old playing jerseys to knock around the house in ..... The other half has a few dress shirts but mostly good quality shirts that are good for about any time wear .... I never wear tee shirts out & about.... Possibly, if I'm driving my daughter to drop her off and I am not leaving the car.... It actually surprised me that I have that many .....
  21. I used to buy designer clothes for work as I wore suits & all the accoutrements that came with them.... It's basically an expensive trap.... Now, it's mostly a good collection of Nike golf shirts & 3/4 length pants for comfort coupled with Reef flip flops....I don't consider any of that "designer".....I do have about 20 shirts I had made here that are nicely original that I sometimes wear.... I do keep a nice suit & some slacks & sport coats along with a tux - they basically waste closet space.... So, basically my answer is no.....That "designer" stuff is for the easily swayed..... My wife is well stocked on Coach & Michael Kors handbags + a few other mid line brands & perfumes - Levi's, etc. from our travels.... She never asks for anything, so it's a small indulgence that makes her feel good.....
  22. We had one soi cat we were tending to away from our street....She was a joy....She was very sick one day & I had her to the pet hospital within 30 minutes.....She died overnight in the hospital ....The hospital offered to have the cat picked up & buried for 100B, probably just a mass grave..... I'm sure they had other possibilities.... You might want to check with your vet..... RIP Brownie..... Other cats are gracing our garden..... There is a neighbor that has an orchard somewhere close by that allows pet burials for 400B....We know this through a neighbor, we have never spoken with her.... There's 3 possibilities.... Some Wats offer cremation services.....
  23. I'm not from the UK, nor have I ever been.... However, I always admired this tiny woman's pillar of strength combined, with quiet dignity, devotion, a human touch, and that twinkle, humor.... RIP dear lady....This world was a better place because you were a part of it.... Thank you.....
  24. I camp here - most national parks..... However - full hookups for campers/RV - elec, black & gray water septic drains are very, very few.....
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