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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Never liked those split lifts.....Although that's about the only style now....
  2. I went for a massage once ... I noticed that my masseuse was a ladyboy while walking back to the rooms.... I spun a u-turn right then & hoofed it out the front door.... That's my ltr with a ladyboy = it must have lasted about 30 seconds.....
  3. Adults used to play at CMU.... I'm not sure about youth leagues.....
  4. We have used Agoda in many countries....100% positive so far.... The Chatrium has served us well as a BBK hotel.....
  5. I bicycle ride about 5-7 kilos almost every night.....I can encounter 5 to 20 dogs.....I buy dog treats from Lazada that I carry in my pocket.....On my route I run into the same ones..... I've made some friends along the way = have 2 dogs I've taught tricks to & 1 Bangkeaw dog whose owner moved away and left with an empty house....If I see him I'll whistle & he'll follow me home and I'll feed him, brush him down, and chat with him for awhile.... He'll often sit on my lap when I sit on the front step & has jumped up in my arms for attention.....Then he goes back to guard "his" house, where he was abandoned..... For the dogs that have proved aggressive - 2 - I just pass by because they will attack other dogs while I'm giving treats....After awhile the aggressive ones just started ignoring me..... However, there is one dog the will chase and bite at my foot .... Treats didn't work, stopping & fronting didn't work, shouting didn't work.... I took a squirt bottle and filled with half half with water & lemon juice.....2 times he's attacked & 2 shots stinging in his eyes sends him cowering off about 20 feet away..... He's now afraid to approach..... I've used this on a couple of others & now I'm also on their ignore list.... Works a charm & educates them without touch or harm or being within snapping distance.... I imagine a 16oz coke bottle with a hole in the cap would squirt just as well and stop them in their tracks too.....
  6. Yes, I've seen a couple of huge trees that had been split by lightning - half lived & the other half blackened & died ....
  7. I had very poor experiences there - like crushed parts from racking & axles that fell out after R&R for servicing CV joints....0 for 2 vehicles....
  8. My wife found some long thin avocados locally at the Buffalo market - San PaTong....They were great, tasty & were 60B a kilo.... I was pleasantly surprised given the high expectations & poor results we experienced with some of the Haas avocado look a likes....
  9. There should be some rubber expansion plugs that can be used....They are designed for stripped drain plugs, inspection plugs, & freeze plugs..... I've used them successfully in the past on the old crappy Ford crankcase plugs..... There is no pressure build up to worry about as the diff splash lubricates..... I'd go to ProAuto on Hang Dong Rd.... Speak to Tonn.... There has to be suppliers here....In the states any Napa Auto or parts store carried them..... There's a few different designs.....One is a push in type where you push a screwdriver into the rubber to stretch/thin the diameter & it pops in & out using the same method....Others have turn bolts that sandwich the plug expanding it to seal..... That's what's shown.... I'm sure there's some other ways others have devised.....
  10. He's got no place to run to & no place to hide.... It's doubtful he will be around very long.....
  11. I eat meal #1 at about 9am - meal #2 by 2pm..... On some days (once every 2 weeks?) my daughter will make some popcorn/french fries for a snack & I will grab some..... After establishing this initial routine/habit I found myself not craving food/snacks.... As a result I have lost about 24 kilos & my BMI is sitting right at 2..... I'm 6'4"/195cm so I wasn't sporting a gut when I started, but I was more rounded.... If I took it to the next stringent levels I probably lose more weight, but right now I feel good and eat anything I want.... The man in the mirror also looks improved... No starving/cravings 98% of the time....
  12. After living with & dating both over decades I'd have to say Thai women are much better than Filipina.... I have lived in both countries & lived with/dated in both countries..... Regular women, along with women of education & accomplishment.... The one caveat is I have never been in the bar scene or gone with a bar girl in either country so I cannot comment from that angle.....I probably missed out on some fun - and probably avoided a sh*tload of trouble.... The Philippines alone would be enough to default away from a Filipina..... I've also had Filipina/Filipino guests here in Thailand for weeks at a time = not one wanted to return to the Philippines....To them, this looked & felt like heaven.... The reasons are myriad....I posted them in great detail a few times waaay in the past & I'm just not going to write another book sized response..... Let the buyer beware (and aware)......
  13. Usually about 3.0mm is at, or close to replacement...2.0 for sure....Unsure whether your car has squealers.... It's a fwd car so the front brakes provide most of the stopping power.... Brakes are a friction device....The thinner they get, the hotter they run & wear down quicker.....You don't want to go into/ruin/score your rotors.... If they are correct you have about 20-25% brake linings remaining....They are close to, or at replacement thickness....
  14. I'm not the person you asked, but I don't drink coffee because I simply can't stand the taste of it ..... But, don't worry, my wife loves it enough for both of us.....
  15. Face it, pre Covid nobody was even thinking to look at/to see if someone was wearing a mask..... I remember some riders wore neck gaiters, which seemed like a good idea....My wife & I have some we pack away for trips..... I think masks became a Covid norm + some discovered some benefit maybe from sun or fumes....Others just didn't want to bother with keeping track of the damn thing and leave it on.... Thailand's % of Covid deaths is small compared to other countries whose people beat on their chests citing their right was to wear/not wear them....While millions were lost..... Our Uni daughter wears one under her high end full face helmet....I don't dissuade her.... If, for some reason a motorcy rider wears one for whatever reason - let them...
  16. So they don't have to spit bugs out at the end of their ride.... Or... Maybe they got comfortable over the last 2 years against fumes or as an easy face shield.... It's become a life "norm"......
  17. Intermittent fasting brought the weight down to 95 from 117 (195cm)....We eat about 9:30am and 2pm.... The wife raises veggies & fruits in our small garden & makes sure I eat my "greens". I bicycle about 5k in the evenings saying hi to the neighborhood puppy's & teach them a few tricks with doggie treats.... I bought a home gym and workout 6 days a week + a few light dumbbells - sometimes 2 a day = Sundays off....Nothing overly strenuous & reps of 40-60-100 go by quickly depending on which exercise.....At first I was using less reps with heavier weights but I didn't like stretching the machine cables too much.... Breakfast usually is the standard eggs, bacon, toast, veggies.... I make our bread & make our large pizzas 2x large baking sheets.... No smoking....Saturday nights we'll karaoke accompanied by some Rum & Coke.... Weeding sugar and coke Zero out of my life....Water works just fine.... I ride the bike rather than walk because for too many years or rigorous team sports (until 71) have worn the knees & hips to a frazzle.... I've done 1 hip replacement & really want to avoid doing the other hip & a knee....They don't bark unless I over stress them....The bike seems like the best alternative..... Daily vitamins & that's about it..... Not as much as some do, but more than others.... At 74 = still flexible & no real aches and pains.... Pulse rate at 58 which is unchanged over the years - I take that as a good sign = less wear & tear..... I generally avoid most fried foods....
  18. Lazada has some choices....
  19. Shouldn't just about any eye drops used in support for contact lenses work? They usually have something for eye irritation....
  20. I hope not = I hate those other 4.....???????? Jim Rohn was a required seminar in many Foutune 500 companies back in the day (mine included).... Without Googling I think one series was Adventures in Achievement.....
  21. I've bought large items over 12k baht + (as well as more than 100 other items)....Never anything additional charges tacked on.....
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