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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. There is one brand of mosquito repellent that seems to work well. THIS STUFF does the job for us. We put it on in the early morning and it the later afternoon. It's a 'roll-on' application so easy to use, and there seems to be no need to completly cover the skin. Rolling on a stripe front, back, and sides, of legs and arms, and a quick ring around the neck keeps us bite-free.

    I caugt Dengue twice, but both times down in the southern islands. Both times were a horror so I made sure never to catch it again! It tried 100% Deet stuff from the US, but that got to be too strong and was irritating. The Thai stuff smelled better too!

    Where you get that from ???

  2. Have you not seen the video it clearly shows the girl paraded naked with the exception of her undergarment (bottom only) the video also shows her chest area which looks just like her poor back no resemblance of breast just a burnt mess (I read they cut off her nipples as well as her ear lobes) the video in no way sexual in any way but certainly heart wrenching that this poor girl was subjected to this torture and now it continues by being paraded in front of men taking pictures of her in public which is VERY INSENSITIVE with no consideration for the girls privacy.

    I hope this SCUM is caught and the THAI MOB attitude takes over and KILLS these 2 MFer's


    • Like 1
  3. Two options that I know of, one at the pool belonging to the development where the entrance to the US Consulate residential compound is (near Kad Farang in Hang Dong), and then another option is an English lady who's a teacher at Hana International Kindergarten; she's a nice lady an an excellent teacher. She's at the pool of one of the developments on the Canal Road South of the Samoeng intersection (Possibly Home in Park), or the one next to it. Latter costs a little more (not outrageous though) and may also get you better results.

    I can get contact info and phone numbers if you like.

    Winnie the one by the American compound has been closed for quite some time (Year at least) and the lady that was there is the one I am refering and has moved to another pool in HANG DONG and continued her business.

    • Like 1
  4. He said American Breakfast in the thread if he had said American food I would of said Mc Donalds smile.png

    Come in lots of Yanks eat over at Robs and swear by it I even had lunch with a good American friend the other day and only heard raving compliments from him and Rob does do a copy of Jimmie deans Sausage patties

    Topic Title. rolleyes.gif Good American Food. laugh.png

    THREAD STARTED OFF WITH Good American BREAKFAST rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

  5. He said American Breakfast in the thread if he had said American food I would of said Mc Donalds :)

    Come in lots of Yanks eat over at Robs and swear by it I even had lunch with a good American friend the other day and only heard raving compliments from him and Rob does do a copy of Jimmie deans Sausage patties

  6. I guess that I'm old fashioned, in that I have installed and re-finished in person hardwood floors for the last 33 years. I tell people the truth, not what they want to hear or what will sell the job, and expect that my craftsmanship will sell itself. I have never had to use advertising for my business and I have always been booked up at least 4 weeks in advance. If this company is going to succeed, it will be from work of mouth, not from advice from a PR company or a consultant.

    That is my point also and perhaps I didn`t explain properly?

    My meaning is, give the customers what they want, what they would expect to hear and expect to see in a cheery way., a service that is tailor made for them, all on the level of course.

    I do know that in Chiang Mai there has for years been a desperate need for a decent real estate agent that property sellers, buyers and renters can trust and have faith in. Unfortunately it appears that this is still yet to happen.

    I understood EXACTLY what you meant Beetle

    Plain english

  7. Can we get away from the National stereotyping. As a reader I do not care where the OP came from. Yes he did have a pr FAIL on this topic. Maybe from language or cultural misunderstanding but a customer service oriented business should always try not to dictate to its potential customers.

    Maybe the site with tweaking will work maybe not....it will live or die on how the oP relates to his potential customers not on his nationality or that of his wife or for that matter how good or bad the site is.

    His wife is thai he was joking chill out Arry biggrin.png

  8. @DiamondKing, if you judge peoples because of their nationality then you are already on my I don’t like you list. I think you have a problem with your attitude, not me.

    @Beetlejuice, sells persons who say they tell the customer what he wants to hear, I never like them, not my still in the last 15 years and will never be. Honesty is the success from today and not lie.

    Well I didnt like you first biggrin.png and its not because of your nationality which I now know is Russian, but your right i don't like Russians either so we are on the same page,

    The only reason I mentioned Germans is in my 30 years of traveling the world and coming into contact with many many Germans I can honestly say that I only ever liked ONE, so I am speaking from vast experience of my personal contact with germans and they come across very much like you do.

    As for your business let me give you some friendly advice FIND SOMEONE TO POST HERE WHO IS LESS BRASH and can come across a a friendly personable person and let them build your business for you, as you sound like you should be kept in the back room away from the public, when people are using your business you should be polite courteous and service orientated and that means DROP THE ATTITUDE it might work in Russia but it wont work here.

    have a great day


    • Like 1
  9. the OP sounds GERMAN

    Are you German ????

    It would explain your attitude and the way you come across as arrogant I certainly would never use your site because f the way you have presented yourself here.

    SOME people shoot themselves in the foot before they even get started rolleyes.gif

  10. I'm in the middle of my first ever attempt at making yoghurt, following the advice from this thread - thanks to all posters. One thing I wasn't sure about is after you add the starter yoghurt, do you keep the mixture in an airtight container, or should it be ventilated?



    Airtight container room temp for 7 hours or so (I left overnight) then refrigerate and enjoy

  11. Yes.

    Researchers at Chiang Mai University in Thailand announced in 2011 that they have finally, after decades of research, managed to develop the world's first vaccination against dengue fever.Fitting, because Chiang Mai has a real dengue problem and around 200,000 people per year contract the mosquito-borne virus in Thailand.

    First discovered in 2011, the new vaccine is currently undergoing testing and approvals which, unfortunately, are expected to take around 10 years.

    Of course they don't report it much because it would hurt tourism.

    Yes I have had it once before and SAUSAGE KING just had a serious bout with it but he now swears by an indian remedy of Papaya leaf Juice which I can tell you tastes absolutely aweful HOWEVER he says it had an immediate effect on his blood count and the doctor was amazed

    Im sure when Rob sees this he will give his take on it


  12. Yep I learned a lot I learned that I don't like the attitude of western women and I much prefer the asian mentality of taking care of the breadwinner and the close family ties within.

    Would never ever marry a westerner again because I am happily Married for 7 years with a FANTASTIC thai family that takes care of me and me of them.



    PS Im a self admitted Chauvenist Pig and I like it that way a women's place is in the kitchen

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