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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Or.... you can just rent.

    Yes you can but I think thre is so much BS out there about how you cannot own (which you cannot) but there is a way you are fully protected at least to be able to control the property until your death or 50 years and that is with an INSUFRUCT so if you are a 45-60 year old and know you want to stay here then this is a good option and while you may NOT be able to sell and get your money back (without the wifes co-operation) you can enjoy your purchase without worrying about being thrown out and losing everything.

    Of course if your stupid enough to buy in the wifes village in the middle of know where then you might not want to be living there all alone best buy in a nice city so if it goes tits up you are least are in a palce you can continue with your life without her and enjoying the property you bought.

  2. Utter CROCk mate your wife can buy land in her married name in fact I just did the same thing and the Chanote is in the wifes MARRIED NAME in addition to that you can also get your name on the Chanote via a INSUFRUCT (which I have) which can be for any amount of years you wish or for your Lifetime

    What this does is give you FULL CONTROL of the property and enjoyment of the fruits of the property she however owns th eproperty but you have the right of enjoyment for the amount of years the insufruct is for if lifetime its until you die.

    if you split she is the one that has to leave since you have full control of the property and you can even rent it out and keep the rent until the end of the Insufruct.

    this does not stop her from selling the property but no one will be interested when they see the INSUFRUCT stamped on the back of the chanote with your name on it

    If you had a lifetime insufruct upon your death it reverts back to the owner (your wife) if you did it for 10 year 20 or 30 after that term it reverts back.

    If you are not legally married to your thai wife then the INSUFRUCT cannot be cancelled in any way until its term ends however if you are married legally it could be terminated after a divorce court battle but it has to not have a third party involced so if you as the insufruct owner leasei it to your kids that then messes up the legal status and the cours cannot overturn the original insufruct.

    If your wife dies then you have 12 months to sell the property or tranfer to your kids or other thai family member.

    That is the best way to protect your interests in purchasing a thai property other than not purchasing at all.


    • Like 2
  3. If you are in the medical profession, I expect that you know that Katoeys are a higher risk group for HIV transmission, and presumably practice safe sex. What concerns me is the number of 'straight' men on forums who openly admit that they refuse to wear a condom with working girls, but I'm sure none of those guys would also be banging Katoeys, would they ? Particularly thrilling when these same 'straight' men try to tell me that it's none of my business if they want to have unprotected sex with anyone that takes their fancy - apparently the risk of HIV transmission are being exaggerated by the 'HIV industry'. Interesting thought processes at work there.

    apparently the risk of HIV transmission are being exaggerated by the

    'HIV industry'. Interesting thought processes at work there

    Thats because its true the highest risks are intravenous drug users closely followed by Gays and yes it is exaggerated and lots of fear mongering its extremely hard for a man to catch HIV from a women

  4. So what you guys are saying is I can go and do all that since I entered Thailand on 12 Jan and tommorow is 12 March so that is 2 months I can then go to Immigration with all the paperwork and get it sorted and then on April 11th the Month wait will begin but in the meantime I can get a rentry permit to leave 5th April return 12 April

    Am I understanding it correct

  5. Its April 11th but I have to leave right around the 5th the money has been in the since Jan 1st so its right a the same time I have to leave so if I have to wait for the extension for a month and have to leave for 6 days can I apply and then get an exit permit to do the 6 day trip ???? else I guess I am back to square 1

  6. OK I got my O visa based on Marriage early Jan and money was in the bank maturing so now I have an issue

    1.) How long does the money need to be in the bank ? I thought 3 months bu someone said if you have 3 times the amount it is just 2 can someone clarify that

    2.) I have to leave Thailand early April and someone said even when I apply for the Marriage extension they are not going to give it me right away and I have to wait and go back and get it so my question is AM I STUCK HERE or can I get an exit and rentry permit without losing the extension by marriage since I have to leave for 6 days and have no choice

    thanks in advance

  7. From Meechok PLaza go over the lights toward Hang Dong there is a massive building project on your left you take a very small turning on the left lots of little signs tied to the post for land and house for sale take that left and head down road and it will bend to the right take the left hand turn, you should see a sausage king sign as you take that left then just head down that road and follow the Sausage king signs.

    i MADE A MAP


    • Like 1
  8. Not sure what Sausage King is.

    For the longest time I was under the impression that it was a source of package products in the markets. Now I see they are promoting a restaurant.

    If they are still doing the package thing in the super markets it occurred to me that perhaps a meal at the restaurant made up of samples of the many products would be well worth the trouble to me to get over there and check it out.

    I doubt Rob would go to the trouble just to please you in order to "trouble you to get over there and check it out." He's got better things to do with his time. Don't hold your breath.

    I see you continue to suffer under the impression that the whole world is like you.

    Not true thank God/ Buddha/ Allah

    I think a lot of people would be interested in a meal that gives them a sample of all the products available in the supermarket.

    Just the other day I was in Rimping and they were handing out about 4 different kinds of products. People appreciate having a taste of a product before they buy it. This way he could satisfy them and make a little money on it.

    It in my mind would be a good advertisement for him in promoting his supermarket products.

    You should look on google you would be surprised at how many people are not like you.

    Well why not go multiple times LOL its only about 99 baht a meal you can afford that cant you :) that way you can sample as much as you like

    • Like 1
  9. OH OK thats alright then rolleyes.gif cant say I have ever taken another guy to the toilet and measured C (oops cant say that word) but you know what I mean

    Doing that has gotta be Gay though for sure biggrin.png

    Not at all.

    Another night in another bar.....dont get the wrong opinion of me here......well, I was doing my best 'puppetry of the penis' interpretation and the bar owner...a friend...and male....not gay....but has been with a ladyboy or 2....it was an accident he said.....anyway he grabbed my penis and said there was nothing to be scared of to all the girls that were oohing and arrghin.....

    So I know he is not gay and I certainly am not gay.

    NOPE YOU ARE definately Gay with your stories LOL or maybe you guys dont know it yet but that is not normal biggrin.png

    Well it might not be normal...I'll give you that....but, its not gay.

    Ok it must just sound gay diddums wink.png

  10. OH OK thats alright then rolleyes.gif cant say I have ever taken another guy to the toilet and measured C (oops cant say that word) but you know what I mean

    Doing that has gotta be Gay though for sure biggrin.png

    Not at all.

    Another night in another bar.....dont get the wrong opinion of me here......well, I was doing my best 'puppetry of the penis' interpretation and the bar owner...a friend...and male....not gay....but has been with a ladyboy or 2....it was an accident he said.....anyway he grabbed my penis and said there was nothing to be scared of to all the girls that were oohing and arrghin.....

    So I know he is not gay and I certainly am not gay.

    NOPE YOU ARE definately Gay with your stories LOL or maybe you guys dont know it yet but that is not normal biggrin.png

  11. I'm totally gay and have no sexual interest in ANY ladyboy no matter the plumbing! I don't even want to know. Ladyboys are mostly for straight men.

    So straight men are Gay ?? blink.png how are they straight if they go with Ladyboys with cocks Im confused now too biggrin.png

    You are not allowed to use the word cock on TV.

    I know of a member that got banned for using the word cock.

    If I was you I would edit your post.

    Bit late now since its been quoted several times but I dont see any rule that says that I guess I could of said tackle or a variety of other references but it would just mean the same and I had to clarify because if they did not have a C%$#ck then they would not be gay (or would they I am still confused) so thanks for the warning if you can direct me to the rule that disallows that word let me know and I can abide by it for the next time.

  12. So he isn't making any threats, or you are just not saying that he is?

    rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif I have no idea what your talking about read the above again and try and understand that I was joking I even made it really clear for people uncapable of reading past the smiley face

  13. Wow. Are you saying your friend is now threatening to shoot people on top of the normal suing threats???

    Maybe when we have an offending product or service,we could use an anagram,

    so at least some of us could work out who the OP is talking about?, could that work

    and be within the laws of ThaiVisa and Thailand.

    Thats why Politicians,Companies here in Thailand can get away with so much,because

    you cannot criticize,complain,even if you are 100% correct,if you still move forward with

    your complaint ,very good chance you will be sued,or get shot, depending who you upset !

    regards Worgeordie

    EXACTLY so lets all drop it we dont want anyone shot or sued over a watery curry smile.png

    It is VERY clear reading the comments that most here like the said companies products and I know which company we are talking about and the comments support that its products are generally EXCELLENT what might be needed is a bit more acceptance of critisim by the owner the but to be fair the prices they charge and extremely good value and you get a lot for your money, as for the steak comment I would never buy imported steak here because it going to be FROZEN and expectations cannot be too much especially from a cafe style restaurant if you want a good steak go to chez Marco you get it medium and that is it if you want it well done they will not do it because it ruins the steak so to expect a lot from a cafe style restaurant that does not have a trained chef is asking a bit much me thinks.


    LOL YOUR A BIT SLOW huh smile.png if you read the post above mine it was implied people get sued or shot I was merely making a light hearted Joke but I guess you cant follow that.

    Just to be clear to people of limited brain power I am not saying anyone is threatening to sue or to shoot anyone LOL

    Man you just gotta love some people hahahaha


  14. Maybe when we have an offending product or service,we could use an anagram,

    so at least some of us could work out who the OP is talking about?, could that work

    and be within the laws of ThaiVisa and Thailand.

    Thats why Politicians,Companies here in Thailand can get away with so much,because

    you cannot criticize,complain,even if you are 100% correct,if you still move forward with

    your complaint ,very good chance you will be sued,or get shot, depending who you upset !

    regards Worgeordie

    EXACTLY so lets all drop it we dont want anyone shot or sued over a watery curry smile.png (JOKE in case dimwits take it seriously)

    It is VERY clear reading the comments that most here like the said companies products and I know which company we are talking about and the comments support that its products are generally EXCELLENT what might be needed is a bit more acceptance of critisim by the owner the but to be fair the prices they charge and extremely good value and you get a lot for your money, as for the steak comment I would never buy imported steak here because it going to be FROZEN and expectations cannot be too much especially from a cafe style restaurant if you want a good steak go to chez Marco you get it medium and that is it if you want it well done they will not do it because it ruins the steak so to expect a lot from a cafe style restaurant that does not have a trained chef is asking a bit much me thinks.


  15. There is nothing wrong with Russians, there is something wrong with some peoples attitude bah.gif

    Thats cos your German smile.png very similar so makes sense your Ok with them. (not to mention your married to one smile.png
    ...well,DK...there is nothing wrong with Russians...they just love to party while on vacation....who doesn't ??!! smile.png

    ...them moving in,is another thing...tongue.png

    Nope cant comment as you can see my comment was deleted LOL
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