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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. A few of the fish I caught recently in Chiang Mai in my lake. Not monsters by any stretch, but fishing is fishing...

    You have your OWN fishing lake ???

    Nice looking fish

  2. Your right these guys could not get any decent girl back home. Lack of wit, charm, looks ect. So here the girls accept considerably lower standards they can get something decent. Be it by paying a montly fee or something like that.

    To want to get a decent farang girl you have to find them attractive first ? I have no interest

    like I said I left many moons ago and have had a pretty good experience of women around the world and i like asians period got nothing to do with whether I am witty or charming etc because if you knew me you would know i am very witty charming and not a bad looking geezer either albeit a bit overweight biggrin.png

    Each to their own, the thread is about getting it for free but to me you pay one way or the other whether its a direct payment or indirect taking them out to dinner and a few drinks your still paying for it (ie when you wake up next morning your pocket is still light either way you do it, SO IT AINT FREE no matter which way you choose to look at it )

    So a girl hasn't liked you / wanted you enough to insist on paying for dinner, or her own dinner, taxi fares, cinema tickets, coffee etc then?


    No I don't allow women to pay when they are my guests but I guess all the cheap charlies on here would be trying to get dinner for free too rolleyes.gif

  3. Your right these guys could not get any decent girl back home. Lack of wit, charm, looks ect. So here the girls accept considerably lower standards they can get something decent. Be it by paying a montly fee or something like that.

    To want to get a decent farang girl you have to find them attractive first ? I have no interest

    like I said I left many moons ago and have had a pretty good experience of women around the world and i like asians period got nothing to do with whether I am witty or charming etc because if you knew me you would know i am very witty charming and not a bad looking geezer either albeit a bit overweight biggrin.png

    Each to their own, the thread is about getting it for free but to me you pay one way or the other whether its a direct payment or indirect taking them out to dinner and a few drinks your still paying for it (ie when you wake up next morning your pocket is still light either way you do it, SO IT AINT FREE no matter which way you choose to look at it )

  4. Man you must of been desperate who the hell wants to have sex with Germans English and other farangs that look like the local Buffalos and weight about the same LOL

    In my experience, people who describe Western womens' characteristics in this way do so because they're bitter that these women were all that was available to them back in their homelands. There are quite a few attractive Western women in and around the bars and cafes in Bangkok.

    I know several rather average-looking men of modest means back in London who by virtue of charm and confidence regularly land women way out of their league by conventional - if rather shallow - aesthetics measures.

    If you've got "it", you've got it; if you ain't, you ain't.

    Can't be me mate I left the UK 28 years ago traveling the world so I left when I was 20 and lived in multiple countries during that time smile.png for me I am way happy here, I don't find farang women attractive neither in looks (unless she is a 10) and i ESPECIALLY don't like the attitude of them and that can be general because of the way it is in the west these days. I prefer the old fashioned attitude so that makes me a chauvinist pig which I am ok with smile.png I earn the bucks they take care of me WIN WIN

  5. *sigh* poor bugger. . .Sorry for traumatising your sensibilities.

    Hope you offer the local lovelys more charm than you appear to have on this forum, as we wouldnt wish trauma upon them either.,would we. . . smile.png

    edit: in reply to post 35

    Thats OK Eek and I accept your apology biggrin.png

  6. Man you must of been desperate who the hell wants to have sex with Germans English and other farangs that look like the local Buffalos and weight about the same LOL

    Never even looked at a farang bird or even thought about sex with one in 7 years being here

    Man I'm traumatized just thinking about it

    • Like 1
  7. I paid 23,500 USD in BWT in 2006. The dog owners (or the people feeding them, but denying owning them) were my biggest complaint. Then the fee was 250 THB. I wouldn't touch it again with a barge pole. Local scene around there now gets about a 2, on a scale of 1-10. With the extra money you will spend on a car, or heaven forbid taxis, you could buy a condo in a much more convenient location. Couldn't get out of Riverside fast enough in 2004, and haven't been back on the premises since. If it wouldn't rent for 1% of purchase price per month, don't go near it. I didn't mind paying for the pool, and the jet noise wasn't too bad.


    The local scene is better since the Dog and Bone opened and is a pretty busy place just up the road from BWT good food good company and a nice place to hang out very close to BWT and great since you dont have to go into town to have a beer

  8. Haha was just about to post the same request and saw yours LOL


    The request for stamped concrete or maple syrup?

    Stamped concrete biggrin.png I just sent them en email asking about cost since I have no idea on cost

    Yes I heard best to mix in the color for longevity although seems the company mentioned does not do it that way


    • Like 1
  9. No follow-up from the OP. We still don't know if CM Properties or the owner of the property increased the price. It seems more likely it was the owner, and there isn't a lot CM Properties could do about that.

    Its a slick way of getting leads you advertise the price Low for a nice house so it looks like a deal when contacted you know they are looking for a home the one you put up as bait you tell them the price has gone up but you then work on finding them something that fits with their budget. Looks like this one got pissed off but most would just say what else do you have that is similar or this is what I am looking for.

    Maybe not on the up and up but I am sure it works well for them since you see some say they are great and some think they suck


    • Like 1
  10. Who Cares, if you got married to the right lady and have a fairly normal relationship with a normal thai women who cares about her children just leave it to your kids its not like you would throw them out on the streets even if you could sell so its a mute point with me the house is for my kids and family if we split I will be happy to know my kids are taken care of and are living in a nice place with their family and Dad wont be far away in a cheap rented room biggrin.png so I can still see them regularly and be part of their life

    Not forgetting some of these 'normal' Thai women send their daughters to work in Pattaya or sell them for 2000bht. Then there are the 'normal' Thai women who gamble, can't manage money, or take loans out on their homes for foolish family business ventures ........

    The best way to buy a house for your children, is to buy it in their name, with you as the 'manager'..

    Who Cares, if you got married to the right lady and have a fairly normal relationship with a normal thai women who cares about her children just leave it to your kids its not like you would throw them out on the streets even if you could sell so its a mute point with me the house is for my kids and family if we split I will be happy to know my kids are taken care of and are living in a nice place with their family and Dad wont be far away in a cheap rented room biggrin.png so I can still see them regularly and be part of their life

    Not forgetting some of these 'normal' Thai women send their daughters to work in Pattaya or sell them for 2000bht. Then there are the 'normal' Thai women who gamble, can't manage money, or take loans out on their homes for foolish family business ventures ........

    The best way to buy a house for your children, is to buy it in their name, with you as the 'manager'..

    Hmmm tommo sounds like you have your hands full

    I actually mean someone not like that,

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