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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. I don't hit my kids and they are fully instructed that NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY lays a hand on them and should anyone hit them they will have me on them, faster than a fly on shit.

    My kids are very well behaved and have NEVER BEEN BEAT so if you think you need to beat kids to make them behave maybe you need to take parenting classes to show you where you are going wrong.

    As for teachers or strangers putting hand on my kids I would flip if I dont put my hands on my kids you can be damn well sure nobody else has a right too


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  2. The truth is he was in a war zone. In all likely hood shot by the army.

    Whats the big deal reporters are killed all over the world when they enter war zones.

    It is part of the risk that goes with the job.

    I believe that in actuality it is a high death rate that they suffer.

    The truth is an egomaniac started and financed an armed rebellion in which people on both sides got killed.

    Happens the world over. the difference being here in Thailand the instigators are using it as a ploy to avoid their part in it.

    HMMMM interesting point of view you have there MILITARY vs UNARMED CIVILIANS yes i can see how you would call that a WAR zone have you seen the video ??? none in that video that were being shot at were armed NOT ONE rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

    "UNARMED CIVILIANS" Most were , some weren't. The red leaders led their followers into a dangerous situation, where they knew some would be injured or killed. All this just so they could have propaganda. And you have fallen for it.

    The fact is plain and straight THE GUY WAS TARGETED AND SHOT THROUGH THE HEART he was UNARMED as were ALL THOSE AROUND HIM that can BE CLEARLY SEEN in the video for those that WANT TO OPEN THEIR EYES and see the real truth.

    Its irrelevant about men inblack etc because the SHOOTER COULD CLEARLY SEE THEY WERE SHOOTING UNARMED CIVILIANS PERIOD

    There is NO EXCUSE FOR THAT NO WAY NO HOW whichever way you want to look at it.

  3. The truth is he was in a war zone. In all likely hood shot by the army.

    Whats the big deal reporters are killed all over the world when they enter war zones.

    It is part of the risk that goes with the job.

    I believe that in actuality it is a high death rate that they suffer.

    The truth is an egomaniac started and financed an armed rebellion in which people on both sides got killed.

    Happens the world over. the difference being here in Thailand the instigators are using it as a ploy to avoid their part in it.

    HMMMM interesting point of view you have there MILITARY vs UNARMED CIVILIANS yes i can see how you would call that a WAR zone have you seen the video ??? none in that video that were being shot at were armed NOT ONE rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

  4. There is VERY STRONG rumors that DB COOPER has been spotted in Chiang Mai

    Talking to some very credible drunks in the Bar last night they assure me he is enjoying the sites of Chiang Mai

    Who else have you heard rumors is in town

  5. I had never had a donner kabab before coming to Thailand, but have been told the ones at Zoe in Yellow are pretty authentic and they taste good to me. What do the experts think?


    The ones we are talking about are Lamb never seen one in the 8 years I have been here this is the first time I had one that was remotely like one back home in the UK.

    I enjoyed the DONER kebab today at Sausage King Gardent Restaurant. I used to make them 30 years ago (had a chip shop and kebabs) and while Robs was very good I said to him I could not place what was missing from it we had a chat about the Lamb and that is when I realized what it was, Doner is made from the underbelly of Lambs the fatty part either side as they slit the stomach open, it has lots of fat and Rob used pure lamb because the bellys were not available here in Thailandit was still really tasty but very lean and could of done with a lot more fat in it but certainly I am not complaining.

    Looking forward to the next one.

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  6. Unfortunately for me I would not be able to stand by while that was happening and would take immediate action and take the guy out, I realize that I would be putting myself at risk but as a man I could not live with myself watching a man beatin on a woman when i had the power to help.

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  7. I was just in Makro today and seen this Copia fish, but did not buy because it did not look very appetizing,as it was a brownish colour,and looking it up on Google it says its an oily fish,while Cod is not except for the livers, I have tried NZ Hokki,Alaska Pollock both from Makro and they also had an oily after taste,so the wife had to eat them ,she who will eat anything !, So Mekong Bob did it have an oily taste?

    Does not sound like it is Cobia then since Cobia is a white chunky meat similar to cod

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  8. COBIA is ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS when i lived in Belize when the fishermen caught a cobia it was NEVER SOLD but kept because it is that tasy had no idea it was in Macro and will be sure to pick some up I resume its in the frozen section, is it labelled in thai or english


    There are TWO restaurants in town where COD is on the menue.

    Yummy is B210 for COD & Chips and Monkey Kitchen is B239 for their US East Coast version of Fish & Chips with COD.

    Yummy is best for us Brits. Onest.

    If SK follows his plans there will be THREE.


    Why oh Why should COD not be on sale in CM ?


  9. Well the Citylife article about this is up and it seems like they have a positive solution at the end... not sure if I can link it here, but it shouldn't be hard to find for yourself.

    Yes get over and READ that article and I suggest all of you that have been hit get together and ALL GO TO PHUPING police staion together with your evidence and file charges against this AD guy the Police big shot said if you do that they can take action however nobody has reported him yet so sounds like they will do something if you actually file a complaint

    In addition it was also said you can ALL SUE him

    The Police have made it VERY CLEAR do not give them anything unless they have proper paperwork which they wont have since RTP of BKK sent a memmo to all districts in chaing mai to NOT hit any business's for this type of infraction.


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  10. Its fkin pathetic when you try to BAN something that grows naturally in the wild just think about that for a second and how stupid it really is and yes i am talking about weed as well even though I am not a smoker of it.

    Now I understand if something is manufactured like cocaine and that is understandable but a natural plant or herb that has grown on the earth since time began NOW THAT IS REALLY bordering on the insane and there is an obvious reason for that which is most likely money.

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  11. Fk that shit dont eat this don't eat that excercise yada yada yada I really dont care I see super fit people dropping down dead on footbal fields my gran smoked like a trooper ate bacon and eggs every day and lived to a rip old age of 83 my Dad smokes like a trooper drinks every single day eats a good english diet and for as long as I can remember and is 70 years old, I really think if you worry about what to eat you wont be able to eat or do anything cant drink etc etc whats the point life is for living not worrying about what your eating every minute and you are a prime example, your trying hard and you still found out your not healthy

    If your time is up mate its up no matter how it is coming and for me I am going to enjoy every day eat what I like and if I peg it so be it I have had a great life and i don't have to eat like a rabbit

    Im off to MCDonalds for Big Mac and Fries

    btw, it would help if you read what I'd posted - I never said I wasn't healthy. I'm just interested in staying healthy. For every story "my gran ate rubbish and smoked like a chimney and lived till 90" there are millions of people conking out before their time for that very reason, so please respect the fact we don't all think like you and that doesn't make you any cleverer than the rest of us.

    LOL Okaaaaaay no one said I was any cleverer than the rest of you your words dude Im just saying you were trying hard but still had medical issues I dont have none of that on my last check up and I dont worry about what I eat drink I JUST LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST hope you get better soon biggrin.png

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