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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. I sent an e-mail to the company in question. They replied by stating that they've not had a complaint in six years. I've only heard of them for about a year through advertisements on this site. They suggested that I bought a curry from one of their competitors and I had made a mistake. I sent them a reply that I am certain that the curry I purchased was theirs and reiterated to them why I am dissatisfied. I am still awaiting their response.

    Based on how busy the said companies business is and expanding all the time, I would tend to agree with them and the fact they are expanding like crazy would indicate the vast majority of customers love their products, and if it were my business i would just put you down as you cant please everyone, and while 90 people might LOVE your products there will always be those that do not like the product or have alterior motives to put a successful company down.

    90 out of 100 satisfied customers is pretty great 100% would be better but not realistic.

    If you don't like their curry you don't have to buy it again smile.png

    I love their food by the way curries included.


  2. I would never recommend getting in a car with them since a friend who owns a bar who's wife is an absolute sweetheart got in the car to go to the Police station and had to fight off being sexually abused all the way until being very clear that she was not going to put up with that, it does not change the fact that they already had already touched her inappropiately.

    If you do have to go for whatever reason make sure its never alone always make sure several people go but like someone said what if you refuse.


  3. Yes that is correct, I heard about it the other day and certainly looks like THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING also met 4 other Russians who were on holiday in soi 2 the other night, since I had heard about the bar I asked if they were the same and they said no just on holiday so that is 2 lots of Russian reports in less than a week.

    Maybe the new real estate agent knew something we did not LOL at least his wife will come in useful


  4. Sounds like a production issue more than anything else.

    So the logical thing to do is contact the vendor, and let him deal with it.

    Huffing and puffing on an online forum is not too productive.

    Huffing and puffing or bringing awareness? I'll take your pearl of wisdom on board and contact XXXXXXX XXX for what it's worth and post their response.
    Sounds like your on a bit of a Mission LOL why would you want to contact XXXXX and then post his response here SOUNDS FISHY LOL

    Why not just contact them and NOT post there response here

  5. Just had some interesting information from a friend. He said that one of his friends who runs a small jewelry and clothing manufacturing and sales outlet got hit for 50,000 Baht. The strange thing was they don't even have a radio or TV in the place and they don't play any music. The charge was for music that was on their computer , so it was said.

    Anyone know of anything like this???? Cripes I don't play music or have a public radio or Tv,but sometimes I sing in the shower..... do you think that would be a problem.

    Is this this legal or not ??? With all the publicity this thing has generated, you would think if it was totally a scam some police body would have cracked down by now. You know , that you try and do your best to be aware of all licenses and permits needed and then somebody comes up with something like this and its hits you out of the blue.

    Excuse me, but what gives them the right to enter private property and look at your computer without a search warrant?? There could be valuable proprietary information on that computer!

  6. Fedex is notorious for this use a different company and ship in smaller quantities in multiple shipments

    Like metioned above I have shipped tons of stuff hardly ever customs duty and if I did get one just a few baht STEER WELL CLEAR OF FEDEX

  7. IMHO. Whilst Religion may be not be your 'thing'--surely, since we are living in a predominantly Buddhist country, [ as 'Guests', as well!! Apparently] surely, we could show a little respect??

    Now I'm going to hide from the incoming FLAK!

    Nope no flak and no disrespect, however when peoples lives are affected by someone else's religion and it dictates what they can and cannot do that is where the line is drawn, if you believe in something FINE knock yourself out just dont force your beliefs on others because that is why religions have killed more people than all the wars put together and it because of exactly that, forcing your beliefs on others.

    You ex-Saudi DK?

    Nahhh Im a Brummie mate
  8. IMHO. Whilst Religion may be not be your 'thing'--surely, since we are living in a predominantly Buddhist country, [ as 'Guests', as well!! Apparently] surely, we could show a little respect??

    Now I'm going to hide from the incoming FLAK!

    Nope no flak and no disrespect, however when peoples lives are affected by someone else's religion and it dictates what they can and cannot do that is where the line is drawn, if you believe in something FINE knock yourself out just dont force your beliefs on others because that is why religions have killed more people than all the wars put together and it because of exactly that, forcing your beliefs on others.
    • Like 1
  9. CHANG rocks great beer great taste but I understand those that bash it because its just too strong for you

    .....some people just have a higher tolerance(and taste cheesy.gif ) for the skanky flavors and punch-lines of a bev brewed with Formaldehyde! sick.gif


    Complete BULLSHIT no beer contains that its just a rumor that idiots spread :)

  10. On a question of price they are very closely priced

    down shanty town you can get 3 large bottles of most beers for 159 baht that is cheap enough for any alchy to get there rocks off,

    Been couple of times but 3 at a time is a bit much even for me but the eye candy is great :)



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