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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Seems they were out in force and my wife got stopped 4 times at 4 different check points making our way from town to Hang Dong at 2am I was absolutely PLASTERED passed out on the front seat LOL much to the amusement of the cops, the Mrs don't drink so was my ride home so thank you hunny for getting my drunk ass home safe.

    Anyone get busted over Songkran

    • Like 1
  2. Just tell him to come here and rent a cheap hotel then chat with the Bar girls and you can find a nice place for less than 3000 baht a month I was really surprised at some of the studios these girls get CHEAP CLEAN and did I say cheap LOL

    Or you could go to one of the farang websites and get shafted bigtime.

    I stayed in chiang mai mansion for about a year or so which i thought was great 5000 baht a month with internet and satellite tv and the location was great (when bubble was hopping)


  3. OK i will tell you all the secrets

    FOXY LADY GoGo Bar 1 bottom of Loih Kro over the bridge turn left at Duwantuan Hotel just down there on the left hand side

    SPOTLIGHT Go Go Bar #2 Around the Moat about 2 blocks south of Loih Kroh road


    Loi Kroh Road small strip of Bars

    Boxing ring bottom of Loi Kroh Road a Beer Bar center with a bunch of Bars

    Thats about it for Chiang Mai on a tourist front.

    Thats why we say stick to Pattaya if that is all your looking for


    • Like 2
  4. thanks diamong king for the information on the Delhi flight

    read between the lines or the unwritten word would answer your dumb reply.

    and as has been pointed out diamond king air asia dont fly to delhi

    so as least people have learnt that as well as people not answering an honest straight question,but i already knew that

    this topic is closed in my eyes and i will go back to the old ways of getting information about travelling,,talk to the travellers in Cm ,,,,,,not the old foogies on here whether in body or mind

    adios suckers

    Yep good

    You should of been smart enough to realize that before you posted rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif and wasted everyones time

  5. The amount of times you have posted her you could of gone to Bangkok airways site and check then Air Asia site and check even a search on Bing or Yahoo if Google is broken

    Sometimes I really wonder about people that post DUMB questions when the answer is a click away


    Never liked the new Spicy but I really wonder if the refurbished place will be authentic with the PUKE smell as you go in that was always an indication that

    i had not drunk enough before going to the old spicy, if you never smelt it you are pissed up enough and ready to enjoy the place in its full glory.

    Cant wait to revisit it


    PS and its true Ladyboys were NOT ALLOWED IN AT ALL unless they actually looked like a girl LOL

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  7. To be fair, the situation IS unique. After all, how many of us not living in the South are actually affected by the insurgency there? The closest we get to it is reading it in the news. No crazy Muslim separatist has tried killing us in Bangkok yet.

    You have a short memory mate, what about that Muslim dik that blew his own legs off that was meant as an attack just lucky be blew himself up instead

    • Like 1
  8. The problem of chiang mai is that many foreigners hang out around the old city, however Chiang mai is much more than that.

    To be honest, the nightlife in CM is poor quality, the best clubs in city are Infinity and warm up, apart from that the clubs are bullshit. ie spicy or hot shots.

    Waiting for sonic playground

    "Waiting for sonic playground"

    Me too!!

    Sounds like a GO GO Bar

  9. Thai citizen arrested in Dubai, wanted for tax evasion ,various pending charges , jumping Bail ,extradited back to Thailand, interpol reports.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Only thing is INTERPOL ignored that request because it was political and they were trumped up charges based on political motivation so INTERPOL refused that request and right at the time when all you T haters said oh Interpol will now pick him up I SAID IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN and it hasn't has it smile.png

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  10. Its fkin mess over there and they are ignorant as they come, went today at 8am to be told they are full come back monday OK no problem its a pisser but thats the way it is so I have one small question about the paperwork so attempt to ask it and am told wait, so I wait and wait and wait all the time while this guy tends to peoples tickets which is fine however he is then waiting for people and there is only me so I politely ask excuse me I have a small question to which he completely ignores me, so I ask again politely and again he ignores me LIKE REALLY RUDE like i am not there in front of him, so I turn and ask a guy the left of him and again very politely ask, excuse me I have a question, to which he replies NOT ME so I say who, he point to the <deleted> who was just blanking me.

    So I go back over to this guy wait till there is a break in him assisting people and again ask him excuse me I have a small question to ask to which he replies very rudely I DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOU

    <deleted> so now I get pissy and say who is here to answer a question then, and then one of the nice temp girls jumps in seeing how ignorant this guy was and finally assists me and I was out in less than 30 seconds.

    Now before anyone says anything, I was extremely polite and was not rude in anyway and the treatment was totally unacceptable no excuse for it at all.

    I guess I will have to get there on sunday night and camp overnight since that will be my last chance to get my extension and if 8am is too late there is not much hope and online appointments have been fully booked for a while.

  11. This runs extremely deep from the bottom rung all the way up to the very top and every level is getting paid along the way, this not only includes casino and dens, it also includes cock fighting events, Bull fighting, gambling when there is a funeral every aspect is condoned and accepted as long as the payments are made to the right people.

    In busts like this seems they either pissed someone off or did not pay the right people because when a bust like that happens it affects many many people.

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