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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. There are countless examples of areas subsiding when oil or gas field are produces over a long period of time.

    Just do the opposite for Bangkok. Find a suitable formation 1-3,000 m below Bangkok, drill a couple of hundred wells and inject water over the next 30 years.

    Why water...they can get the PTP to below all their hot air in the ground..this should have the same effect...biggrin.png

    And you can help them with all the HOT AIR your spouting too

  2. LOL you yellows just never give up hahaha bit like when you said he would be picked up by Interpol and i said never in a million years and I was right YET AGAIN LOL the reason because they were political trumped up charges instigated by a Military coup which the world looked down upon and never gave it any credibility.

    get over it

    Trumped up charges? Are you saying he didn't sign off on his wife's purchase of state land?

    It was a witch hunt, pure and simple which is why no one but the yellow shirts and people such as you keep blurting on about it, when the WORLD AND INTERPOL(who declined to arrest him on multiple occasions) etc give it no credibility at all

    it was all because of a coup and time to make sure he never ruled again he got too powerful and was wearing the wrong colored shirt, if he had been yellow no one would of blinked at his so called crimes because I am sure if we dig deep into the yellows, you would find all sorts of crimes committed that are just overlooked and his was only bought to light as a witch hunt PURE AND SIMPLE.

    • Like 1
  3. Bout time the heat came down on him NO EXCUSE for the number of civilians killed and he was the one in charge, time to pay the piper AV

    I think you will find it pretty hard to find an instance of a prime minister being charged with murder of protesters anywhere. Seems like you conveniently forget the number of civilians killed during the drug crackdown, Krue Seh, Tak Bai under another administration where no one has been charged.

    Completely different case and has its own arguments what we are talking about is van drivers MURDERED Journalists MURDERED Civilians MURDERED 91 in total with several bullets proven to come from government troops someone has to pay for that and AV gave that order to open fire on civilians. No excuse for that.

    • Like 2
  4. She speaks the truth THE PEOPLE VOTED the Thaksins back in, END OF STORY,

    They want them running the country, the fact that half the senate is elite cronies placed their by themselves to ensure they don't lose full control, because they want to kling onto power any way they can even if that means having a coup and then manipulating the constitution to their own means.

    Tough for you guys to swallow but thats the truth THE POWER SHOULD BE WITH THE PEOPLE and after the coup we went through years of yellow BS only to show the MOMENT the people were given the opportunity to vote they put the EXACT SAME family back in and if Thaksin was here he would be the PM and not his sister.

    Thats is the WISH OF THE PEOPLE and that is what counts, gone are the days when the peasants in the fields had no vote, and now they have the yellows dont really like it LOL

    So it's alright to be a criminal if you're popular? Are you equating Thaksin with Robin Hood?

    You follow the rule of law NOT have a Military Coup

    Here is a unique idea

    Why dont the yellows help the poor (or be seen to be helping like TT)then the people might actually like the elitists but of course they just want to keep them in the fields where they are no threat and can do as they please.

    Sorry those days are over and times are changing.

    • Like 2
  5. Anyone who forks out on luxuries such as a house or a car for the little lady takes the risk of separation and usually its inevitable.

    so I dont have any sympathy with you lot.

    The answer; if she cant afford it, you dont buy it.....if she thinks she can afford it, let the bank give her a mortgage.

    Thats how I play it and it works, absolutely no freebies;...after 2 divorces in the West you tend to learn how not to make the same mistakes again.

    The issue is the guy tends to walk away where as if he fought for what he bought he would get AT LEAST half back, I have several friends that have done even better than that but of course you have to fight for it and go through the legal process.

    An insufruct is the best option of them all unless your living in the village then best get out anyway else your toast but if in CM then you have the right to live there for however long you wish 10-20-40 years or even till your death (depending on how you set it up) hell you could even throw here out and rent it out and keep the money.

    I purchased a house under that deal but in reality I am happy to walk away since it will go to my kids anyway.

  6. The gold is moving from the west to the east. The west are speculators in the gold market and the east are longterm investors. The more gold in the east the more stable the price. The price cant go down below $1200 as this is the production cost. The USGS estimates that there are only 50 000 tonnes left to be mined. I will rather invest in a commodity that are in short supply than in investments that rely on the central banks printing presses. Twelve % of gold production is used in industry (nano technology) and this cant be recycled due to very low concentrations, which means there will be less and less gold available for trading, compare this to Fed supported stock markets. The stockmarkets will come down with 30 to 40 % this year, bookmark this post and cry later.

    LOL really

    You really thinkit cant fall below 1200 because it costs more than that to mine it ???? cheesy.gifclap2.gif thats a good one

  7. @theoldgit I've not voted yet. I speak to people all the time that plan to retire to Thailand and I worry that they may entrap themselves. Right now the exchange rate is grabbing all the headlines but I feel in the longer term it's the growth in the middle class wealth of the country ( industrialization and development too ) that will present the biggest challenge to retiree's

    You live in the Sukhumvit corridor, you must already be wincing at some of the prices you see.

    Only wincing if your not already in on the market and watching it rise

  8. Heading down to Phuket shortly and stayin in Patong what is the correct taxi fare or is there other options ? with all the stories of rip offs etc I want to be prepared before getting into any taxi at the airport.


  9. Here's a quick and easy test to see if they disrespect you. Watch what family members do when they walk past you. Do they bow their head a little, just a little bob of the head?

    I don't know what other TV members feel about this, but it is Thai culture to stoop your head a little when you walk past someone that you respect. (Please don't call <deleted> on what I say - I've lived in Thailand for 11 years, studied Thai culture at MA level etc etc blah balh balh).

    Whenever any family member walks past me, they bob their head. It's an automatic response. I've never demanded it - it just happens, from wife to ex-wife to kids to brother-in-law etc etc.

    It's probably because I am so old when compared to them smile.png

    But for the OP - do any Thai family members bob their head when they walk past you?


    PS - and look out for the word 'man' when they are talking about you. Man (I can't write in Thai on this Burmese keyboard), means 'it', a not-nice way to refer to a person that you disrespect.

    There are other Thai words such as 'ai', but I won't go there.....

    I absolutely discourage my family from doing that, it makes me uncomfortable like they are some subservants that have to bow down to me my 5 year old has tried to do that and I discourage her and explain that it is polite to do it to older people but not because people are better than her, and to remember she is doing it to be polite not because she thinks someone is better than her, because I have made it very clear she is just as good as anyone.

    My wifes Moms mom actually get down on her knee's wai ing me and I hate it but she is a bit senile as to the others no bowing or crawling on the floor needed in my house.

    I know they respect me and I dont need them to make me feel like I'm better than them somehow because I am not, and I want to instill that into them too they are as good as anyone even if they have been brainwashed to the contrary.


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  10. Maybe the only time they bring up "farang" is when they're saying "Why can't that idiot farang learn to speak even some modicum of Thai after being in Thailand for 5+ freakin years??"

    I have been here 7 years and dont speak thai and have a thai wife family and none of them refer to me as farang they use my name when they are talking about me to each other so I think the OP's family is being disrespectful to him.

    As for those that will say after 7 years I should speak Thai maybe so Im just not good at languages I can get by in thai but don't speak fluently and probably never will and my family are ok with that its not an issue.

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  11. I was told by a local police officer over songkran they have many problems with truck drivers when it comes to accidents, apparently it is better for a truck driver to kill someone rather then badly hurt them, financially that is, he said he has known cases where a truck involved in an accident with a pedestrian has actually reversed over them to kill them to save money, i couldn't believe this has anyone heard this kind of thing before?

    YES It has happened here in Chiang Mai on Chiang Klan road a english chap went out to get some cigarettes at around 11 pm (he was sober only going out to get ciggies) and was hit from behind by a truck he was on the road and the guy reversed over him and some thai people started screaming at him and then he stopped and sped away, the guy suffered 2 broken legs. This was about 2 years ago.

    I had the conversation with my wife and said I would stop if i knocked someone over or off a bike and she was horrified and said don't do that you will be hurt and then went on to tell me multiple stories about drivers being killed when they stopped and advised me to drive away and then go to the police once you are safe.

    Very weird place but I actually believe her and not sure what I would do my heart says stop but if thais advise run and I am in their country then do as the locals do which is what everyone here on TV advises.


  12. Use the search box to find other threads.

    All school days are about the same.

    Home schooling is legal but onerous.

    Try learning to write politely, it will get you further on this forum.

    He is Austrian did you not read that biggrin.png same as German, so same style of writing and how they come over, just like the CM real estate guy who comes over the same

    We gotta give em a break tongue.png they cant help it

  13. Well, you know, bikers are nothing on their own. They need to operate in groups, organized to make more impression.

    That's when you start noticing them as they make a whole lot of noise.

    Not to mention the rest.

    I know quite a few Bikers who would be happy to stand alone with you and see if you would insult them to their face LOL Im guessing your nothing without your keyboard thumbsup.gif

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  14. Two weeks ago I saw a group of them at Dukes wearing outlaw jackets. Looked like a peaceful lot to me.

    Saw six big bikes parked at a hotel (not at a bar) today went up and looked at them only one had ape hangers.

    Recall a group of them in Pattaya where they all had ape hangers and leather wear.

    "ape hangers" smile.png I've never heard that term before. +l

    Ape hangers are extra long and high handlebars that are sometimes seen on Harleys. They are silly and not practical, but became popular after that biker movie.

    That Biker Movie clap2.gif

    That would be EASY RIDER biggrin.png

  15. There seem to be a lot of Inspector Clouseaus on Thai Visa.

    Inspecteur Clouseau reporting for dutee!

    - Inspector.. you solved the case?

    I did indeed! All ze clueuesz are right in front of you.

    - Clues?

    Oui. First, le amount: 5675 Baths. It is no coïncidence that zis is made up from 3 bières x 3 personnes x 75 Baths = 675 Baths, plus an extra sum of 5000 Baths.

    - 5000 Baht.. for what?

    Les Damaaaizjs Cato, Damaaizjezjes.

    - Damages? What Damages?

    Zis we do not yet kneuw. But it zeems highly plauseeble zat zree drunk Ozzies cauzed some damaaaizjs for which the bar chargjzed 5000 Baths. Upon seeing the damaaaizj occur, they notified le police, expecting treuble. Zis is why police were alrezy zere when ze Ozzies went to pay ze bill.

    -But.. why didn't they just sort things out, and were taken to the police station and not to an ATM?

    Skill de Communicaçion, Cato. Or, shall we say, lack zereof. Look at page 1.. Zis is him communicating in his native tonggue, while sober. Imagine that the night befeur, with Siamese bar people and police.. Elémentaire, Cato, élémentaire..

    My Spidey senses were tingling that it was something like this.

    He seemed to have a grudge for the French Owner for some reason.

    When confronted with simple questions, he got quite agitated and aggressive, a sure sign that there is more to the story that he was hiding.

    This makes sense with the Police being present and the arbitrary number that the Bar can justifiably pull out of the air and demand payment - 5000 baht.

    Whatever they broke, likely did not cost anywhere near 5000 baht, but judging by his attitude, they charged that much because they could. Hence the scam.

    His disappearance and failure to explain further speaks volumes that it never happened the way he explained.

    How much is a billiard cloth these days ?

    4-5000 baht depending on the cloth you choose

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