Does anybody ever scratch their head, and do 'double-takes', when it comes to 'Thai Logic'...?
How can a long-time Civil Servant receive 50 years prison, for using a 'company car' on his off-time (it is allowed and accepted in civilized countries),
when this Mall Psycho 'murdering maniac' retard receives 'Psychiatric Care', because his mother and father are upper-class 'connected' Thai Citizens.
That's right up there with the little 'diaper-<deleted>' son of the Red Bull (Thai) owner, who killed a Thai Policeman, but was allowed to leave the country...and many years later, Interpol can't somehow find him. And many other scenarios too numerous to mention.
I often think of that Tony Bennet song..."If I ruled the world"
And replace the lyrics with...
"If Thai Ruled the World"