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Everything posted by tkramer

  1. "What's Sukhumvit like these days?" Yep, still spelled the same. And still two lanes coming...and two lanes going (and temporally in some cases even three)... Are you Romanian...? Edited just now by tkramer
  2. WATCO Danish wood furniture OIL is what I use. Available on Lazada.
  3. Wait...! Aren't they all (enlightened) Buddhists...?
  4. Thai retailers love a good 'price hike fear'...!
  5. And...?
  6. "Factors contributing to shrinkage include employee theft, stealing," In this case it refers to Manufacturer Fraud...!
  7. GOOD one...Bob!
  8. It's not a 'SHE'... it's a 'GUY...IN A DRESS'...! Let's get your facts straight (pun intended).
  9. " its genetic" Unfortunately, you are incorrect here, grasshopper... The Role of Genes in the Obesity Epidemic (nutritionfacts.org)
  10. If they did that, the Pattaya economy would shrink substantially...
  11. You need to change your name to... "Compassionate Trippy"
  12. Interesting. The few times I have been there I have never 'bonded' with the vibe. Reeks of stale beer, cigarette smoke, sleaziness, and sperm. Definitely the path of 'least resistance'... unless you go there for the temples. Okay...how many people are offended this time... losers, show yourselves.
  13. "You really need to raise your consciousness in this regard." Jeez, how lucky we are! It is so nice to have such truly 'enlightened beings' commenting on this forum. We are all blessed...!
  14. Not true...! Unless you are talking about Thermae, and a few other low-life places. Been living and working in the CBD since 1994. Of course walking down Sukhumvit and many side streets were not immune to lot's of 'action'.
  15. I knew it...a Farang 'confused....!' What...?!!! Are these guys not taking their 'meds' or something...?
  16. Does anybody ever scratch their head, and do 'double-takes', when it comes to 'Thai Logic'...? How can a long-time Civil Servant receive 50 years prison, for using a 'company car' on his off-time (it is allowed and accepted in civilized countries), when this Mall Psycho 'murdering maniac' retard receives 'Psychiatric Care', because his mother and father are upper-class 'connected' Thai Citizens. That's right up there with the little 'diaper-<deleted>' son of the Red Bull (Thai) owner, who killed a Thai Policeman, but was allowed to leave the country...and many years later, Interpol can't somehow find him. And many other scenarios too numerous to mention. I often think of that Tony Bennet song..."If I ruled the world" And replace the lyrics with... "If Thai Ruled the World"
  17. "Among the workers, two individuals showed signs of stress, seven reported sleep disturbances, and two needed psychiatric consultation. In addition, a person who was shot in the leg required ongoing treatment." Well hell, I'd sue the 'Bastads' if I was you...! (can't wait for the 'confused' replies...)
  18. The ugly Israeli: Are Israel's tourists the worst in the world? (ynetnews.com)
  19. Quick question: I will soon be looking at using a monthly deposit of 65K+ for a retirement visa. Outside of bank summary of 12 months of documented international deposits into my Thai bank (and a recent letter from the Bank), a Yellow Book, and also including a 20 year Non-B visa...are there any other requirements (for Chiang Wattana)...? Thanks in advance.
  20. "Heroin in Thailand...?" It was sarcasm...
  21. You did...? Wow...! You should keep that on the 'low down', dude.
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