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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. A very misleading question. Android is software that belongs to Google and as it is open source code it is tailored by the android phone manufacturers to suit their product. What you want is a service centre for your type of phone. Quite sensible Sandy. Use Skype or any of the numerous similar services on your computer. Borrow your neighbor's phone for 2 minutes.
  2. Oh please get out of the world of black and white. No they don't stop the spread but they do reduce it. Isn't that good? Why did everyone still catch it? Well in fact everyone did not still catch it, sure some did but nothing approaching everyone. Are you feeling okay BritMan?
  3. Yes that is quite a thought especially after seeing the photos. The pressure difference on one side of the gauge compared to the other side of the gauge is zero. The pressure is the same on both sides. See the straight pipe the gauge Ts off from. The water does not flow through the gauge. The pressure gauge does not measure or input outside pressure, it just measures pressure in the pipe.
  4. So a guy without any clothes, body smeared in feces, urinating on the tables and shouting obscenities can have a seat for 30 minutes if he buys a beer? Places even a well groomed and behaved black man can not get a seat even if he wants to buy the most expensive wine.
  5. Oh come on, that is just foolishness. There are a lot of other behavioral norms that must be met to gain the right to sit in a bar. Just buying a drink does not qualify.
  6. mmm huh
  7. Sad you were unable to find more comfort than that during the whole weekend. Wouldn't your UK friend even hold your hand?
  8. She did both of mine there. All good after 6 years,
  9. OK so what hospitals employ no dangerous doctors in your opinion? How have you determined that those hospitals employ no dangerous doctors?
  10. You want laws and enforcement you should be not be in Thailand.
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