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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. really depends on how much some is, that determines how much effort is justified
  2. Pon Yang Kham - Thai/French Butcher. Only beef products. Canal Road just south of the Huay Khao intersection on the west side. They supply many of the hotels and restaurants in the city. You can order anything from one steak to a side of beef. Excellent quality IMO
  3. I often get taken right to what I ask for, if they do not start to take me there I ask again for help and most often get it. Sometimes it is simply an issue of the first person I ask really does not know but by asking again they find somebody who does and they walk me to it. But it does help to speak some Thai, if all you do is walk in and say the name of the thing you want some may not be too inclined to respond or know how to respond. How do they respond to somebody that says only "plastic pipe" or "underwear" or "tape"?
  4. 10-12 cm of render under the beam seems like an unusually large amount A couple of centimeters as Crossy mentioned would seem more usual
  5. I think he knew what he was buying and is generally happy with it. I also think that wanting to modify a few things in a newly purchased house is not unusual so his wanting to consider changing a couple of things is quite reasonable. More generally, there are existing houses in Thailand that are not built to "Thai standards". How do you know his house was built to Thai standards? He only mentions two aspects of it which may, just may, be.
  6. This thread is not about the general population in Thailand, it is about farang issues, for a farang house, where the owner/occupant has stated that the Thai standards are not what he wants.
  7. Suggest that you check that information again. Recommended to me by US builder, stairs should be 7-11, 7 inches rise up and 11 inch flat. 7 inches is less than 18 centimeters so your 20 cm could be a bit high. I built 7-11 and am very happy with it. I find stairs with narrow flat and big rise to be uncomfortable. I also had the same issue as you with a bathroom under the stairs and a horizontal beam I wanted to walk under. It is a puzzle with some fixed data and some variables to manipulate. My solution was to change the level of the landing but keeping it high enough for an okay ceiling height in the bathroom. Result more stairs below the landing than above but for me that is not a problem. But since you have not posted a photo I do not know if you have a landing or not! If not, putting one in may help.
  8. Why are you talking about transfers to Vanguard now? You were asking about transfers from Vanguard not to Vanguard. I have made 12 such transfers each year. I do not know the up to date requirements but when I filled out the Vanguard form, I used Chase as the intermediary bank and that data remains the same today. You could talk with BKK Bank Thailand to ask them for their intermediary bank for transfers from US banks, then ask again at a different location to confirm. Completing and submitting the Vanguard form takes time so getting the data correct would be a wise priority. There may be a way around the Medallion signature guarantee if you are overseas, check details on Vg website. I got my signature verified at the US Consul in Thailand and VG was happy with that.
  9. For international transfers from Vanguard direct to Thailand, not through Bangkok Bank New York: Chase is/was the intermediary for Bangkok Bank in the US, put that on the Vanguard Form, J P Morgan Chase Bank, CHASUS33XXX. That is a few years old so you might confirm with Bangkok Bank to be sure that the information has not changed. Vanguard has a special form for International Wire Transfers, once done you can send future transfers to designated transferee without making a new form. My recollection was that was a form submitted by mail.
  10. Many legal and ethical ways. It is really not a monstrous amount. Family land long held is a common source.
  11. So you got a business then you have a work permit so no problem. No work permit? Do you really think you are such a large attraction? Silly or do you belong in a sideshow?
  12. how much are those quotes? Include dirt leveling, machine sand tamping, concrete border and grass? or?
  13. Okay so here nobody should be put down. Posts with incorrect facts, poor judgment, suggesting illegal, unreasonable or unsafe behavior should be left alone and not challenged because the poster should not be put down.
  14. Try twice a week bathing instead of just once a week. Change your shirt daily instead of weekly.
  15. Not uncommon to exchange engines here. Some are rebuilt some are imported from Japan and and and
  16. Why did you think it was your job to tell them what to do and not do? There are authorities who have that responsibility. Tessaban or village puu yai baan.
  17. No he said the municipality did not help, there has been no mention of him contacting the development's office. If there is a development office or home owner's association that would be the reason the municipality would not help. I have read it again and suggest you do so also. He mentions sewage system but not sewage, he is using the wrong name, it seems neither you nor he understand that water drainage and toilet sewage are not processed in the same systems here like they often are "back home". Here toilet sewage is processed in septic tanks at the home site, it is not moved through the water drainage systems on the streets.
  18. They pump septic tanks. The op's problem is poor street drainage after a storm, not a full septic tank.
  19. The receipt you posted was for registering the vehicle not for Por Ror Bor insurance. You got this thread confused by using the wrong name for what you wrote about. Vehicle registration and insurance are very different things.
  20. Hello, hello is anyone out there? Por Ror Bor is a type of insurance. You can not buy it or other insurance for the past, you can only buy it for the future. I was late renewing and there was no question, the renewal started on the day I bought it, not when the old policy expired. So if you paid for insurance for past periods you got ripped off. Por Ror Bor costs between 600 and 700 Baht per year for my trucks and for most 4 wheel vehicles I think. Paying 5,000 Baht for three years of Por Ror Bor is paying somebody way way too much.
  21. before primer, sand the wall with sandpaper to remove loose bits and smooth all new cement looks pretty normal to me but have not seen the kids art
  22. I renew my car insurance without the vehicle being present, you probably can do it too so no need to drive it there.
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