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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. Right, the helmet is so large it will just bounce off his stomach and then he will slash your neck for stupidity.
  2. yes logged in ok just before posting VPN, Yes it was on, connected thru a Thai server. just tried it again without VPN and no problem, logged in just fine
  3. can't find that word in your previous post
  4. Did she have the Permit that allows Bangkok residents to go into other parts of the country? You know the Permit that screens for common sense.
  5. So if I bought the wrong ones someone tile style focused could enter my kitchen and think they were in a bathroom. Now we know why some people pee in the kitchen sink.
  6. What does that mean? What is the difference between a bathroom tile and a kitchen tile? And a living room tile?
  7. I would not go anywhere except Dukes and the Four Seasons Resort.
  8. I got a similar notice and found it was not for everyone, it was only for people who have school related visas. School Student visas and school related visas for parents and guardians. They said it is a new requirement from the Immigration folks.
  9. Have there been any problems reported as a result of the SSA claiming they did not receive the form or that it was late? Like have anyone's benefits been cancelled? It is my experience that after I receive the second notice and my mailing them the form a second time that they go quiet.
  10. Ok you two, your appointment is behind the gym at 4:30 today. You may bring a double but no implements allowed. The usual 5 three minute rounds.
  11. at some point largish amounts will become sufficiently large to draw some attention, how large that is is probably difficult to identify and variable.
  12. Yes they love to jump around all by themselves. Who would have guessed that Thai toilets have legs?
  13. I have had best luck asking neighbors who have maids who are likely to know other maids looking for work in the area.
  14. Genius please return to Pattaya.
  15. You did good John, thank you. Best wishes for the next step.
  16. Something change recently?
  17. oh my how do we get tangled up in such complex matters? I guess the big office in Bangkok would not know so no reason to call them and ask. Best bet would be to call the Singapore office then since those people in Singapore usually have it together.
  18. Not the Thailand I have been living in for over 30 years.
  19. Several thousand possibly but not a hundred thousand. Likely less than ten or can you confirm otherwise? That place is often made out to be much larger than it is. Have you ever been inside and looked around? When I did it seemed rather small but that was some years ago. Several thousand is not much compared to CM work force total.
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