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Everything posted by gearbox

  1. You can't change from international to domestic flight with the sandboxes, if you want to use the sandboxes you need to cancel again and book a direct international ticket to the sandbox. IMO the Phuket sandbox is much better, much bigger choice of flights, and if you want to fly within Thailand later you are not limited to Bandit Airways. I had a good time in the Phuket sandbox last November, and plan to use it again in March.
  2. Some places are difficult to sandbox. How a Bangkok sandbox would be implemented? Sandbox is a midway between free entry and quarantine, the governments would love to put everyone in 1 month quarantine, but there would be zero demand for this.
  3. 3500 per day for 10 days...that sounds like a bargain. Usually the charges are 60k upwards, sometimes more than 200k.
  4. That's not correct, the hearing was originally scheduled for Monday, not Wednesday. The federal government is playing dirty tricks trying effectively to put Jokovic out of AO, as the schedule needs to be completed Tuesday, he can't be in the schedule before the court hearing is done. Looks like the judge did the right thing. Popcorn time tomorrow, looks like there is a chance Scomo to get huge pie in his ugly face.
  5. "Border protection wins elections" It is obvious that with 115k known cases yesterday Djokovic presents no public health threat, but hey, it is election time. Rio Tinto may kiss goodbye their projected multi billion lithium mine in Serbia, and there would be voices to move this grand slam somewhere else, and rightfully so. Nothing to win for Oz, but the election is everything that matters for these crooks.
  6. I find this hard to believe. The airlines would refuse to board people without a valid visa and a negative PCR test, as anyone who came back to Thailand experienced it. I'm not aware of anyone being able to fly with "letter of support". I'm flying back to Sydney in a few weeks and don't think I can turn up at the airport without a negative PCR test and expect to board.
  7. Tried to get a Pfizer booster today at the Central Festival, no luck. They told me if one had 2 Pfizer shots, the booster should be administered no earlier than 6 months after the second shot, I have only 4 months. On the positive side my gf got her second booster, so she has now 2 X Sinovac, 1 X AZ and 1 X Pfizer....totally vaxed. There were fairly long queues, but appeared to move quite fast.
  8. I got a small parcel sent with Australia Post this April, it was reasonably fast and no issues. For standard shipping Australia Post charges $84 for 5kg to Thailand. That's fairly big parcel and probably will attract the attention of the Thai customs....as mentioned already there could be high duty for clothes, + VAT.
  9. Reading more carefully your post it seems that they were fairly stupid to admit in an email that they have been hacked. Unless that email is from the hackers too ???? You can extract an admission of hacking by calling them by phone and record the call...just try to make them admit clearly that they have been hacked. A court can understand this better than the technicalities of the SMTP exchanges and DKIM signatures. In some countries recording a phone call when you are a participant is legal and can be used in a court as an evidence. Have no idea what the Thai law says about this.
  10. In theory they are liable, but in practice I doubt a small case court can deal with this. Digital crime is highly specialised topic and most likely there has to be experts called as witnesses to explain in plain language what SMTP headers are. Btw these can be forged too. IMO your best bet is to find more victims and act together, your case would look much more probable. File a police report first and mention the tripadvisor post as well. The police in many countries have digital crime units now, they are obliged to act on cases like this. Also in some countries there is now a mandatory breach disclosure and notification, the hotel may breach the law if they are aware their infrastructure is hacked and they fail to notify the police and the potential victims.
  11. Plenty of applicants for the consultant jobs...go to India, every tuk tuk driver is a crypto investor and knows it inside out. There are signs of massive social mobility events there, seems that the maharajas and the tuk tuk drivers will swap places soon because of the cryptos ????
  12. No need to be a genius to understand it. Get early in some coin, find enough suckers, pump and dump, exit, go to the next coin. There are more than 5k of them, next year would be probably more than 10k.
  13. Easy peasy for you then, get a loan from SCB using your crypto as collateral, buy more crypto, pay back and keep the profit. Oh wait, they'll probably want your house as collateral.
  14. I don't think the government intends to pay back this debt as is, it will try to inflate it. One consequence could be the AUD goes way down, imagine AUD buying only 10 bahts. There seem to be no better times ahead, as the high added value parts of the economy continue to shrink, we seem to produce less and less sophisticated stuff. It won't get poor, but it would have type of economy similar to Kazakhstan.
  15. Correct....however it seems for the Chinese/Russian etc vaccines it is the only thing that matters according to the MSM.
  16. Another source which doesn't conveniently omits some of the facts: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3159784/omicron-chinas-sinovac-covid-19-vaccine-fails-antibodies-test "For those fully vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech, five out of 25 people had detectable levels. But those levels were 35 to 40 times lower than against the original coronavirus strain, and saw “significant” reduction as compared to response to previous variants Beta and Delta." Antibodies detected only in 20% of the people, and these were 35-40 times lower (not percent). The definition of "moderately effective" got new meaning. When Delta came, there were doom and gloom TVF "expert" opinions how it would devastate Thailand due to the Chinese vaccines being used. Now we see the same "predictions" about Omicron. Yawn.
  17. I passed by midday today, looks like Tropical Murphy's is either already opened or about to open, The Islander has opened as well.
  18. Very solid argument...do you have a business in Samui related to snorkeling or diving? Just name one beach with good snorkeling, and I'll go and take a pic with my gopro to show what's under water... This is what the real tourists say....not farangs living in Samui trying to promote their businesses: https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g293918-i7560-k4437284-Best_Snorkeling_Place_in_Koh_Samui-Ko_Samui_Surat_Thani_Province.html
  19. If you back up to hard drives it would be a good idea to buy something like this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001036047488.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6ae45c5cGJwjSv&algo_pvid=4ae715f8-44ab-4519-a9ba-ca0a09459afa&algo_exp_id=4ae715f8-44ab-4519-a9ba-ca0a09459afa-17&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000018236058277"} I have 2 x 2tb failed external hard drives already in Thailand, probably the humidity is damaging them, as sometimes I don't power them for many months. From now on the drives will be stored in a box like the one in the link.
  20. There are no real 8tb or 4tb or 2tb for 1200 baht... I bought this one 2 days ago...only 2tb 8900 baht. https://www.jib.co.th/web/product/readProduct/32382/1358/2-TB-PORTABLE-SSD--เอสเอสดีพกพา--SANDISK-EXTREME-PORTABLE-SSD--SDSSDE60-2T00-G25-
  21. myGovID Digital Identity. is a different form of OTP, similar to the Microsoft Authenticator. It is an app installed on a smart phone. The old OTP method was a SMS to a registered phone. AFAIK the old method is still working.
  22. No need to use Mygov with VPN. I use it now with myGovID app on my phones, it is a 2 factor authenticating app. You can install it on more than one device to have a backup. For setup and verification it needs passport, DL and Medicare card. AFAIK the old username/password/sms access still works, Aldi Mobile sim is best for this.
  23. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3159784/omicron-chinas-sinovac-covid-19-vaccine-fails-antibodies-test "Of 25 people who received a full two-dose course of CoronaVac, none were found to have detectable levels of neutralising antibodies, according to study author and top infectious disease expert Yuen Kwok-yung and his team. For those fully vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech, five out of 25 people had detectable levels. But those levels were 35 to 40 times lower than against the original coronavirus strain, and saw “significant” reduction as compared to response to previous variants Beta and Delta." With Pfizer 5 out of 25 had detectable levels 35 to 40 times lower....not a great result either. Both vaccines require boosters. I need a Pfizer booster but I have only 3.5 months since my second dose, wondering if they are going to squeeze the recommended 6 months period for boosters.
  24. I usually book a room for 2 even when I stay alone, but don't remember any hotel offering me 2 breakfasts because I have a 2 people booking.
  25. True, Lipe can get very crowded. However some of the islands around are very quiet retreats with magnificent snorkeling if you are prepared to sleep in a tent and forget about sunset cocktails. They also offer the best snorkeling locations, the day trips from Lipe go there. Even better if you have a kayak to go around, there are some beaches where there is nobody after 3-4pm. Beware of the monkeys. https://www.travelfish.org/location/thailand/southern_thailand/satun/ko_rawi
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