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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. I heard the limit was 0 (no alchohol) Guess not
  2. Its good they want to build a terminal but if they want something in koh samui they also need to sort out all the bureaucracy up there. Yachts want to be free to explore and not have to fill in new paperwork everytime they want to drop anchor in a new location. Phuket is quite accomadating to the yachting scene compared to samui and bkk but it can be a sticky situation for crew working on yachts that are based here year round. In Phuket this means tourist visas for the duration of your employment.
  3. I was taking it daily. I know you read everywhere it is the safest most researched supplement etc. What I noticed when I stopped taking it was a small loss of weight and definition of body. I read some website maybe nhs or something one of the side effect is kidney failure. Stopped taking it. I also have haemochromatosis that stresses my organs a lot already so I figured no need to push my luck. As for energy though and not working out. I can't say I noticed much change
  4. Best to stay away from this slag
  5. I used a couple of special induction wok hobs and they weren't much better than a regular induction hob. The type of wok is the key here. Metal too thin it will warp. Flat bottom wok is best as you want the bottom having good contact. Gaggenau make a wok specicially for their burner but i threw it in the bin. Im using one flat bottomed non stick one in my job now that did a good job today but i think its a cheapo one. Anolon are decent mid range. Woll were the most resilient non stick induction cookware i ever used. As for regular woks without teflon my experience is the work but without the flat bottom they dont work well.
  6. I just can't imagine "foriegner caught riding a motorbike on the beach" being a news headline in Europe, Australia, US etc. The journalism in Thailand seems to make "news" out of the smallest things. Same for the weekly TAT expects xx,000,000 tourists. Or a man overstayed his visa 10 days. So strange
  7. Like this guy - https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2771686/songkran-confusion-has-tourism-promoters-red-faced The boost is being felt already
  8. It doesn't happen often but yeh. It's total BS. This is the country we choose to live in though. Blanket policies and rules applied the same at every government office and bank would be great.
  9. Whats the other side of the story? I was locked in the back of a cab in vietnam while the driver tried to extort me. The only way out is through the front in that situation. But who knows. Without any context at all we just have a elderly man sitting on top of a cabbie for some reason
  10. Ah yes. Looks like he is enjoying his special 90 days of visa free travel.
  11. If you're a motorbike taxi driver pissing on the street though nobody bats an eyelid
  12. He's about as Aussie as his bro Adolf
  13. I underwent arthroscopic hip surgery at Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital 10 months ago and documented my experience on YouTube for others. In the video, I discuss aspects of the procedure that I wish I had known beforehand. If interested, feel free to PM me for more details. The surgery cost approximately $20,000 and was covered by my workplace insurance. Initially, I had a consultation in Phuket. Since there were no specialists on the island capable of performing the surgery, the doctor referred me to Dr. Winyou, who had been his teacher during his studies. Dr. Winyou has a stellar reputation and extensive experience, having served as the former medical director at Bumrungrad Hospital before joining Samitivej. The price of the surgery at Bumrungrad Hospital was comparable, as I had received quotes from both hospitals. While the service at Samitivej was generally good, there were some negatives, although I won't delve into them at this time. My main advice is to consider surgery as a last resort. Although arthroscopic surgery is minimally invasive, there are potential serious side effects, such as permanent erectile dysfunction due to traction applied to the pudendal nerve. In my case, I exchanged a labral tear, which caused occasional discomfort during certain movements requiring power, for intermittent an ache and no long-term arthritis.
  14. I think your 2 previous threads on the topic had most of the suggestions already
  15. Maybe Jimmy Barnes should give Sek Loso a call about why som sarn is the same as ain't no second prize.
  16. "an economy increasingly reliant on foreign tourism" No it is completely reliant. I remember covid they basically sat around cracking nuts all day, eating rice handouts not knowing what to do with themselves. What other industry does Phuket have? I certainly haven't seen anything other than domestic tourism.
  17. oh that seems strange. I wonder what purpose that could serve.
  18. For croissants specifically they are not that difficult to do by yourself if you have a good recipe and the setup for it. Setup is rolling pin, bench space, mixer and oven. Thats all. First couple of batches will be crap but its not as hard as it seems. The sheet butter is not that hard to find. Otherwise look for some baking courses at the aforementioned places or try to get a job somewhere doing it. For Thai food. Dusit Thani is where a lot of Thais go to do their training. I asked my Friend who did it not long ago but they didn't reply yet. This would be the place I would choose if I were you. I'm not a big fan of Cordon Bleu. I don't like the extra 32,000 baht they slap on for being a foreigner although it used to be much much more. I also feel if you're going to spend thousands of dollars then you may as well do it in another country (for baking or general cooking). For Thai food if you have money to burn sure why not but I still feel Dusit Thani would be fine. I'm a Chef and have worked in Thai kitchens and looked at Dusits curriculums awhile ago as they are also good for fruit carving and I wanted to learn more of that. The lady that teaches it there (Ajarn Pawana) is quite famous for it. Lots of the Chefs that worked under me trained there as well.
  19. What you describe sounds relatively normal. I arrived at BKK a bit over a week ago at 1am and was surprised how fast the immigration officer was able to make sense of the mess of a passport I have. I always hand it over with the visa page open to help them but they always scan front page first. Showing a boarding pass when boarding a plane is sometimes required and sometimes not. Last week it wasn't. You point out the first arrival hall being full. This seems to be a change. The first arrival hall is now for Thai passports and you have to walk a bit further for the second. Strange that they are so understaffed as you say though
  20. Where is the 3 days of national news coverage and hordes of "outraged netizens" demanding justice. Very quiet
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