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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. That's got to be reassuring when your compatriot tourist police officer is also wearing a badge representing a local tv channel
  2. I'm sure there's a Chinese cop shop here to deal with this
  3. My condo has a bad pigeon problem. Condo took no resposiblity for a long time and did nothing. So most people put up mesh. In the meantime I learnt pigeons will come back to roost in an area (on my aircon) even if it is dangerous. That's how strong their homing instinct is. I did make it quite unpleasant for them. The condo ended up hiring a guy who would come in and let his hawks sit downstairs a couple of times per day. Pigeons were instantly gone. Quite amazing. When the hawks go home though the pigeons come back. Now with the hawks long gone it seems we still have an issue but a bit less than before maybe. I tried lots of the methods Thais advocate on youtube. There was one Thai using a laser pointer though. I didn't try that but it looked effective. Kind of. There's so many of them. It's a shame we can't just disceetly shoot them.
  4. Kind of reminds me of this https://thethaiger.com/news/national/spotlight-shines-on-more-shady-street-lamp-projects-by-local-thailand-governments
  5. This is a bit of a tangent. A couple of days ago I passed the law courts. They are huge structures that look like something out of anceient rome with large pillars in front and what seems like 50+ rooms. There is also another one of these huge buildings up near the sarasin bridge. It was a Monday. However every time I go by these places there's not a single soul or car to be seen anywhere. The size of these buildings is striking. Yet they seem to sit empy and largely unused. Meanwhile, this man has waited in prison 2+ years later to submit (in bangkok) a verdict. That's a long time. Justice system speed to room ratio is not really adding up at all.
  6. It's a superstition thing.
  7. "Safeguarding" and "raising awareness" ? Is national fried chicken day part of that? Thought so.
  8. Ah yes, the "debut" of the electronic gate at suvarnabhumi for about the fifth time now. It's like they built a spaceship or something. "Look at our amazing gate again"
  9. As bizzare and nonsensical as it is to have young children impaling themselves and marching through the street walking on firecrackers it is also a deeply embedded part of Phukets culture. Not all things make sense. This is one of those things.
  10. It will take 20-30 years at the rate they work. It literally took them about a year to fix (apparently, lets see) the drainage near tesco on corner of bypass rd before Chillva market.. They literally had one side of the road blocked for a year to work on that 100m stretch. There's prob about another 30 places at least that need this done. 1 year * 30 = 30 years.
  11. This is an issue in Canada at the moment with a trans man being allowed to share the change room with young girls from a Junior swim team. Not ok.
  12. For anyone from the future viewing this. I ended up having it removed at Aspire clinic phuket for 10,000. This included the removal, medication and pathological analysis. The funny part is that I spent a few weeks deliberating if to get it done at kathu dermatology for 17.5k or aspire. Then one evening upon closer inspection I realised both clinics operate with the same surgeon just different pricing.
  13. I had a cyst develop on the femoral head and a labral tear that required arthroscopic surgery. The docs in phuket said only a few surgeons in Thailand can do hip arthroscopy and sent me to Dr. Winyou in samitevej srinakarin. I had quotes from Bumrungrad and Samitevej and they were basically the same. I documented the experience online. Let me know if you want a link. It was generally positive but not perfect. Particularly the post surgery rehab plan etc. You want to make sure that is clear. In my case the Phuket and Samitevej Doctors were buddies. Narong and Winyou and another in Phuket whom I forget the name but have in my records. Winyou is quite well known as an ajarn and lecturer amongst other hip surgeons in Thailand. I think he was also medical director at Bumrungrad previously or something. So I did intial consultations in Phuket followed by video conslatation with Winyou. Followed by succesful surgery at Samitevej and post surgery follow ups in Phuket. You don't mention the issue so I can't comment specifically but I would opt for Bangkok if I were you.
  14. I received a replacement card sent from europe via dhl last week and have had the same many times. Just an electronic signature and collect it. That is all.
  15. Semi-speculative. However, the "taxi" in the pic certainly is a bolt / grab car.
  16. Probably that it is one of these Grab / Bolt cars getting around and some other taxi guys wanted to fake them feel welcome.
  17. I didn't think it was possible to KO a ladyboy. There is hope yet
  18. I was told the money needs to come from outside even if you have it in Thailand. They all might know nothing about it but I think the developer is as interested in the form as you. In my case the developer of course requested that the payments coming from outside Thailand be transferred into their account. In this case I think they are the ones who get the form. That seemed a bit weird to me as if ever you want to send that money out of Thailand in the future you are supposed to have that form to show where the money came from originally. So I just transferred to my local account then from there to the developer. I remember also asking about this in SCB and the "manager" had no idea what I was talking about. It's quite incredible. My lawyer made enquiries with them over the phone and in typical Thai style they made it sound quite convoluted and not without some possible difficulties. I highly recommend you to just do it via email. I have had probably about 5 of these forms now from 2 different banks and doing it via email they do it by the actual rules and not some whacky requirements made up in branch based on how they feel about you. You also don't need to try and educate the staff about what it is. They just do it. The document is referred to in different terminlogy that also confuses things. "Credit Advice". "FRC Inward Transfer". FET. You can't just email them and say send it. You need to call them on the phone and then tell them to email it to you. It should clearly state that the money is for buying a condo in the instruction message that you add when you do the transfer. Also - Unrelated but I would be sure to check the capital of the company selling condos. I used a lawyer to conduct due diligence (recommended) and he found out of date chanotes and some of the companies standing in shopping malls selling only have 4 million baht to their name.
  19. It's interesting how the US always seem to be the ones going on about aliens. I don't see any other countries talking about it with the same interest or legitimacy. Yeh there are some very strange things that don't make sense but aliens living in the ground. Hmmm
  20. No. Any Thai guys I've known over the years are only into the white skinned bangkok looking girls. Likewise those sort of Thai women tend to lean more towards Thai men. I have had this conversation with a few Thai workmates etc over the years and none of them are into the issan girls. They just laugh and say they are "bahn nok". Likewise lots of the issan girls not into Thai men. Also another observation - White skinned bangkok looking girls more in karaoke bars. Dark skinned issan girls more like bar / bangla type of scene. Furthermore. It's all a load of bs the views on skin colour in this country and the desire for whiter skin.
  21. Yes. Every Thai women should have her preferred aircon temperature tattooed on her forehead so it is clear what you are signing up to when you decide to start paying for her som tams. Will you be destined for a life in the chiller living with snow woman and a 2000 baht aircon bill? Or was she a camel in her previous life requiring nothing but a light desert breeze to function efficiently? "Who are you really tilak?"
  22. How many times are they going to milk these gates as being "new" ? A brief search shows there's already 100 stories on this last year and as far back as 2017. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/bangkok/2017/08/21/auto-passport-control-gates-open-suvarnabhumi/ https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2023/12/11/suvarnabhumi-auto-departure-passport-control-is-open-to-foreigners/
  23. That aint the steady Eddy I was expecting Best of luck to all the steady eddys of the world
  24. Similar experience. I fell in the ditch / gutter on Patong hill and couldn't lift my bike out. About 60 seconds after falling in there were about 5 Thais all helping to lift it out.
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