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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. ssstwitter.com_1738949559522.mp4
  2. King 👑 Trunk's new hat.
  3. Good to see that Thailand 🇹🇭 is not repeating the "green" mistakes of Europe.
  4. This thread has been dormant for a while, but if anyone has current information about Berkeley International school, please share your pro and cons.
  5. King Trunk's 🤴 trickle down economy will save maggot in 2029......I know it. ssstwitter.com_1739351173019.mp4
  6. I just came back from the future.... ssstwitter.com_1738721876911.mp4
  7. It is not about winning, it is about factual information. Just stay away from the EV propaganda cherry pot and we can all drive happily into the sunset 🌇. NB: I am not the one that start the fire debate, I just react to fake and obvious misreading information.
  8. Absolute Energy has turned to Absolute Fraud and the stock is down 90%. What a wonderful green world. ssstwitter.com_1726724587141.mp4
  9. Yeah, collapsing EV sales in Germany 🇩🇪. Soon that accumulating chart of your will start to flatten out. We have had 5 of 8 months of YOY falling sales in Thailand, despite subsidies and a very aggressive price war. Thailand 🇹🇭 is 4-5 years behind Germany, but things are happening faster here.
  10. When the subsidies stops, the buying stops. EV sales are down by 69% in Germany. Once the Thai government gets tired of paying for the EV party and the manufacturers fun out of ammunition in the price war, we will see a similar trend here.
  11. I am starting to fear that Mossad also have my wife wired up. She also explode from time to time.
  12. They were made by an Israeli shell company in Europe. I think the trigger mechanism is relative simple. Mossad made an identical battery, except half was filled with explosive. The new battery had its own micro circuit board and was set to explode when XYZ message was received.
  13. The wife went full native.
  14. From bad to worse. 1726462918440.mp4
  15. The GWM Tank is an ultra minor HEV with a tiny 1.7 kWh battery.
  16. The wife cooked breakfast today, so no bacon, but some avocado bread 😋.
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