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Everything posted by bannork

  1. 12 years of Tory rule and the UK is becoming Third World. Food banks galore, weeks to see a doctor, criminal cases delayed for years, and fuel bills that will soon eat up half the pension of senior citizens. What a mess
  2. Presumably the man lived with the boy and the boy's mother during the five years of the boy's life. Watching a child grow, learning to walk, to speak, to respond, is a wonderful experience. Didn't he love the child throughout those five years as he shared happy times, seeing his boy grow? Then how can he abandon him? Heartless.
  3. Penny Mordaunt imitating Alan B'stard, the notorious Tory MP created by Rick Mayall.
  4. Well, July is turning out to be more of a hit than a miss Did you get the deluge we had this morning, starting at 6.00 am, Owl. Driving my granddaughter to school, the left lane was frequently seriously underwater.
  5. Put the 11 candidates on a plane to Rwanda. Give them a budget each and tell them every time they cross a border ( must travel overland), they must prove they are a highly skilled worker. First one back to Number 10 wins
  6. Ha ha Owl, we had the teachers round as well, have to visit all the M1 students' homes to check out home support. A good idea imo, does the UK do the same? A fair bit of rain tonight. The long term forecast said June and July would be hit and miss, August would see serious downpours. As always, time will tell.
  7. Loiner, what do you think of Johnson, as Foreign Secretary, flying straight from a Nato conference to a party in Italy to meet Lebedev without any Foreign Office officials present? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/06/johnson-admits-to-private-meeting-with-ex-kgb-agent
  8. Oh what a classy act Johnson's Cabinet are. Here's the Education Minister providing a fine example of manners and finesse to the British public.
  9. I wonder if Rees Mogg will run. This colourised photo taken in the 1920s shows how dapper he and his offspring were
  10. I'm dazed and confused. The first I can get, the buzz from cocaine, speed, whatever, but the dog's <deleted> throws me. <deleted> was a derogatory term in my youth, akin to nonsense, lies, etc, and idioms about dogs aren't too complimentary either- dog eat dog, dog days, it;s a dog's life. In Thailand most dogs should be castrated, their <deleted> sold as beef meatballs. I'm envious of our two dogs on the farm, do sweet all lying around all day pretending to sweat, and then spend the night looking for nookie. And we feed them! Rory on fire. Dodgy stuff/dudes
  11. We'll be joining again, the economy can't handle being outside the world's largest trading bloc right on our doorstep. Simply irresistible.
  12. Latest estimates are Brexit is knocking 4% off the UK GDP. A considerable harm, rubbed in Johnson saying f- business. What an idiot he is
  13. Okay, we haven't got the sea in Isaan but an afternoon soak can still be fun.
  14. My hand after being bitten by a hornet two days ago. You have my commiserations Owl, six must be very unpleasant.
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