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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Unfortunately many can't and basic things like supermarkets and of course electronic stores are becoming absent in many inner cities. Just before I left Boston to come here in November several drug stores like Walgreens were moving out of some neighborhoods as well. In New York City a theft under $1000 is a misdemeanor at $1000+ it's a felony.
  2. Ha ha. I thought you were being sarcastic at first and referring to Pittsburg PA. I googled Pittsburgh CA now.
  3. I think it's completely up to the exact setting it's used in. Of course whites with other blacks who are saying one of those words can be perfectly fine when both are using it and understanding each other. Same for "f" some people who think it's NEVER appropriate probably haven't hung out with either type of person but always overreact do to wokeness or lack of any REAL life experience. I hear blacks in the states use it very frequently with each other and other non blacks with them as well. Some seem to just deny this.
  4. I'm like duh I understood that 100%. But you didn't answer. Gays also use the second one commonly among themselves ( and others ) which is interesting. I don't hear Asians doing the same however.
  5. And he reportedly pulled it out! But the woman in back of him with her camera said she saw nothing.
  6. Always best to at least book hotels with cancellation 24-48 hours before with no penalties. Just harder to do with airfares however ( or expensive).
  7. Covid won't be the game changer in the next 72 hours. Something else will be. Even my taxi driver speaking good English mentioned this yesterday. I was surprised he discussed this. He also had made only 682 baht and had been out driving 10 hours.
  8. Yes and many many other places in "rich NYC" I ride my bike through Klong Toey " area which some say parts are slums. But honestly it seems like a nothing burger to me and is kind of interesting. I'm A Yank lol but I constantly tell my friends how modern and cool Bangkok is and especially safe. NYC has especially gone down in the last 2-3 years.
  9. San Francisco is only 45 square miles. The demographics just over the Bay bridge are what should be noted but of course completely ignored. ( like Oakland ) San Fran is too expensive to live in but the HUGE homeless population has no issues with rent (and criminals nearby love the lax of laws) Not Surprisingly San Fran just went to third place as highest rents in the USA. Boston is now number two and of course NYC number one. What happened during corona is rich younger people moved out of cities ( especially expensive ones ) but NYC and Boston had most or even more come back this year. San Francisco did not.
  10. Yes NYC is very bad now. Was there in Oct and saw TWO people walk out the store with items. One was putting it down his pants as he walked by me. The other one consumed food while in the store then grabbed a couple things and left! One shop employee yelled out to the second guy. This was a couple blocks from times Sq. I read up to $999 you can steal and get off. The New York governor is so weak. She aids in this. This has nothing to do with Trump lol as one on here referred to. You can get away with attacks in NYC and San Fran now with no repercussions. It's scary. It's sad. I like NYC but my last trip was just depressing. The homeless numbers are sky high. Much more then before.
  11. Oakland super high percentage. So saying the San Francisco area is white is a joke. But in Nancy Pelosi's area as many have mentioned NOTHING will be done to a criminal like this. You can walk in and steal something from a store worth $100, $200, $500+ nothing happens. Attack and injure someone nothing happens. The city is full of homeless and criminals they are so welcomed there. If you have not visited or lived in San Fran in the last few years you should not even comment about it ( I don't mean you ) I mean other posters on here who think they are always experts.
  12. Don't disagree with him too much or he will announce you are on his " ignore list" It's a very mature action some habi's do on this forum.
  13. "It goes against Thai culture to complain to a foreigner in public." That was your quote. So please stop lying and covering up now.
  14. Then someone will call out it's " profiling " so I guess those same people don't care if another crime is committed by the exact same person.
  15. Attitudes are softening and the masks are coming off in the Chiang Mai area as I observed not just in the central city on my holiday last week. I don't count a mask under the lips or on someone's chin as wearing one either. As a side note I saw a Thai woman being very vocal and rude to the foreign check in woman at Male airport two weeks ago. Her HUGE bag was obviously over 20 kilos and she had to take out several kilos and put into her friends bags or somewhere or else pay an additional fee. After already being rude and removing things she very loudly in English said more rude comments to the employee. Your own perception of " Thai Culture " is not correct. We could have an entire thread about Thai men AND females being openly rude in public to foreigners. I also think many Thais are extremely sweet and kind. So we both agree on attitudes changing. I especially see younger Thais in their 20's perhaps outside in Bangkok in many areas maskless this week. Also quite a lot of Vietnamese as well. I think if you are a person who likes to see mask wearing you see more but if you are a person who doesn't care to wear a mask you see more of that.
  16. Oh boy. That place is nothing like Brookline. I think your 80% Jewish population might be low.
  17. I am speaking of THIS week. Not three months ago ( or more). Thanks for being honest in your post. I can see Westerners and others walking around maskless now and no one ( when I peeked around) has issues. It's funny you approached her as it seems foreign posters on here have more distain than Thais. Just look at some of the posts here!
  18. I know a large amount of Thais. I speak with them about this. You GUARANTEED I haven't been up north in three years. You and your boy are wrong. You can never admit it. I was outside Chiang Mai city a lot too. Maybe the distain is actually towards you! I TALK to people. All my Thai friends and associates speak English. You and the other guy act like you are mind readers or actually face readers. How do you guys see distain if your locals are wearing masks! They don't care about foreigners who choose not to wear masks where THEY ARE NOT REQUIRED TO WEAR MASKS. So many locals in Chiang Mai are wearing masks on their chins.
  19. Brookline Massachusetts? I lived there for 10 years. Maybe you were in another town however.
  20. I think Salmons got about $55 million ( and maybe more). It's sad. I saw more homeless people in my trip to New York City last October than EVER before. Perhaps Michelle could spare a million to them.
  21. Well would you like to see my boarding pass or hotel reservation from Chiang Mai or some pics? I just came back from there late Weds night. That is Dec 21, 2022! No one gave myself or others who were maskless a second look or thought. The businesses are barely surviving there. They WANTED business from maskless people. The driver to the airport and I even talked about this Weds night when I asked if he thought masks would be off for most Thais in the near future. Many there are wearing old, loose dirty bacteria loaded masks anyways. Who knows what they are catching. I have my paid receipt from hotel as well if you need that!
  22. They do not! I'll call that out as a big fat lie!
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