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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. After all the "accidents" on Koh Tao over the years I wonder why someone bother to risk going there ever! There are of course accidents everywhere in Thailand, but there are just so many "strange" ones on such a little place!🙄
  2. The problem with this "King" is that he admires the richest in the land! The more billionaires the less democracy. The whole system is rotten to the core! The "King" will not fix that, just turn it around a little to his and his friends gains.
  3. Seems like Phuket is a magnet on imbeciles these days....🙄
  4. Seems like it has started to become a dangerous game to have a drink in Thailand! I know I will not do! Stick with beer!😆
  5. Lol! And the worst scam centers are driven by.....CHINESE!!! What a joke!
  6. .....and they think the mirrors on the bike are for checking their make-up!!! I have also seen them with one hand on the handlebar and one with a phone chatting away.....what could ever go wrong!
  7. Coconut water has quite a bit of potassium. Stay away from bananas. Too much sugar. 2,8 dl (1 cup) coconut water contains 600mg potassium.
  8. As usual....no helmets. What is wrong with this people....
  9. Greenland should become independent. Denmark hasn't always been so nice to Greenland at all. Look at history. Annexing the Panama canal and Canada?? The man is an imbecile! The thing is that he probably mean to get something out of this that he is not mentioning at the moment! We just cannot take his word literally. We just have to wait and see what he actually mean! But I say he is an ignorant imbecile that have no clue of what kind of responses it could have internationally! This is dangerous talk!
  10. I stay 5-6 months in Thailand due to some harsh and wet winters in Scandinavia. The Rest I stay "home". I find it to boring to stay in Thailand for longer than that. Rainy season is <deleted>. The air quality is <deleted>. But at least I can go to beaches and enjoy myself while I am here during high season and a little bit more. Retire for good here? No way!
  11. 🤣🤣🤣 Seems like you have at least saved your sense of humor!!
  12. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Arrested?? Don't make me laugh!!! The Thaksin gang will fix it all!
  13. The UK seems to be harboring all kind of scum from eastern Europe or the Middle eastern countries! When will the people of the UK rise up and keep the stupid politicians responsible?? Chase them out of offices' and demand new elections! I hope Farage can do something about this. If not, the UK is screwed and becoming Europe's slum number 1.
  14. Again....anger management must be a part of school from young age in Thailand. They have no "breaks" and need to learn. Something is fundamentally wrong somewhere....
  15. LOL! Agree! The "Buffet Monsters" can stay home...
  16. What a jerk! "I'm a great grandfather!!" #Hurray" While half of California is burning, people losing everything and people dying!!!! Please hide this idiot away! He has no idea something is burning!! What an incredible moron!!!
  17. Thaksin is the real prime minister! The daughter is just a PUPPET!!! Send him back to Dubai!!!
  18. That dog had been severely mistreated! It just had enough and turned mad. I often see Thais treat dogs like they should not be a living thing at all!! This is a reason for many dogs attacking humans! They see us as a threat! I wish they would ban people from having dogs as they have no clue how to take care of them. No one actually need a dog! Except for law enforcement!
  19. The world will soon come to a sudden stop-----we have reached the point of no return in so many ways.
  20. Here we go again. Anyone heard of anger management treatment? Seems like Thais need a lot of it....no natural "breaks"....😆
  21. Using elephants as some kind of fun for tourists should be banned! These animals are intelligent and I am not surprised they sometimes just lose it and goes berserk! I do not feel sorry for anyone being hurt or killed by these magnificent animals! Stop using them! It is not fun!!!
  22. A Damn retard has taken refuge in the WH!! A damn war monger! I hope the retards voting him in are happy!! He also reminds me of JOKER in Batman movies! I guess MUSK is Batman? I guess Russia and China now can point at The Clown and say: BUT AMERICA DOES IT, SO WHY NOT US??? Is it possible to find any dumber than Trump??? I do not think so....
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