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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. Posted a similar link in a thread, on the Australia forum, for the OP. https://www.ato.gov.au/about-ato/commitments-and-reporting/in-detail/privacy-and-information-gathering/our-approach-to-information-gathering/gathering-offshore-information It sets it out very clearly.
  2. Around 30% say they will leave for 6 months in order not to be a tax resident of Thailand. I have a couple of questions for around the other 30% who believe they will be able to reside here in the same fashion, yet still not pay any tax. How do you propose to avoid paying the tax, on a long term basis, and how will you deal with any possible punitive measures to force you to pay something? (when I say "something" it may not be the correct amount, but "something" over zero baht)
  3. 'If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." I had a Plan B even before I moved here permanently. This may cause many to start considering a Plan B. Probably something they should have already had.
  4. If / When the west concedes their "hegemony" is over, it will be World War 3. Probably manufactured by the west, to wipe the debt slate clean. There will probably be some "false flag" operation/s to kick it off. Question is, who's going to be in the "coalition of the willing" and who's going to be in the new and expanded "axis of evil." Remember these terms? Countries like Thailand will have to pick a side. They chose the US during the Vietnam war. Remember "The Domino Theory" BS? Thailand might do what Thailand has always done in history and do a deal to keep its sovereignty. The trouble for Thailand will be, this means they must make a bet on the outcome of the war. Bet on the wrong side, and Thailand loses out on the spoils of war, and actually becomes the spoils of war. The "system" in Thailand where you buy military promotions and political power, rather than earn it through education, hard work, and policy, will probably see poor decisions made at crucial times in the future, so in my opinion, when the the time comes, and it will come, Thailand will be up for grabs, and a strategic country for occupation to wage war against China. It's probably why the US let it go, so the west will just take it in the future, rather than pay for it on an ongoing basis.
  5. Let's hope it's his own bank account here, otherwise, it could all end up just another sad story for him, like so many others that came before him.
  6. I just mentioned in another post, if your 12 million baht "invested in Thailand" is mainly in property, in a tourist area, then who is going to be the market you are selling to, and how much competition will there be for the those prepared to stay, or move to Thailand, at any cost as to their tax liability, and also throw in a decent offer for your property? There's already an oversupply in property here. This will kill the market. You may not need to sell during a fire sale, but fire sale offers may be all you, and many others, will ever get.
  7. There goes the property market in the tourist areas, for both sales and rents. It's not just about those already here, but also the next generation of retiree / expat coming through. Why would they buy a property they will only live in for 179 days of the year?
  8. It was noted a little while ago there may have been a core group of trolls, or one troll with multiple usernames, possibly working for a website in competition to AN. They basically shut down threads. A few of them have dropped of since being called out. They add no content, only troll. Their purpose was to frustrate members to the point they get banned, so they go elsewhere. Olmate is still here, probably posting from his "mom"s" (yes, spelt the American way) basement, somewhere in the USA.
  9. Certainly wasn't a tadpole. I remember when Australia really was the Lucky Country. A decent day's work for a decent day's pay, and families got ahead. Hubby's wage would cover everything, with some left over for a domestic holiday each year. Mum could stay home and look after the kid, so they weren't raised by strangers in a day care facility. Now, kids and grand kids can't even afford to buy a modest house in the suburbs, and it's all by design. The sad thing is, the cost of the money successive governments have borrowed, over decades, through the interest, means we are still borrowing. Check it out. https://australiandebtclock.com.au I suppose you are going to say they eat too much "smashed av."
  10. No mixing, just calling you out for trolling, as usual. Try posting some content for a change. It's not as difficult as you think.
  11. No deflection. I am on the record here. You, on the other hand, don't put forward an opinion, just criticize those who do, without going on the record yourself. That's lower than a politician at election time.
  12. Wow. Probably faster than the blink of an eye. Awesome. You get what you pay for. If you were to chose a potential / hypothetical bottle neck in your system, other than the internet connection, what would it be? I've often wondered just at what point does the processor (recent builds) become the bottle neck.
  13. Elementary school is not a term used in Australia. Strange. the plot thickens. So, you think the proposed changes will be passed, thus agree with me. Glad we got that sorted out. So, what "toss" do you think the proposed changes will be, if not what's actually in black and white, as proposed by the previous Liberal government and still active under the current Labor government?
  14. Nope. Everyone gets caught up in the net, otherwise, wealthy Thai people would just use a foreigner as a proxy.
  15. I told you this in the Australian Forum on a thread and you took the p*ss out of me and refused to either believe, or accept it, despite me posting credible govenmnet link about it. Yet, here you are in another forum, starting this thread. Go figure.
  16. All power to you. Can I ask where, how, and how much, without breaching your privacy?
  17. Rubbish. These were your own words: "Yes and 5 litres of wine is just 11 AUD" it's in your own post. Recant, or post a link. You are full of it.
  18. Just replying out of courtesy. The problem has been fixed. It may have been "wise" (yes, pun intended) that the company email people telling them they have some issues. I would have respected that more than tying up my small transfer, which could have been a significant transfer, like it would have been for many, for days, when it's normally seconds to minutes.
  19. Well, there it is. Now, it turns out your posts aren't worth a piece of "pish."
  20. So, it's not 5 liters for $11. Isn't that what you originally posted?
  21. Holden was a subsidiary company of GM. Australia doesn't even make a car in the country anymore. Progress or regress? Wonderful, isn't it?
  22. No. Not a hater. The guy owns the house. Transferred it to his Thai missus, who he then says they are separated, but he rents it off her for $240 per week, to claim some rent assistance, but probably just keeps the money anyway. The Thai missus works as a nurse for $65,000AUD a year. (surprised about that, but will need to research. sounds like BS. probably a cleaner in a hospital) Then, this Centerlink / tax payer fraudster, who is living in Australia solely for the purpose of defrauding the tax payer through a Thai missus, comes onto this forum and posts how well a pensioner's lifestyle can be in Australia, living on the pension. First of all, he's a criminal. Second of all, why would he be on a Thai based internet forum when he's living in Australia? Sound's like the Thai missus is keeping him prisoner in Australia, for a lousy $65,000 a year, which would be taxed, and she's sending most of it back to Issan, and he has to put up with it. Yet, he gets on here and say how it's all great in Australia on a pension. It's laughable, but he's got you hook, line and sinker.
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