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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. 17th January 2022 Koh Tao, +3 new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com 18th January 2022 Samui +34 new cases Phangan, +25 new cases Koh Tao, +2 new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com Surat Thani Province (inc. Samui, Phangan & Tao): In treatment = 2,018 cases Severe symptoms (Red) = 6 cases Average symptoms (Yellow) = 261 cases Mild symptoms (Green) = 1,751 cases
  2. Seems like a large number of trucks in Thailand suffers from "brake failure"...????
  3. One week before, says the Samui regulations. For the 800k baht-method, you need a letter from the bank, a 3-month statement from the bank, and photocopies of you bankbook showing all transactions for the previous year. Best is to keep the 800k baht in a separate account, so not mixed from daily transactions, and if you can afford it - i.e. don't need to drop to 400k baht for close to 7 month, the use a 12-month fixed account for best interest, and withdraw the interest once a year, so you keep a clean 800k baht balance. Easy to check the account, and easy to photo-copy all pages with transactions for one year; it has worked fine for me for several years...????
  4. 17th January 2022 Samui +26 new cases (Bophut 14, Maenam 5, Maret 5, Namuang 2; furthermore Test and go 1 / Samui Sandbox 1) Phangan, +27 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  5. 16th January 2022 Samui +34 new cases Phangan, +27 new cases Koh Tao, +3 new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com Surat Thani Province (inc. Samui, Phangan & Tao): In treatment = 1,961 cases Severe symptoms (Red) = 6 cases Average symptoms (Yellow) = 250 cases Mild symptoms (Green) = 1,707 cases
  6. The first page for stamps in my passport is transfer stamps of two old original non-O visas, she still wanted all pages from 2016 and up to date (October 2021)...
  7. The list in the quote is from 2019, it's not the latest, that's why you're missing the O-A insurance information...???? October 2021 list is here...
  8. I read as since last entry stamp, which I did in October (2021), plus the name page. The lady at the counter however walked to the copy machine, and copied all other used pages in the passport; i.e. all pages until your last stamp in the passport...
  9. 15th January 2022 Samui +38 new cases Phangan, +29 new cases Koh Tao, +6 new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com
  10. Bangkok Bank has a standard letter for immigration purpose, where details are just typed in. Normally a three month statement is required together with the bank letter, plus a photo copy of the bank book; some offices require all pages of the bank book, so check exactly what the office you use needs of documentation. From my experience, it's best to leave the 800k baht in a special account not mixed with other transactions. If you can afford it, for example use a 12 month fixed deposit for best interest, and just withdraw the interest once a year, and leave the 800k baht balance; then you also don't need to remember to top up the account two month prior to next annual renewal. It makes it easy for both you, and the immigration officer. I've been using the above method for years, and I also include the balance my normal savings account with ATM card for foreign transfers and daily use in my annual letter, to show my source of income. That means a fee for the letter and two fees for statements, normally in Bankok Bank 3 x 100 baht...???? EDIT: Some offices wish a bank statement and copy of bankbook same day, or day before, applying for extension of stay; others accepts bank letter and statement dated up to a week before.
  11. The subject has been up before about elder Swedish people. Knowing how bad the elder care situation has become in some European countries, it might be a great option, might even be cheaper for governments to offer luxury care in Thailand than domestic care lacking a reasonable service level. I'm hoping never to need to return to my Danish home country and end up in an old folks care home. And when I read about how it is for many old people now in Denmark, I'm even more convinced. If staying in your own home, you can a few hour help, not per day, but in a week. In a care home relatives complains that the old family members only get a bath once a week, and might not even be helped to toilet, they can just use their senior diapers as there is not enough staff. There has been a number of horror stories in the news documented by relative's videos. Danes are the highed taxed popultation in the World; when working hard during a long life and paying your taxes, then this is what one get from your not only your tax money, they also use your retirement pension to pay for it. It you can afford private care as described in the article in for example Thailand, it's really worth considering, you would hardly get anything just close to it for the equivalent of £33,600 in Denmark compared to the example mentioned in the arcticle that costs £2,800 per month. The alternative £15-an-hour careworker from 9am to 6pm home in UK would be £135 per day and only 20 days to match £2.800; you would never be able to get a careworker in Denmark for modest £15 an hour, minimum salary for a careworker is 199 DKR per hour (2021), which equals £23, plus pension and extras. £2,800 would in Denmark equal about 100 hours careworker-help per month, or three to four hours per day. The only real problem I can see with remote elder care is family relations.
  12. However, nothing stops you from a proper check-out, and asking the reception if the result was negative...
  13. 14th January 2022 Samui +24 new cases Phangan, +53 new cases Koh Tao, +4 new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com
  14. Sorry for hitting wrong key, the phone number for khun Art is: 089 476 6175.
  15. Better than winning the Thai lottery, 41 million Swedish kroner is little more than 150 million baht, congratulations...????????????????????????????
  16. Always liste carefully to what khun Anutin says, he might be the nation's next prime minister...
  17. Unfortunately Coronavirus don't seem to agree with Jesper Ahrentz, it don't let the authorities' long term solutions last, Covid always has a Joker to pull out from the sleeve; the latest one is called Omicron, we can only guess if it's also the last joker hidden in Covid's sleeve...
  18. One or other way we, and the rest of the World, are going to find a way to live with Covid, just like we have been living with influenza for 100 years. Total number deaths in Thailand from the Covid-19 pandemic, during almost two years now: 21,901 Source link WorldOmeter. Number of deaths in Thailand reported from the 2018-influenza epidemic: 44,549 Source link WorldHealthRankings.
  19. In February Pfizer will be available again for booster shots, they said to my GF today...????
  20. Yes, you can try to contact khun Art on phone 087 476 6175. Khun Art is architect (Bo Phut), speaks good English and has workers for (very) reasonable fees, you agree work and price directly with the worker. They have done excellent repair work for me...????
  21. 13th January 2022 Samui +32 new cases (Bophut 18, Maret 5, Na Muang 4, Maenam 3, Ang Thong 1, Taling Ngam 1) Phangan, +33 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  22. Many of the usual places visited by foreigners are still closed, while a few is reopened by calling themselves "restaurant" instead of "bar", including the live music venues mainly frequented bi Thais. Officially no alcohol is served after 9 pm, but there is no curfew, so you can still stay out late...????
  23. 12th January 2022 Koh Tao, +4 new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com Surat Thani Province (inc. Samui, Phangan & Tao): In treatment = 1,617 cases Severe symptoms (Red) = 5 cases Average symptoms (Yellow) = 275 cases Mild symptoms (Green) = 1,337 cases
  24. 12th January 2022 Samui +34 new cases Phangan, +43 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
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