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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. Reported cases cannot be use for comparison between how countries are performing during the pandemic due to difference in testings. Yes, excess deaths might be different from reports of "Covid deaths" - some countries has little lower excess deaths figure than reported Covid cases, for example Denmark - excess deaths are probably the best comparison of the true impact of the pandemic. Thailand is not performing that bad when compared, even that the excess deaths number is about three times higher than the number of reported Covid deaths...
  2. You cannot use Covid-tests to show a result of the disease, number of deaths per million, and number of excess deaths per million shows the impacts of the virus; Thailand is not doing that bad, and better than for example UK that perform huge amounts of tests.
  3. You can have registered mail send to a P.O. box (Post Office box) in Thailand, so EMS should be the same. I've received registered letters, and once I also had a returned EMS in my P.O. Box (returned from abroad). You will not be noticed about arrival other than a note in the P.O. box, so you need to check the box regularly. With the note from the box - and some places probably also identification - you can pick up the mail either inside the post office, or by the counter servicing the P.O. boxes (if there is such a counter). There will be a timelimit - typically about a week - before the mail is returned to sender.
  4. Odd season heavy rain is part of weather, not a climate change. There was also a case in 2011 in Southern part of Thailand, which was said to equalize, or just beat, a 100 year old record, so there were also heavy rain 100 years earlier...
  5. I regret, but I'm generally polite and might use "khun" again...????
  6. You statement is way out of reality. If people shows symptoms or are hospitalized, they have been tested, which is facts. The excess number of test made on people without symptoms in some countries, thereby recording asymptomatic Covid-cases, cannot be compared with countries making fewer tests. The comparable factors are serious critical hospitalization, deaths, and at some point during the pandemic also excess deaths. The last can for example reveal unregistered Covid deaths, or reveal that Covid hardly caused no excess death at all. These figurs are the bottom lines that matters. The official facts shows that Thailand has not performed so bad after all, when compared to other countries.
  7. Yes, need several countries to compare with, not only UK...????
  8. 20th February 2022 Samui, +20 new cases Phangan, +43 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  9. Official closing time is still 23:00, so you are presumably quite right. Some might have longer opening hours, presumably due to the facts my Thai lawyer learned me: "There is a very long distance from Bangkok [meaning Krung Thep Maha Nakhon] down to Samui"...???? PS: It has happened before that a new big bass of the island's police shows muscles about opening hours. Last time I experienced such a case was back in 2012. The next day there was a demonstration in front of Bo Phut Police Station in Chaweng, where the new big boss finally came on stage - he could probably hear the speeches in his office due to the large loudspeakers - and stated that he now understood the importance of long opening hours due to tourism. Not long after it was said that the the big boss requested for a move to another district...
  10. Boosters are not (yet) to my knowledge part of the official stats used to compare countries - fully vaccinated is defined as two jabs - if you have a graph including them, please share it...????
  11. Thailand is doing all right compared to other countries...
  12. It has nothing to do with Covid-tests - or what khun Anutin do or if he is liked - the statistics numbers that matters are death per million and excess death per 100,000; Thailand is doing all right in both compared to other countries.
  13. You are trolling me, I have no opinion about khun Anutin and what he has been saying or is saying. You can still easily find all details in the news - it's no fairy tale - about 3rd wave, that began with the then so-called "British mutation B.1.1.7" (later named "Alfa", link HERE), and the escalation through Krystal Club and Emerald Club in amusement area in Bangkok end of March 2021. The Indian virus variant B.1.617 (later named "Delta") had it's outbreak from May. it arrived with travellers from Pakistan (link HERE). Do your own Google search, for additional news stories, there are plenty and many hours amazing reading... My point in my first comment - and I repeat it again - is that even if some may not fancy khun Anutin - and even he sometimes makes some odd statements - then statistics talks in his favor here, Thailand has not performed that bad during the Covid-pandemic, when it comes to health and deaths...????
  14. No, Omicron, the 5th wave, had it's breakout in Thailand in January, I accept facts, 5th wave and January are HERE. I don't understand what you mean about "who's fault" and UK?
  15. Bkk Brian shows 76.1 percent 1st Jab, 70.9 percent 2nd jab - which is what the graphs shows - and 26.6 percent for 3rd jab, which is not included in the official comparison graphs. The graph is correct, so is Bkk Brian's percentage, it's the same. The UK comparison is however misleading, as it shows percentage of population aged 12+, if you look at the number of people and the population of UK, then the percentage in the graph is correct.
  16. No, I'm referring to the official expressions of "waves", the second wave came from migrant workers in December 2020, while the third wave originated from the VVIP hi-so amusement area in Bangkok - Krystal Club and Emerald Club - end of March 2021 and escalated from April; which is the one you're thinking of. 4th and 5th wave ware not initially mentioned, but recently referred to Delta variant and Omicron variant. What WHO may think, might be different from what countries with succesful border control experienced, ask what New Zealand and Australia think about that.
  17. Nothing mentioned about booster, the graphs are correct. Omicron arrived later in Thailand than Europe, so there is a delay in spread and number of cases compared to Europe. In some European countries the number of new cases hare hitting record high numbers at the moment - rising faster than Thailand, but cannot be easily compared due to number of performed Covid tests and asymptomatic cases - but omicron is less severe according to the experts, so reopening is happening. Don't forget UK, with about same size of population as Thailand, reported 128 new Covid deaths today, and 34,377 new cases with a total of 1,807,714 active cases. Thailand reported 29 deaths, while number of cases might not be comparable at all due to fewer tests, but the number is lower than UK.
  18. No, you show "population aged 12+", both the graph and official Thai stat shows percentage of all population, UK is 76,76 percent of all population. The graph is correct. Both UK and Thailand are 76 percent, with UK slightly over Thailand when adding decimals.
  19. The number in statistics are vaccinations, not makes or brands. We are not talking about which vaccines are the most efficient, in Europe and Israel - which is among the leading countries when it comes to Covid-vaccinations - people are having their 4th jab as even Pfizer, which many considers as an excellent vaccine, don't give long term protection. UK based their vaccination program on AZ, which Thailand also did, but until AZ became available they used Sinovac. The graph is supposed to be up to date based on what the individual countries reports, it shows first jab or "partly vaccinated", and so-called "fully vaccinated" with two jabs. It the same for all countries in the graph; what vaccines do you think are used in China?
  20. There were one case January (14th if I remember right), a Chinese man, first case outside China. Took a while before the next case appeared, seemed like people didn't really fear the virus before later. There are much we don't know about Covid. I'm not giving credits to the government or khun Anutin, I just say that Thailand has not performed - for whatever reason - as bad in statistic facts, as some posters wish...????
  21. Sorry, but I'm not dishonest, I relay statistics from ourworldindata.org. If you have better comparing sources, please share. UK total vaccinated first dose in your link is 52,556.789 people of a population of 68,467.516 people, which is 76.76 percent. The percentage of 91,4 shown on the right in your link is of "population aged 12+".
  22. The influenza point is from official Danish sources to explain the excess number of deaths, that why it's mentioned, it's not a point of view from my side. I got no idea - because I have no knowledge about it, and haven't checked it - if there has been less influenza cases in UK during the Covid-pandemic, and if it has any impact on excess number of deaths.
  23. Omicron cases are high all over, nothing special for Thailand, however number of serious cases and death are lower than before. In Europe a small country as Denmark with 1/12th of Thai population has a higher number of new recorded daily cases, 31,467 today, which would equal some 377,000 new cases if the number is compared to Thailands population. 553,342 active cases that would equal more than 6 million with a population of Thailand's size, of which only 37 are serious critical. equalizing some 440 cases compared to Thailand's population. 28 new deaths that could equal 330. It's Omicron and Denmark has stopped all Covid-restriction and fully opened the country. So even Thailand makes fewer tests - number of tests has no meaning in comparison - Thailand is not so bad off with today reported 687 serious critical cases and 29 new deaths. For comparison UK, with a similar size of population as Thailand, has 128 new deaths today, but only 331 patients in serious critical condition. Germany, on the other hand has 2.494 in serious critical condition, which adjusted for size of population compares with Thailand as 2,000. My point in my first comment is that even if some may not fancy khun Anutin - and even he sometimes makes some odd statements - then statistics talks in his favor here, Thailand has not performed that bad during the Covid-pandemic, when it comes to health and deaths...????
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