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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. That strain of virus in the boxing stadium-cluster was said to come from a Thai migrant worker returning from Italy, which at that time suffered from a new Covid-mutation, different from the original milder Wuham-strain that was already in Thailand... However, there were later doubt if the strain from Italy was more dangerous. The second wave came with illegal migrant workers from Myanmar. Unfortunately there are not anything better to compare with than official facts, what people believe is a private matter.
  2. Look at the facts of the result so far, Thailand has not performed as bad as some wish, nor is Thailand in the top. The vaccination stat is here, Thailand almost equals UK...
  3. Please note my wording "...there is not a significant higher number recorded of excess deaths in Thailand, while other countries have, for example USA and Italy." It's not a comparison to reported number of Covid deaths in Thailand, but the accumulated number of excess deaths per 100,000 people.
  4. Or it's closed borders that matters, look at New Zealand and Australia, and Thailand's neighbors Cambodia and Vietnam, they also performed well. Thailand had the first reported Covid case outside China back in January 2020 and closed the borders in March. It was people from outside that brought the new stems of Covid in from July and mainly migrant workers at the end of 2020. It's indeed the total numbers that show the result of a pandemic.
  5. I presume this thread is about Covid-19; I got no idea why influenza in UK comes into the picture? The Thaiger-articles is from July last year with main focus on vaccine rollout, it's little outdated now. Number of tests does not show the impact of Covid-19. Serious cases in hospital, death and excess mortality rate shows that. However, a high rate of tests might help preventing spread of virus, but so might other precautions like closed borders. Accumulated test rate per 1,000 people... Excess deaths per 100,000 people for same countries... Thailand should do extremely bad here, if tests are the important factor. So let's look compare with Thailand's neighbors and Australia, that has performed quite well, but with both high test rate and closed borders... And excess deaths per 100,000 people for same countries, please note it's not only Thailand, which has lower deaths than UK that has excess death over 200 (see above graph)... My point in my first comment is that even if some may not fancy khun Anutin - and even he sometimes makes some odd statements - then statistics talks in his favor here, Thailand has not performed that bad during the Covid-pandemic, when it comes to health and deaths...????
  6. Please read the comments before you reply, you don't seems to know what you are replying to.
  7. 18th February 2022 Samui, +27 new cases Phangan, +30 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com 19th February 2022 Samui, +23 new cases Phangan, +28 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  8. Number of performed tests are useless for comparison, try to compare UK with Denmark.
  9. And then compare the total number of excess mortality per 100,000 with World average, and some of the Western countries to make any sense.
  10. But still lower than Word average and many other countries (image repeated from a earlier post of mine above)...
  11. I'm looking at available facts, nothing else. Influenza is a very valid point related to the Danish numbers - and only mentioned there - which you will notice if you search in Danish news. Denmark was relevant to compare with because of the significant high number of Covid tests. What is the number of excess death in Thailand? When you look at the number then it's significant lower than a in number of Western countries, try to compare with for example Italy and USA. Saying that Italy and USA has performed well would be looking through rose tinted glasses. A fact based on postings in this thread is that numerous foreigners don't fancy khun Anutin, and that is all right, but it's not facts about Thailand's health performance during the pandemic...????
  12. You might have some excellent points there, but how do we know if that is the truth, and how many numbers have that been manipulated..? Some Western countries counted death as "Covid", if a person had tested positive within the last 30 days before death, no matter what was the actual course for death. I've also noticed details about Covid-reported death in Thailand, where it has been stated that the deceased person had other underlying symptoms. Excess number of deaths during the Covid pandemic gives a better impression, however there is not a significant higher number recorded of excess deaths in Thailand, while other countries have, for example USA and Italy. The point is that various facts show that Thailand has not performed so bad health-wise during the Covid-pandemic, when compared to other countries.
  13. Subjective comment about what one believes in - which is alright - but what one believes in, or what things looks like, are not facts. I don't mention what I think...
  14. Then number of excess deaths during the Covid pandemic should be significant higher, they are not, while excess deaths are significant higher in for example USA and Italy, which is number 2 on the list of Covid-test per million population.
  15. Not a significant change, have you looked for excess deaths in for example Italy and USA, Italy is number 2 in number of Covid test per million population.
  16. Actually, you cannot trust the Danish numbers - they are politically manipulated - which you can find more about if you Google news from Denmark; in fact the government's Covid-handling is becoming a scandal...
  17. Thanks for your comment. Yes, excess mortality is indeed relevant, but you need to look at the accumulated numbers to compare, and what other factors might be relevant. For example there has been little to no influenza in Denmark during the Covid pandemic. In Denmark an influenza epidemic, like the one in 2017-2018, can kill more people during one season (2,822), than the Covid pandemic did in one year (total deaths in two years are 4,250). During the Covid-pandemic there have been recorded between 1 and maximum less than 25 influenza-cases per week, not death, so specified influenza don't appear in the stats. For the season 2019-2020, where Covid arrived in 2020 by the time influenza normally would peak, the number of influenza deaths were 119, in average it would be 700 or more. The point is that it's extremely difficult to compare data when there are no significant differences. However there are significant differences in the number of Covid test per million between Denmark and all other nations - five times as many as number two in the cahrt - but that is not shown in similar lower number of deaths. And what about Italy, which is number 2 on the chart for number of performed Covid tests per million population; they should also be performing way lower than Thailand... My point in my first comment is that even if some may not fancy khun Anutin - and even he sometimes makes some odd statements - then statistics talks in his favor here, Thailand has not performed that bad during the Covid-pandemic, when it comes to health and deaths...????
  18. When looking at facts - i.e. number of deaths with Covid-19 per million - is he actually fairly correct, even some may not appreciate it. Thailand has 322 deaths per million population as per today. Lets compare with death per million in some major Western countries... Canada: 940 France: 2.083 Germany: 1,445 Italy: 2,530 Sweden: 1,648 Switzerland: 1,498 UK: 2,342 USA: 2,868 and the World in average: 756 If tests per million had any significant value, then Denmark would be number one in the World, no other country comes near to the number of Danish's tests with 10,441,550 tests taken per million inhabitants; number two on the list is Italy with only 2,975,910 tests per million. For Denmark that number means that whole population have been tested more than 10 times, yet 10-20 percent of the population have never been near a test-site. So how well has Denmark then performed during the pandemic in the figure that matters, namely number of deaths per million? Denmark should be outstanding, if tests has major protection value, but unfortunately the fact is 730 death per million population. Note that Thailand - number 146 down the list in Covid-tests per million - has only 322 death per million population.
  19. You can take a look at Pacific Prime Thailand HERE, just type in sex and age, and click on compare quotes...????
  20. 32 million that pays 4 percent in dividend outcome - which is very possible on the Thai stock market, even after withholding tax - is little more than 1.2 million a year or 100,000 baht a month. It's not enough for luxury, but enough for an Okay life-style, so if you wish a hi-end life-style you need to also work. However, the question is if you really need to "invest" 32 million baht to get a work permit? If you are in that income level from a job, so you have 30+ million baht in savings, you should easily be able to get a job - and work permit - in a major- or international company, without the need for investing 32 million baht; and that job might even include both accommodation, or extra for that, and free international school of your choice for eventual children. If you are entrepreneur and start your own business, you only need to invest 2 million baht in a company limited - and as American, who are part of the target group, you can actually own that company 100 percent - to obtain a work permit, provided you can employ 4 Thais, or even less depending of your business and eventual BOI benefits. Makes me wonder what the real benefits are for 32 million baht...????
  21. Wow, Thai women don't mind low funds...???? Seems like some surveys saying the opposite are completely wrong...
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