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Everything posted by TigerandDog

  1. Foreigners are not included. The reason being when the banks are taking the pic of the customer their Thai ID card is scanned before the pic is taken and then linked to the ID card.. As foreigners do not have Thai ID cards with a data chip in it, it is not possible for us to have our pic taken for this new process.
  2. It's not just mail posted from overseas to Thailand, it's also mail posted in Thailand to a Thai address. This year after submitting my Thai tax return in January and receiving a text message stating that my refund cheque had been mailed I had to visit the local Revenue Office 3 times to advise that my cheque had not been received. The only way I managed to receive my cheque was to have a replacement cheque (2nd one) sent to the local Revenue Office in one of their courier bags and I collected the cheque there.
  3. bitlord is also a good one.
  4. I used to use Tom Tom when I first came to Thailand but found that their maps were rarely updated, which I've also found with google maps, so switched to garmin, but not in the cars console. I just plug the garmin into the cigarette lighter.
  5. I've found this site to be the most reliable.
  6. You need to make this comment clearer. When you refer to "a usual democracy" are you referring only to Thailand (555) or a real democracy. If you are referring to a real democracy (the USA is NOT a real democracy) your statement couldn't be further from the truth. In a real democracy the Prime Minister is the leader of the party/coalition with the majority of seats in the lower house of the parliament.
  7. not entirely right mate. It depends on where your estate is. If you have assets in both countries you need a will for each country. I've seen too many old friends, who have passed, have their entire estates go to relatives in their home country because there was NO Thai will. Their Thai wives received nothing. The Thai inheritance laws seem to only be applicable to Thai/Thai relationships, and even then a Thai will is needed to stop the squabbling of the Thai relatives that think they are entitled to a share of the estate.
  8. "For your Australian Super you can nominate the beneficiary directly with that fund so do not need a Will to do so." Pattaya57 that statement is not 100% correct. Yes you can nominate a beneficiary for your super directly with the super fund. However, your aussie will MUST also include that nomination, especially if the nominee is not mentioned in your will, otherwise your super is just lumped together with the rest of your aussie estate and distributed as per the will. Please be aware that the nomination with the super fund is not legally binding. It is only an indication of who should (not must) receive your super upon your passing. The reason I'm so certain about this is because it happened with my mother's estate. She had nominated a particular person to receive a percentage of her super, but as it was not included in her will that nomination became null and void. Congrats on having the sense to have a will in both countries, viz one for aussie estate and one for Thai estate.
  9. Pheu Thai not winning the majority had nothing to do with Thaksin or his daughter. Where I am is usually hard core red, BUT those hard core members turned on Pheu Thai for 1 reason only, viz. the fact they nominated 3 candidates for PM. To them it indicated friction and instability between the factions within PT, so they voted MFP instead.
  10. you should be changing your name to Mandalorian. This is the way. YNWA
  11. The barrier is there and he drove around it. Look how far he is towards the wrong side of the road. Strange that the car behind him saw it and stopped and you can see it going back up after the train has passed.
  12. "Most of us who use agents DO meet the requirements to stay long term.". I cannot agree with that statement. MOST that use an agent do NOT meet the requirements. Also by using an agent you are condoning the corruption that is involved, whether you meet the requirements or not.
  13. the use of agents for visa extensions should be banned. This would get rid of quite a lot of the corruption that Immigration are involved in and also get those that DO NOT meet the requirements to stay long term out of the country.
  14. did my retirement extension at CM on 12th May with an appointment. CM was very crowded and even with an appointment I had to wait for 2 hours, BUT most of that time viz 1.5 hours was waiting AFTER the photo was taken to receive my passport back.
  15. the first part of your reply shows why you have a tendency to post inaccurate comments. Pita NEVER owned the shares, they were his father's. Pita is ONLY holding them in trust as part of his father's estate, they are not and never have been in his name. They are in the name of his father's estate.
  16. name the actual electoral laws that MF broke, and I don't mean the FAKE charge of Pita owning iTV shares. It has already been established and declared by Pita with the EC that he does not OWN the shares and even if he did the number of allegedly owned shares are less than 1% of the companies shares, so from my understanding of the situation, no electoral laws have been broken with regards to these trumped up charges. So please enlighten us as to which electoral laws MF did actually break.
  17. I lost mine a few years ago and no police report required to get a replacement. Also fee for Thais and foreigners at my district office is 60 baht.
  18. Anutin & BJT will eventually become part of the coalition as Anutin's ego will want him to hold some sort of Ministerial post so he can stay relevant, just don't let it be health, defense or Transport. If he is not a minister he will fade into oblivion as he is NOT an elected member of the parliament.
  19. that's true, but as I've posted in other comments Thai baristas are only trained to heat the milk to 60* celsius, BUT it's not just the temperature of the coffee that makes Starbucks coffee so crap, it's the source of their coffee beans which mostly come from Yunnan in China.
  20. definitely yes.
  21. Just checked out the web page for 94. The 94* is Celsius. However, based on their web page, that is the water temperature for making the espresso, not the temperature for drinking the coffee at after the heated milk has been added. So, and this is only conjecture on my part, if they heat the milk for hot coffees the same as most Thai coffee shops, the milk will only be heated to 60* Celsius, which results in a lukewarm coffee. I'll stick with my barista training and heat the milk to 75* celsius for a more enjoyable coffee.
  22. The ONLY coffee that should be made with boiling water is instant coffee.
  23. Starbucks coffee is very close to teh WORST coffee I have EVER tasted.
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