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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I spent 95% of my money on women, booze, and fast cars. The remainder i just squandered. RIP George Best.
  2. Doesn't even come close to the "Pattaya Pattaya" song by the recently deceased Lou Deprijck, released way earlier in about 2006.
  3. Calling Bali Hai a "cape" is a tad pretentious.
  4. Maybe it's just me but I tend to look where I'm walking, and therefore avoid walking into static objects.
  5. Update your passbook and hopefully it has composite updates and the less than 800k won't show. But I suspect the balances they show always show the lowest balance reached. It might show the EOD (end of day) balance, in which case you might get away with it. If I'm wrong, when you submit the bank statements, remove the page that shows the drop in limit. I've watched them checking the statements - they quickly scan down the balance column looking at the numbers, but they don't do what an auditor would do. i.e check for consecutive page numbers, or check the balance carried forward to the next page. It's worth a crack.
  6. Jomtien Air 086-889-9001.
  7. The world birth rate is 2.3 https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=TH-1W And the entire western world is well under 2.0 https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=TH-1W&view=map We are on the way to population decline and eventual extinction, but nobody is talking about it except Uncle Elon.
  8. 292.1 million equates to 800,000 arrivals every day. Either somebody put the decimal point in the wrong place, or getting a taxi out of Swampy will be nigh on impossible.
  9. One-Way, but in both directions.
  10. People don't hate golf. But non-golfers get mightily annoyed with golfers that bang on continuously about their last round or their yardage with the latest Taylormade driver. Don't ask me about ardent stamp collectors.
  11. Is clipping errant Indian pedestrians with your side-mirrors an official sport yet?
  12. Thread header should be "Sadomasochist seeks other Sadomasochists to play with - skirts optional".
  13. Buy a cheap pressure gauge and check the pressure after the Thai numpty has blown them up to rock hard at 65psi. Then simply release the excess air in several stages to achieve your required pressure. The Thai numpty science logic assumes that tyres naturally lose pressure, so inflating rock hard means your tyres will stay inflated for longer. I run mine at the recommended pressures, but take off 3psi in the wet season. EDIT: Forgot to add regarding your mobility, keep the gauge under the scooter seat and get the numpty to check the pressure under your supervision. If you don't know the Thai for the appropriate numbers, learning them isn't difficult.
  14. I had intraocular lens replacement surgery at age 56 in 2015. Done by Dr. Somchai at BPH in Pattaya. Cost was 197,000 baht. But I chose the option of only local anaesthetic. I suspect the option of a general anaesthesia will increase the cost substantially. The local was painless, and I would recommend this to keep the cost down The results are nothing short of amazing. I would describe it as life altering. No more glasses of any kind, perfect short and long range vision. A point to note - select the multi-focal option. This means both lenses are able to adjust focus. I know people who have selected to have only one lens replaced, or had one lens set for short focus and one set for long focus. They all seem disgruntled with the results and all still use reading and/or regular eyeglasses. I tested 20/15 about 3 months after the surgery and can read the smallest print on a medical label at 20-30cm. The only downside is that you get to see an unblurred ageing image of yourself in every mirror.
  15. No context given at all in the article. A possible interpretation from viewing the video is that two lazy-arses were told in no uncertain terms to assist in the task at hand. Standard practice back in the day to cuff the younger lazy employees across the back of the head for laziness and/or stupidity. The world made sense back then though.
  16. 555. You missed the part about her knowing which parking space is intrinsically the best.
  17. It pays to turn the headlights off and place your Singha T-shirt over the dashboard, thus eliminating interior reflective light and improving external vision through the tint. It also saves fuel and makes your battery last longer, so it's also good for the environment.
  18. Straight road and plenty of lighting, but wifey says it was very dark. That'll be the 90% tint on the windscreen.
  19. We live in dystopian times. Not sure if its 1984 or Brave New World - probably a combination of both. The ever decreasing birth rates around the world are probably the biggest threat to the survival of humanity. Eventually the despots that rule us will realise their fiefs are declining and the serfs are not reproducing themselves. The dystopian solution is obvious - enforced birth rate targets and eventually, enforced pregnancy. The government will seize your daughter and turn her into a breeding sow for 20 years. Think it can't happen? Think again.
  20. I used to ride my bike "sensibly", as I would back home. That lasted about a week and I was having 30 near death experiences per kilometre. I converted to riding Thai style, felt much more comfortable, and reduced the near death experiences to a more manageable 5 per kilometre, on a good day. If everybody on the dancefloor is doing a tango and you only know how to waltz, you've got a problem.
  21. There's a world-wide debt crisis and the proverbial will be hitting the fan Q1 2024. The only remaining question is whether the Kabal decide to get us out of it with an inflationary, or deflationary recession. Either way, it won't be pretty. If they go inflationary by printing money to replace the written-off debt (essentially an international bank bail-out), expect 1980's level inflation. If they go deflationary by allowing the debt (cash) to be removed from the M2, you might be able to pick up a Lambo for the previous price of a small Singha.
  22. Will they provide seating and popcorn for this debacle event, and where does one purchase tickets?
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