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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Trump's biggest mistake in 2016 was not clearing out the DOJ and sending Hillary's ass to jail. I hope he overcomes his first term naivety this time around.
  2. Yep, Tucker at his best. But you need to understand comedy and irony to interpret this short clip. I suspect you have a short attention span. Watch this and come back in in one hour, eleven minutes, 59 seconds and give us your opinion. In reality, your cognitive dissonance will have you vomiting at 59 seconds. Good luck.
  3. Your response is so typically paradoxical, I'll retire from the conversation to go and watch Whoopi and Joy Baher on The View. Maybe I need a reality check.
  4. JT - I do this every day, perhaps you should try it. For every hour you spend watching/your favoured left wing media sources, spend an equivalent hour watching/reading media sources with opposing views or a different interpretation. By sourcing information from both sides, some sort of balance is achieved in one's mind. You are better able to understand opposing opinions. I thoroughly understand your hatred of Trump. The MSM portrayal of him as a rabid Hitlerite has convinced many people for many years that he is in fact Hitler re-incarnate. Watch at least a few hours of Shapiro, Rubin, Peterson, Carlson, Crowder, Kirk, the Hodge Bros, Brandon Tatum, Anthony Logan, to name a few. Eventually, even though you will probably not change your political perspective, you may come to realise that what you call "Maga Fascists" actually have opinions equally as valid as those on the left.. You may not realise this - Trump supporters actually think Trump is a bit of an idiot and buffoon, constantly puts his foot in his mouth, is a genuine comedian, but also wants the world to be a genuinely better place, and a bit like everyone's obnoxious uncle - is not afraid to say what he thinks and call a spade a spade. Anyway, try what I've suggested and suffer through some opposing views on youtube. Maybe start with Jordan Peterson - he will calm your soul.
  5. Somebody once described trying to define fascism is like trying to nail jelly to a wall, or herd a bunch of cats. Fascism has existed on the left and right. But I think JT is confusing fascism with authoritarianism. But I'm pretty sure that no definition of fascism or authoritarianism includes; smaller and less powerful government, curtailment of rogue bureaucrats, lower taxes, greater freedom of speech, no wars, opposition to corporate bailouts, religious freedom, and an unbiased legal system.
  6. Play the ball, not the man.
  7. Well spotted, my apologies for mixing my metaphors. Okay, not exactly a metaphor, but you get the picture. And in my book, pedanticism is a virtue, not a curse.
  8. I like going down rabbit holes. Years ago I entertained myself by quickly researching medical claims that you are x.xx times more likely to die because of "insert reason". In my own case, the cumulative effect of all my vices (drinking, smoking, sugar, lack of exercise, slightly obese, being male, high cholesterol, racing motorbikes, slightly autistic - I can't remember the rest), I was something like 37 times more likely to die than the average white male. Still kicking.
  9. My lifelong policy is to treat the taxman like a mushroom, and keep them in the dark. I won't be changing my policy - they can come and find me. Catch me if you can.
  10. He should be the first to go. Whoever suckered Trump in to appointing Wray must be very proud.
  11. I have one great fear. Will the Rinos and the multitude of the other "I'm only here to get rich" Republicans in the House and Senate squander the opportunity Trump has given them. I think Trump will make some progress, but odds are the machine will still beat him.
  12. MSNBC has Wisconsin as Trump 50.9 and Harris 47.5 with 96% counted. They refuse to call it for Trump. Similar numbers in the other rust belt states. This is a train wreck for the Left. Perhaps the Dems may have a round table and conclude that their extreme woke anti-human policies are not what the people want. But I doubt it.
  13. Actually, I wouldn't trust them to even deliver the mail - the job requires integrity and honesty.
  14. He should start with the Justice Dept, the FBI, the CIA and the God knows how many other TLA security/swamp agencies. But first, remove the security clearances from all the retired swamp rats.
  15. Kamala won DC by 90%. Now that's the swamp, by definition.
  16. McDonald's drive-thru maybe? I mean I know she doesn't have the qualifications, but I'm sure Trump will put in a good word for her.
  17. Can't wait for his book to be written. He will dump big time on the Dems and the lady he hates the most in the world, Ms. Harris.
  18. Hold my beer - I'll just call Hillary for an update.
  19. The irony is that many/most lefties will be quite happy with the outcome. Now they can spend four years sniping at Trump - defending Biden/Harris must have been very tiring for them and the prospect of four more years playing defense would have eviscerated them.
  20. Looking for the trifecta now. Got the presidency, got the Senate. Let's hope the River card gives Trump the full house.
  21. I posted this 11 hours ago in another thread. May not be too far wrong. My crystal ball is for sale.
  22. MSNBC have called PA for Trump. It's Stumps.
  23. Not till late afternoon tomorrow at the earliest. Leftie activists can't wake up early, and they never make their beds.
  24. I'm having fun drinking Johnnie Waller and watching Ben Shapiro and his cronies on the Daily Wire. Shapiro looks really dangerous when he's happy.
  25. The OP successfully described my two western women marriages. It's universal. You become the doormat. So, much like the Pink Panther, you exit stage left.
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