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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. In the west girls do have options and some choose to service men..................go figgure!

    Sorry, but what are you talking about?

    I think what Cheecoo was refering to: in the Western World there are many prostitutes,and they don't choose this proffession because there are no good jobs around,there are plenty of jobs,but they still go for the easy money,because they are lazy,and don't believe in working too hard for a living.

  2. Unless the spouse or civil partner of a British citizen, in which case it doesn't matter how long you've held ILR.

    We all make mistakes; as the Dalek said climbing of the dustbin. (Jasper Carrot circa 1974)

    Correct me if i'm wrong 7by7,but as I read the rules for Citizenship,prior to the new rules on the 9th of July 2012,an application for Citizenship can be made : after 3 years in the UK,assuming ILR has been granted,or has been applied for before the July new rules.

  3. Watching that 2nd video. Things definitely do not seem correct.

    100 Baht a day wages? Then they talk about houses with swimming pools etc. How many in The U.K. have a house with a swimming pool <deleted>?

    450 Baht a day for a house, especially a house like the one they chose? I pay 258 Baht a day for a 3 bed house with 3 bathrooms in Pattaya!!! Where are they getting these figures from?? There are rooms in Pattaya for 200 odd Baht a day with fan.

    At 10:59 she says they can earn 100 Baht, roughly 25 pence per HOUR. Does she really know her facts and figures? Earlier she says that amount per day.

    Most Thai people I have known generally earn 200 Baht a day for 1 job of work. Many have had 2 jobs.

    Poor things could not stand any more rice and noodles? This is Thailand. That is staple food for many yet these poor white folks want chocolates and sweets!! They complain also about all the Thai food in the stalls? Wake up, this is Thailand, they sell Thai food.

    Too many things wrong with this video IMHO. A very distorted picture.

    That house in Isaan,would not have fetched 1000 Baht a month in rent,of course the makers of the film need as much sensationalism as possibly,also the wages per day are 180 baht a day in Isaan and not 100. Take it all with a large pinch of Salt!

  4. The Video was quite clear: This merry band of probably ex University Graduates? came to Thailand with fixed naïve ideas that the Girls are being exploited and they can talk them into getting a low paid regular job, and like all Knights in Shining Armour failed to do research before they came. And with no concept of why these woman choose big money rather than a low paid job as the vast majority of the rest of the Thai population do.

    This will be another do gooder mission failed. They will never understand that money is number one, and not Virtuous employment, with an income that is a struggle to live on.

    I guess trying to convince these Girls of the Higher Moral ground is going to be impossible to achieve, 7,000 a month as opposed to 30,000 and in some case much much more, is not going to impress these Girls one bit, converts are going to be very thin on the ground, and not much evidence and research to write a Thesis on the subject,back home.

    They also would fail to understand that when the girls go back to the village for a visit, they are revered and perceived to be wealthy ,and where the money came from is of no consequence, money cleanses, and respect follows the money, and no matter how it was come by.

    • Like 1
  5. Defendants are summoned for the first testimony on October 11.

    No Prizes for guessing who will not be attending Court!

    Maybe we'll all be in for a surprise.

    As part of his birthday video link message from Hong Kong to the Pheu Thai Party yesterday, Thaksin announced "I will soon come home".


    Yer I heard, the girlfriend says that on the news they said he is coming back soon and showed the redshirts getting things ready for his homecoming.

    The zany thing is that he said he was just waiting for an entry visa to return to Thailand but that he didn't know who would be issuing it and when, however, when it was issued, he would return home.



    Visa or not,he is unlikely to return while there is open Court Cases to answer to pending his return,and the necessary change to the constitution,to clear him from prosecution,even with the misguided protection of the Red Shirt Thugs,the man is still spineless,and I don't anticipate that he will ever find one.

    Is it normal for people to need a Visa to enter their own Country ?,certainly not from my Country

  6. Defendants are summoned for the first testimony on October 11.

    No Prizes for guessing who will not be attending Court!

    Maybe we'll all be in for a surprise.

    As part of his birthday video link message from Hong Kong to the Pheu Thai Party yesterday, Thaksin announced "I will soon come home".


    Yer I heard, the girlfriend says that on the news they said he is coming back soon and showed the redshirts getting things ready for his homecoming.

    We have heard this rhetoric from Thaksin for a long while now,and taken on Truth value, from the Maestro of lies,I wouldn't personally take his word,if he claimed,to have had Breakfast this morning.

  7. Strangely in a hot climate,the cold air clears condensation.

    It's because of the way the AC works. Humidity condenses on the heat exchanger, you'll see the condensed water running out of the drain pipe mentioned before. The low humidity of the cooled air will aid in the evaporation of any condensation in the cooled space, effectively sucking the space dry.

    But the moment the AC is turned off and new, humid air enters the system the water will condensate on the cold surfaces. As a practical exercise, just take a beer bottle from a fridge and go outside. This is probably behind the recommendation to turn off AC a few minutes before turning the fan off: it will allow the ducts to return to ambient temperature without gathering a heavy condensation on them.

    I never bother with any of it. The automatics on the Mitsu either do their job, which they in general do, or it's off to service once in a while.

    Drtuner,I Bow to your superior knowledge!

  8. in theory cars battery is most able to recieve charge while it is still cold, so for the battery ideally one should run the car for 10 minutes (not idle), before switching on any electrical consumers.

    but where I come from headlights and rearlights turns on with engine, and a heater is needed to see anything out of the windshield, and rearwindow defroster and exterior mirror heaters and batteries still live 3-5 years

    and the ac interior fan uses same power as one headlight bulb, so use the ac as you please smile.gif

    Strangely in a hot climate,the cold air clears condensation.

  9. What do I reckon? .......This will turn into a British/American/Australian Bashing Thread,before you can spit. It's also Racialist,and can't possibly be an accurate study,in the slightest.

    Wasnt looking for an accurate study. Im not trying to be funny Majic, but if I wanted an accurate study, I wouldnt post on TV at 2am whilst drinking a beer. I was just curious to be honest.

    Why are the Japs so well regarded here though? What impresion do they set that the rest of us dont, in comparison? They dont seem real friendly imo and strike me as a little bossy. Just my humble opinion.

    I didn't know the Japanese were well regarded in Thailand,so I can't answer that one,again no accuracy that I know of.But possibly? due to their huge Investment in Thailand,as the largest Foreign employers.

  10. In Thailand you are expected to look after (usualy financially) your Partners Mamma and Pappa,so why not look after your own,you know the ones that brought you up.Should have thought the answer was obvious.

    I don't look to them to sacrifice there life for me. I have made a conscious choice to live a world away from them and would not expect them to throw their world away for me.

    All though both my parents are dead I am sure they would not ask that of me or even appreciate it. Now if they were still alive and I was living back in Seattle it would be a different story


    But then I would be a different kind of person. My Mother died at 84 for the last few years of her life she could take care of herself. My spinster sister moved in with her just to make sure she was OK. If my sister was not there or one of my other brothers and sisters or inlaws she would put her coat on and go for a walk alone. She did how ever say she was ready to go she had lived a good life and was no longer capable of doing things for others like she had done all her life she had given specific instructions no artificial means to maintain her life. While on her walk she had a heart attack a passersby stopped knew who she was and got her to the hospital when my sister got there she had to tell them to disconnect the machine.

    Part of what am trying to say here is she had us her kids but none of the friends she had had over the years. She had built a life of her own after my father died and she loved all us kids but we were not her friends. We were her children.

    Yes even if I live half a world away and she is gone I still miss her. But I am sure she is happy for me.

    A very poinant story hellodolly,thanks for sharing it with us.

  11. In Thailand you are expected to look after (usualy financially) your Partners Mamma and Pappa,so why not look after your own,you know the ones that brought you up.Should have thought the answer was obvious,

    Your Biological Parents first,wifes/Gfs Parents Second.

  12. If the U.K required a clean criminal record in order to be issued a passport, the number of Brits in Thailand was decrease by about 90%

    For every 1 decent Brit I've met here, I've met another 9 low life degenerates.

    And if you are offended by that statement, then you are most probably part of the latter. ermm.gif

    Your unproven statistics,contain more holes than a Cullender,and just as useless.I would have expected better from you.

  13. I have to say it,even though I will probably get burned.

    All the Volunteer Police I have known, are Power hungry, and failures in their own Countries,and think it will help them when it comes to Visa time,or Citizenship,same people often join the local Rotary Club! and know everything,because they claim inside information,and the uniform gives them another six inches in stature,also does a great job for low self esteem,and massages the Ego.

    Nothing like it,for reinventing yourself,for respect of the Folks back home, as well.

    • Like 1
  14. Full of Crocodile tears and BS!

    Ahhhh.... don't you just feel sorry for him.sick.gif

    He tought after PTP and his "clone" won the election comming back to Thailand would be a walk in the park...........Big misstake. Big big misstake.

    Let us pray that the big mistake does not get overturned,by frightening the Judiciary into submission,as has been recently evidenced,don't forget these people care nothing for Democracy,to them Democracy is only valid as long as they get their own way,by whatever means.

    As was witnessed in Bangkok in 2010,by the the Red Shirt Mob of Thugs,when they held Thailand to Ransom,and destroyed businesses,by the hundreds,and much more.

    Dangerous people my friend! put nothing past them,it's about winning by any method,why else would Thaksin support them financially,they are willing (for a price) ignorant Pawns.

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