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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Why would someone from Isaan move to Pattaya to work at a Family Mart?

    Actually far more common than you might think.

    Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle goes to work in factory in Bangkok / Laem Chabang / Ayuthaya / Rayong.

    Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle starts making a life for himself that doesn't involve hand-to-mouth agrarian existence, has steady income, can afford pickup / modest house payments etc.

    Father / Mother / Brother / Uncle brings offspring / niece / nephew to live with in Bangkok / Laem Chabang / Ayuthaya / Rayong aged 13+

    And so on and so forth . . .

    You can also substitute factory for something to do with tourism, particularly if the Isaan person is found in the south. Sometimes they just sell somtam or have some other sort of business; a relative of a friend in Isan makes a tidy living simply by loading his pickup truck with various goods and delivering them to Burmese migrant workers at their factory dorms! He says they eat good scoff too, for example the soy milk comes from a pukkaThai-Chinese vendor from Yaowarat, none of that cheap <deleted> that Thais go for, and they won't rest until they've settled the bill unlike Thais . . . quite fascinating, but I digress.

    As someone who lives and works as a teacher in Isan I see various scenes related to various permutations of this 'story' every day.

    I suppose there might just be something about going far away from home that helps to give people a kick up the backside . . .

    But Pattaya ? Not Bangkok, Sri Racha, Rayong, Laem Chabang, Chonburi, Khon Ken, Samut Prakan where there is much more work for a Thai. What you say is possible and it's also possible she moved to a farang populated place just to meet a farang, but out of all the places it's Pattaya.

    Quite possibly,and if there is some decent apartments nearby,all the more reason for a fair few Farangs around. Coupled with the fact there is more competition amongst Bar Girls to Bag a Farang,this lowers the competition,and she may have got the job,because her English is good. And what could be more attractive to a Jaded Farang than one giving the impression of innocence?Could be a smart Girl this one? Or................

  2. "Plodprasob also accused the Democrat Party of campaigning against a planned weather study project by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) at U-Tapao naval airbase in Chon Buri, because it wanted to keep from the public a Nasa study showing that the massive flood last year resulted from mismanagement by the previous government."

    priceless! The NASA airplanes have time-warp cameras so they can see what the Democrats did 1 year ago!

    No, but they can show the canals that were blocked and built over by land developers and they can show the illegal forest clearing and the illegal land developments. Those things didn't start up last August.

    "atmospheric research study" and later they told something that they will put the equipment to "detect radiation" into Thai airplanes and do it for the NASA.

    So it wasn't planed to look down.

    And some night lights in Helicopters smile.png

  3. It's browser problem, clean your cache, cookies and history, then run ccleaner, malwarebytes, winaso and any antivirus. then install

    another browser and see if you get the same problem.

    Have already used ccleaner,and also used the system registry cleaner that comes with it.will try using another browser if the problem persists,and pops up again.

    Thanks for the advice.

  4. Most anti-virus software available for Linux do nothing more then detect MS Windows viruses, so it's only useful if you share files with - and forward emails - to MS Windows computers (and if you're a nice guy so you not want them to get infected).

    You can download and Install for free;

    Bitdefender - http://download.bitdefender.com/repos/

    Avast - http://www.avast.com...ux-home-edition

    And probably a few more....

    I'm going to download both,will update if anything is found.

    Thanks very much.

  5. Just a stupid question, do you run Linux if so which distribution. Also which antivirus software are you using???

    For any virus that you can obtain from a website, you need to be login as admin/root or entered your sudo password at the moment something was going to get installed...

    I have the feeling that you run MS Windows, as Linux doesn't have a System Registry....

    I run Linux and in the 10 years that I use it I never had a virus problem, I not even have an anti-virus program

    No I don't use Linux,my OS is Windows Vista home edition,and MS Essentials Anti Virus.

    Thanks for your reply

  6. Hi there see if you can boot your laptop in safe mode then restore your laptop from like a week ago. If not login as an admin or different login and run anti virus or spy wear Apps.


    Thanks Radster,I have already run Antivus programs,but nothing was found,I will save the "Restore"to a previous date as the last option.

    Many thanks.

  7. No, relax it's not me personally,it's my Laptop!

    About 4 days ago,I kept seeing highlighted text,as if it was a blue text link.

    well it was a link,but nothing to do with the article I was reading,or the Postings in Thai Visa,from other members.

    To describe it,every time I clicked on any blue word,it led me to the same page as follows:

    Top left hand corner was a Union Jack (UK Flag)

    Below this was text asking me to do a survey,and if I did I would be entitled to go in the draw and might win an Ipod. Sometimes the screen is peppered with these one word links,and all different words,leading to the same thing.

    Now I know that its probably Advertising of some sort,but the nasty part of it is,it won't let me get out of it,only by CONTROL, ALT, & DELETE.

    By right clicking my mouse on the Flag,and clicking on Source,it comes up with 200+ lines of programming,but of course will not let me delete anything. I have searched everywhere for the origin of this little B****R,and even ran a program to clean up System Registry,with no luck.

    Any of you Knowledgeable Computer Guys seen anything like this,or have any answers?

    It's gone at the moment,but like all Pests always come back,just when you think it's gone.

    I thought better of Posting a screen shot.

  8. We'll all be rich, but it will take a bit longer than 6 months it seems.

    Do her statements allow for her possibly starting a civil war in an attempt to whitewash her brother, or will that be another "cultural attraction"?

    We'll all be rich, but it will take a bit longer than 6 months it seems.

    Do her statements allow for her possibly starting a civil war in an attempt to whitewash her brother, or will that be another "cultural attraction"?

    Sorry to disappoint you OzMick,but Thaksin said he would make "all Thais rich in six months"I don't think he considered Farangs in that statement. sick.gif

    I also think he gave Thais scant regard when he made that statement..... and he's late btw.

    Yes sooner or later (much later) it will come home to them what an Arch B***S**TT** he really is!

  9. We'll all be rich, but it will take a bit longer than 6 months it seems.

    Do her statements allow for her possibly starting a civil war in an attempt to whitewash her brother, or will that be another "cultural attraction"?

    We'll all be rich, but it will take a bit longer than 6 months it seems.

    Do her statements allow for her possibly starting a civil war in an attempt to whitewash her brother, or will that be another "cultural attraction"?

    Sorry to disappoint you OzMick,but Thaksin said he would make "all Thais rich in six months"I don't think he considered Farangs in that statement. sick.gif

  10. Choose a nice quiet day,when all the family is gone shopping or otherwise out for the day.

    Sit down with Pen and paper,and a nice cold beer. Make out a list of everything you are going to lose by giving up your American Citizenship,and another List of what Thailand will replace your losses and benefits with?

    Start the Thai list with the word "Zilch" and see how far the list can be stretched from there.

    I suspect you are angry with the USA,for whatever reason,but you will be a lot more angry,when you find the door has slammed shut on you,never to be opened again,and do you really think the US is going to beg you to stay? People are breaking their necks to get into the US,and your Departure,Ingratitude,and Disloyalty will not mean a Toss to them.

    And don't expect the Red Carpet Treatment if you should choose Thailand,as your new Country of choice.

  11. i wonder if you would speak the same if it was back home. No doubt you would also be proud to parade the "ex" hooker on the streets, because it really does not matter, right?

    Well if I'd married her, why wouldn't I be proud of her?

    You should be proud, you then would have married a professional ho. Not many westerners can say that about their spouse.

    Well FlyByNights,the only thing proven by your rather over the top wai fixation,is that you come across as very Snobbish!

  12. Let's get this straight, I not saying they don't deserve any respect, but I do not think they shouldn't be waiied. I don't see any Thai people going in and waiing any type of bar staff, unless they are on lower social status as the working girls.

    You’re going to pay money for sex. I don't think this deserves a wai. Financial compensation is fair enough, or a handshake would also be considered ok.

    As it is so easy to get the “wai -thing’ wrong and even insult someone with an improperly done wai, it is best for non-Thai not to wai, in my opinion.

    So to you the wai thing is all important,when in reality it's merely a superficial point of contact,and to you it's all important to get the Thai wai correct,utter newbie nonsense.............think outside the box,it's a person, a human being you are dealing with,not a statue. one point you did not cover is the fact a wai is not expected from a "Farang"

    • Like 2
  13. If the responsiveness of the computer improves after approx 15-30 minutes of turn on, I expect during the those initial minutes your computer may be involved in downloading automatic updates for Windows and/or other programs like antivirus definition updates....and this download action is eating up your CPU power and internet download bandwidth....leaving little CPU horsepower and little internet download bandwidth to do browsing or much of anything else. If during those 15-30 minutes browsing is VERY slow and if clicking a back button if it takes approx 30 seconds (or longer) to respond and you have clicked the back button button numerous times thinking the browser was stuck, but when the computer does have time to respond to the back clicks it ends up going to a web page that was numerous clicks previous in the browser history because the back button had been clicked numerous times.

    Assuming your computer has some years under its belt and a slower CPU since you are still running XP (that's OK I'm still running XP on a 5-6 year old Toshiba laptop) such a computer can really get bogged down running new/larger software while also trying to donwload updates...and if your internet connection is not that great/slow it can magnify the slowness problem.

    I use to have a similar problem with my 6 year old Toshiba laptop running XP...for the first 15 minutes or so of turn on it was really, really slow in responding to web sites or opening a second program...and I'm on a 20Mb internet plan. But after first 15 minutes or so the computer responsive picked up greating for internet browsing. But on some days that slowness would persist longer. What the problem was I had Windows Automatic Update turned on to automatically download and install updates without asking and I had Norton antivirus wanting to download virus definition updates almost daily. If you only turned the computer on every few days or maybe once a week (I was using this computer just as a backup...turned in on periodically to update software) the computer spent a lot of it its initial minutes or so just downloading/installing updates in the background. The longer I left it off, the longer it took to get running full speed since it had a bigger backlog of updates to download. Now, I have a newer, more powerfull Toshiba laptop also and it's got enough horsepower to handle multiple tasks/downloads/installs during those initial minutes while I can still use the computer as normal...like browsing smoothly within a minute of computer turn on.

    I fixed the majority of this problem on my older/slower computer by changing the Windows Automatic Update setting just to notify me that updates were available---don't download or install them...just notify me....that way I could either say go ahead and download/install right now or not download/install at this time. I told myself I'll download the updates later when I can just let the computer do that only...but right now I need to use the computer. I would download/install the Windows updates at a time of my choosing. This made a BIG difference in my 4 cylinder computer's responsiveness right after turn on.

    You might want to check how your computer is setup to download updates for Windows and any other program that does frequent updates like antivirus programs. I continued to allow my computer to download antivirus updates without asking me (since they were usually not that large it downloaded at least a couple times per week), but I set the computer to ask me regarding the Windows operating systems and MS program updates which can somethings be many files and large in megabytes size which can take a while to download especially on a slower internet connection....this combo of many and large files to download and install can really bog down a older, slower computer.

    I agree with you,Norton Anti Virus is a very intrusive Program,and whatever the benefits may or not be as far as a Anti Virus Program,IMHO it is not worth this program virtually taking over your system,I deleted it a long time ago,and the speed up was very noticeable,especially from boot up,to Desktop Programs up and running.

    Another useful (free) Program is CCleaner,clears out Temps and much more crap,and also you can download another (free) Defrag program called Smart Defrag,I will be surprised if you don't have a fair turnaround of speed,after using these two programs.

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