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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Some people don't understand the word THEFT,so many people on TV are out to justify theft,by the same old platitudes, The attitude is: they deserved it,victims of their own greed,they were stupid,and so on and so forth.

    Get real,those that do this are Thieves,Crooks,and Scum preying on the vulnerable,and aged. Go to prison,with the rest of the Crooks and Conmen,you will feel more at home,you might even have time to ponder over the plight of your victims.

  2. One of my issues with the current charter is that the junta built in a control mechanism to make the judiciary more useful and controllable in running the country outside of the power of an elected government.

    In regards to the very logical first reply to the OP:

    If someone wants the constitution changed, define which part they want changed, define what they want to change it to

    Which article(s) of the Constitution are you referring to and what would you, or the PTP, propose it be changed to?


    Of course they are unlikely to define what they want changed in the Constitution,it would make it obvious that it's all about getting Thaksin off the hook,and back home,sqeaky clean,with no charges to answer to,and not much else!

  3. No doubt you,ll be hounded for being alarmist by both those who have vested interests in maintaining the facade of Thailand as a dream holidat destination and those who prefer to keep there heads burried in the sand.

    Phuket truly is a wretched place, I was beaten unconcious by two Thais outside 7*11 around 3 years ago myself, all for the grand sum of around 600 bht.

    check this link http://www.thephuket...amily-31469.php

    The fact is the veil is really being lifted oh Thailand these days as the crooks and skum become ever bolder, with scams and deciets getting taken to a whole new level.

    Just last week I had a Thai guy come up to outside the mall in Siam square and demand 20 bht, I politely said mai pen rai cap and moved away. The nutter started screaming and frothing at the mouth calling me everything under the sun. I do not doubt he was on the point of attacking me until the mall security overheard and started coming in my direction. He walked away pretending to shoot me with his finger.

    These stories are everywhere everyday and soon people will start turning there backs on the place en masse.

    I've also seen incidents like that in UK and USA. Not just a Thai problem. I've been here for 2 years and haven't seen any violent incidents at all. I've spent 6 months In New York and seen a few. And I've seen plenty of incidents like this in the UK. What you describe is just one mad person. It sounds like an isolated incident. I've been to Siam Square lots of times and never seen anything remotely like what you described.

    Have you ever been to Phuket?

  4. "Yingluck said she would not pressure the court but she hoped the court would consider the case fairly based on facts"

    Of course she will not pressure the courts,can't have the Red Shirts out of a job,can she?

    "Yingluck said she would not pressure the court but she hoped the court would consider the case fairly based on facts"

    Loosely translated: We are expecting a winning result from our facts only......that's what the Red Shirts are pressuring the Courts for.

  5. Should this have happened in the US the presiding judge would have cited the offender for "contempt of court" and he would have been taken into immediate custody with no bail provisions until such time as outside agencies had made the appropriate criminal chaqrges against him. Does his parliamentary immunity preclude that?

    In the USA, the judges are easily identifiable and their phone numbers and addresses areoften public. Just ask the protestors found outside some judges homes. A judge cannot cite a non implicated party for contempt of court. The publishing of public information is not in itself contempt. There are other laws on the books that address alleged threats to state and federal judges in the USA.

    I highly doubt there personal phone numbers are publicly known. They have been revealed by unauthorized sources who do not have a leg to stand on so they try intimidation.

    What is public information is their office phone and address.

    I agree with your above statement,how many of us ordinary people on TV who have nothing to fear,are Ex Directory?

  6. Gimme a little help here. Isn't the Defense minister part of the current government and he says, “Defence Minister Sukampol Suwannathat yesterday dismissed rumours about a top Army general and a coalition MP conspiring to topple the government.”

    But all you guys are saying that the current government is so bad because????

    and prefer military dictatorships but the way I read the OP it is about the current government denying a coup attempt not the reverse eh?

    "I mean I know you guys don't like democracies"

    Well I think we all probably could like Democracies,but this Government is never going to show us one,

    Of course you could ask reasonable man as soon as he figures out how both parties being able to compete on a level field is not democratic,

    "That is of course obvious but given the comparison between the current government and a military coup government I think"

    the current government gets the award for being closer to a democracy"

    This Government is nowhere near a Democracy,and don't kid us or yourself they ever will be!

  7. Gimme a little help here. Isn't the Defense minister part of the current government and he says, “Defence Minister Sukampol Suwannathat yesterday dismissed rumours about a top Army general and a coalition MP conspiring to topple the government.”

    But all you guys are saying that the current government is so bad because????

    and prefer military dictatorships but the way I read the OP it is about the current government denying a coup attempt not the reverse eh?

    "I mean I know you guys don't like democracies"

    Well I think we all probably could like Democracies,but this Government is never going to show us one,

    • Like 2
  8. cool, thanks for the answers smile.png

    Yes don't let them con you,I was once charged 1800 bahts,for medication that Boots assured me they would have given me for 800 bahts,

    Another hospital also once prescribed Pheno Barbitone for my pregnant wife,which I happened to know can possibly cause deformaties in the Foetus,her Clinic Doctor was horrified,when she looked at the hospital prescription,and said to me she hasn't taken any has she? I said "no I have already crunched them up and binned them"she obviously didn't need them at all,in the first place.

    I considered putting in a formal complaint,but realised it was a waste of time.

  9. I think Rayong town is a large boring dump, apart from the old area down by the fishing port which is rather interesting to drive around (and easy to get lost in). Nothing much to actually do there though.

    The beaches generally are not very nice for sitting on and every time I've been the water has been much too rough for swimming (and none too clean either). Maybe I was just unlucky.

    Lots of brand new seafood sala type places down Hat Maerampung Beach (the far side of Rayong). Deserted during the week and heaving with Thais at the weekend, but where isn't?

    No it wasnt just you being unlucky,had a week there,a month ago,along the beach strip,same same,not many people there,way overpriced Seafood,and tons of rubbish on the Beaches,nice and cool though.plenty of Restaurants to choose from,value for money? it's not!

    Cheap Hotel prices this time of year,is one good point in favour.

  10. No use trying to apply logic in anything that the Thai government does when it comes to foreigners, their xenophobic ways will never change.

    And foreigners who does not know anything about anything, and who always just want to complain about thai culture and thai politics will never change either...

    And Thais can't really own (take "possession" of) land in the UK because they are not allowed to live there. Comes to the same thing as barring Brits from owning land here. They are at least allowed to live here!!

    What nonsense,there are 30,000 permanent Thai residents in the UK,all of which have the right to buy Land and property,in their own name.Please try and be factual.

  11. My dear lady, first of all my excuses for addressing you as such. This is not meant in a pejorative manner, it's just that I'm old-fashioned enough to find it difficult to address you in a different way. My mother at 84 still has a certain influence on my behaviour, luckily for me though my father at 84 no longer physically enforces it smile.png .

    As you probably will well know indeed, there are still lots of males who have problems adapting to equality and democracy for all. Why, even on this forum there's a recent topic with "Men have to accept women in non-traditional roles". If Thai have a problem adjusting what chance would the average English TV poster have? One can but pity them wai.gif

    Hi rubl, thankyou for your most chivalrous posting. I fully agree that age plays a factor in this generational acceptance of norms. However I feel another factor, called sense of humour, especially the concepts of 'wit' and 'satire' which are understood and used naturally by so many, are not understood or accepted by others.

    For example to take the thread topic "red shirts stage mass protest in Bangkok", by protesting in Bangkok, while wearing their red shirts and doing so en masse, they believe they are making a powerful political statement which shows their solidarity and their independence from the dreaded 'elites'. This type of political statement can also be made by satirical writing and art.

    The fact they all wear the face of an ultra-rich iniquitous villain does not make them question his motives in funding and encouraging them to march, one might say they are marching on his behalf and yet they do not ask why, nor do they question why their almost exclusively agrarian and bluecollar membership should march with such a flamboyant self-obsessed playboy billionaire as their leader. To another person, an observer, they might look totally different, like cattle on a march demanding to be made into hamburgers.

    The point is that some people protest by marching in the streets, rightly or wrongly, and some people protest by acts of writing satire. To give an example re; the quaint 'show respect to female leaders' suggestion, Mrs Thatcher who served as PM in England for 1979-1990, was the target of vitriolic satire and mockery from her first year onwards. The jokes did sometimes involve lewdness, but most of the satire was ultimately based on her percieved corruption and failure to help the poor. Yingluck is currently making Mrs Thatcher look like a saint, in those two matters.

    Satirical biting wit used as a weapon against politicians in English parliamentary democracy, dates back to the 1600's and is considered one of the pressure valves of society, allowing people to vent their political anger in acts of creative good humour, without blocking up streets with hordes of angry supporters which can often lead to disaster, as happened in the earlier red shirt mass protest 2010.

    This type of violent mob uprising is a vicious circle which leads nowhere and early satirists understood this. You will notice that the red shirt protest in 2010 which cost billions financially and over 90 deaths, actually achieved no change whatsoever, except to polarise further and increase mistrust. By contrast, a well-written book can change the lives and opinions of millions, enrich those peoples' lives and offer them solutions to their life problems.

    This obviously requires a certain freedom of speech to be allowed to criticise politicians, a freedom which I consider not only my democratic right but my human right. You will notice that of the people opposing my right to make jokes about female politicians, many of them will later claim they support a free press and don't accept restrictions imposed on them by the mystery 'elites'. Infact censorship of satirical humour or any other forms of non-violent protest is the very essence of true fascism.

    Just as the red shirts have the democratic right to peaceful nondisruptive protest against politicians, writers have the democratic right to make fun of the red shirts and the sleazy tinpot mafia dictator they worship. As with Thaksin and also Yingluck, the satirical venom against all politicians increases exponentially the more crimes they commit, and they can only blame themselves for their own corrupt actions and for the ensuing backlash. Put simply, if they were honest and decent leaders they wouldn't get insults thrown at them along with shoes and eggs etc.


    Yingluck and Mrs Thatcher have/had one thing in common,neither of them know what it's like to be poor,they despise the poor,and they don't give a flying toss about their plight either.

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