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Everything posted by h90

  1. which you saw? The red or the yellows? I guess both spend a lot of money on infrastructure....Yellow I think Santi Asoke supplied the food and cooking, but it still must cost a lot. And bands and entertainment in the evening must cost something. Can't be cheap
  2. Yes it would send the message to bureaucrats that Stalin is born again.....
  3. I agree on the timing..... But they can be true believer in doing the right thing
  4. the 300 Baht were the red protests...the yellow protests the aunties payed in......at least the staff in our company did not receive money but donated....and they for sure would happily take whatever they can get
  5. you mean morally corrupt...yes maybe.....but I think there are also lot of people who think they rescue the country from something bad.
  6. Yes.....middle Europe 37 degree....But we had that before as well. But I also remember in my youth we had some years cool summer and were angry about it....I can't recall any cool summer the last few years
  7. While I mostly agree I don't see anything that indicates corruption. If you place the right people at the right place they do it because they believe in it. No need to pay them.
  8. If you replace the Generals with Oligarchs it is still not power to the people... Maybe a bit step in the right direct but really doesn't matter what kind of leeches suck the blood out of the working people
  9. You were here and still have the distorted view of the events?
  10. no he need to wait till they are in power.....
  11. you have seen the income increase in these countries? Do you see the Chinese tourists in Thailand? Did you see the cities? You can all believe that they have nothing and there are less developed areas but there is a grow of 5-10% over many years
  12. I don't want to see the outgoing as well....Did you listen to Pitas economic ideas? double minimum salary, money for everyone, warmongering against Myanmar, banning Marijuana, anti China politics, anti Russia....CO2 reduction (higher electric and gas prices) That is an economic problem that people can't even imagine.
  13. Well the current trend is that you can less and less speak out in the broken democracies. But I agree there is still more chance of a change. Yes you have the crazy left.....and the other side is not a balanced common sense, but some crazy bitter right. And I am ready to hear out every conspiracy theory......and if it is the flat earth....some of the crazy conspiracy theories were at the end right.....but the bigger problem is the nonsense conspiracy theories, that are just complete irrelevant even if they are true....And yes as you say the hate on both sides is disturbing...
  14. there is big news now in Austria that there is a huge increase of dead born babies....but no one has a clue what could it be.....not even a theory.... yes follow the money...who makes the biggest advertisements, who are the owner and of course no one want to swim alone against the narrative and get banned from twitter/facebook/youtube.
  15. Another rare moment of agreement...that should have done immediately after it was known. Now it could even happen that the senators don't vote him because there is the case at the court and than 1 week later the court dismiss the case....which would be really dirty. As much as I don't want to see Pita as PM that is not the correct way
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot Different oligarchs and elites fight themself for power...not worth to get hurt...it is not a democratic revolution for the people.
  17. If they vote for Pita they are done in the South. I doubt their voters are Pita supporters
  18. that 312 are far from sure. It can be a bit more, when some other party MPs vote for him, or it can be a bit less, if some change their mind, or get sick
  19. I guess it will need about 5 min till someone get the idea that Miss Netherlands is sexist and change that as per your suggestion.....
  20. Migrant worker: that is a plus.....I am sure the Saudis like slaves. I didn't know that they went that far for the women rights.....I had the opportunity to meet a few Saudis at an holiday in Malaysia....from my impression they fully agree with that. You mix here religion/culture and politics. They most probably would have the religious police without the royal system....And I can't see how the locked in women would be better off if they would be locked in poor and without AC....if tomorrow there is no royal family they still won't wave the rainbow flag. The wording "decadent liberal democracies" is not my wording that was a user before. My point is only that a dictatorship can be as good or better than a democracy in some cases.....Or that some democracies can be worse than some dictatorships......I guess in Venezuela they voted themself in a mess....In USA with the 2 party system....do I vote for Biden or for Trump....that doesn't sound like much of a democratic choice....
  21. You need glasses...she has a typical male body and face.....see the bikini photo....small hips male chest.... might be OK looking for an average woman but not for a winner
  22. do well as in economic means people have good food, good education, good medical care, have a car, have a house with air condition, have safety....doing well as in economically means doing well in everything. And good economic always creates more freedom as well (looking at China I have some doubts at the moment....but long term they are now more free than in the past)
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