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Everything posted by h90

  1. Not even that...if I remember right, it hinders the mosquito finding the right place for drilling...it can walk on you but can't find the blood vessels. It was a life saver when the army drafted me.....
  2. no not funny....there is not 1 dengue fever. There are 4 dengue fevers (could be 5 can't remember). When you had all 4 than you are immune. And there are strange effects that antibodies against 1 dengue fever can make the second worse.
  3. yes but on the platforms it is not about progress it is you need the 4.9 rating by any means possible. Of course going into a fight after a bad rating makes things only worse....
  4. Don't know if some switched, sure some did....but most were conservative and very monarchist....I would be surprised if the all switched to anti-royal hard core left wing. Some may, but not the bulk...Sondhi, Chamlong, top news, just forgot the Surat guy from the Dems, can't imagine them being woke liberal socialists now....I even heard the frog faced (forgot his name) red shirt being critical of MFP
  5. As long as I know fish do possess teeth...I don't know if all or only some. But sharks movies without teeth would be pretty boring
  6. ??? First I don't understand what you mean and second any bigger demonstrations will scare tourists...Well as long as it is not rainbow
  7. Doesn't stop...they made a tourist attraction out of it.....for small money, tourist can sit behind the big automatic gun and shoot a photos... tons of photos from big belly tourists behind the gun with silly smilling young soldier who doesn't know what to do.... But sure tourism going down...but doesn't stop.....didn't even stop when the red shirt (PTP) burned houses in Bangkok. When yellow blocked the airports tourism did stop (or cynical: it did not stop because the tourists couldn't leave)
  8. The airport thing were the yellow shirts? How can you prevent the yellow....they are massive against Pita
  9. just does not pass the reality check.....everything is full with bad reviews.....even reviews of dentists.....
  10. 1st stop drinking 2nd start exercise 3rd stop talking to negative people 4th exercise more If the body is tired and there is no constant hangover everything looks better......
  11. I would: first check the settings....put it on minimum temperature and check if it than runs constant. Than open the lid where you can clean the filter...remove it and look when it is working. Could be that the beginning of the exchanger get very cold and ice on it, and the rest is not very cold. That is when too little refrigerant is in it. Check outside if the fan is working. I think not likely that if it is gone that it turns on and off because the compressor overheats..... Just my ideas maybe other problems
  12. He just closed his eyes to be more focused trying to remember from who he borrowed watches
  13. Yes and Thailand has the digital ID ready which is the same for private and government...so nothing to worry here....And the Central Bank Digital Money is also ready to go.... For all of those who think that Prayut is a nationalist and not on of the globalists....No he as well as the Shinawatra, as MF and as Abhisit happy to meet the WEF and do what the want....
  14. Sure there is a grow....after Prayut half destroyed the economy and after the tourists come back..... If you cause the economy to drop 20% you can easily have a 5% gain afterwards
  15. I am no fans of socialism or despots. My point is only that sometimes non democratic governments can be good and some times democratic can be bad... Friend of mine worked in Libya and it was OK there...some things for the people were great...Gaddafi dictator...than came democratic France and USA and made hellhole out of it.
  16. I said 28% of the people voted for MFP....38% and 25% didn't vote for anyone....only 75% went to the election. Makes about 28%...so not all Thailand only wants Pita...
  17. Won't be as crooked as NP.....I could not imagine anyone who could be....
  18. True...but we did reduce working hours strongly over the last 100 years..sure we can shave off a few more hours.
  19. I wanted to start my argument that the same was said 120 years ago.... But yes than the wars came and they elected the most crazy person they could find......So it rather confirms what you say. The alternative to the universal basic income would be to start a big war......no unemployment in wars. Maybe NATO against China and Russia? Universal income....would also have terrible side effects. You'll have underclass on a highly regulated universal income with no education, videogames and narcotics (having Yuval Noah Harari in my mind) and a small working upper class with all rights. I hope there will be jobs we just don't think of now.....Millions of middle class technicans on lathe and mills got replaced by CNC machines. But were needed somewhere else, just we produce much more. Maybe a bit less working hours would also help? I mostly read emails, understand the customers technical problems or what he needs...try to find an off the shelf solution or make a custom one and calculate a price. Needs a lot experience. But an AI could read all the emails I got and wrote in 20 years and would be better than me... The real problems when things in the production don't run as they should as it is taking things apart and look at them. But that can be done as well. If I don't need to work and earn money, I guess I'll degenerate pretty fast...loose my skills don't wake up in the morning and because I have nothing to do I'll start drinking? Someone had the idea that later we might be the pets of robots....Like I have a dog, which is silly but I treat him well and he get food and when he is bored I even entertain him (play with him). So we are under some AI who takes good care of us?
  20. yes but Vietnams grows at around 6% and they actually did remove them...sounds good to me... Means non democratic can do well and democratic can do bad....
  21. I don't think so.....if Pita fails there will be some other coalition and some other elected MP will be PM...that PTP guy for example. The senate can not install some random people. It must have a majority in parliament as well. As before Prayuth got the most votes and got PM...now with that big loss all the senate could not help him to continue.
  22. I remember 6 month coalition "negotations" and recently in Israel the mess they had with coalition building.... It is not that much in Thailand....maximum the EC can need is 60 days and they were below. And than it goes pretty fast.
  23. You so lucky...I have 3 colorful unicorns for sale, if only you pay in advance. As it seems easy for some politicians to "sell" you some dreams and hopeium....????????
  24. Well that are not politician in that sense....and there is not much money to be made as senator. But that it is a bad solution to appoint them is agreed already.... Look at China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia....they all don't have elected governments but do well. Venezuela has more oil than Saudi Arabia....elected Socialists. Hitler was elected and in a coalition...sure his voter would have been angry if there would have been an unelected senate that blocked him. My point is...it is not all black and white: elected wonderful and great; not elected: evil..... Usually democracy works better but there are also a lot exceptions....
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