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Everything posted by h90

  1. As bad as the senator construct is, that is not one block, that are individual people with different ideas. And I am sure they are mostly well meaning, but very conservative. Some things MF said was very anti monarchy....that makes many people upset in Thailand. Some economic ideas are between nonsense and damaging socialism.....That all doesn't make friends with the conservative senate
  2. because the current government wasn't in the news with anti monarchy rhetoric. No one would oppose changing 112 to something better than now.
  3. it would be massive undemocratic....and someone get funny with 50, while others are mentally fully fit with 95. You would need to do a test.
  4. and the other 70% play on their mobile phones (so does European politicians)
  5. also the truck driver that drives always from the same warehouse to the same set of supermarkets should be very easy to replace
  6. Maybe it will be important for us to have someone real to feel safe? For your X-Ray technician.....Imagine a hospital with almost all robots and AI...it would scare me a lot.....maybe we'll insist on humans.... Or who want to chat with a robot girl?
  7. I think you misunderstood what I meant: election was 3rd November 2020. got in office Jan 20th 2021 So a long time from election to getting in office.....And that is often much longer in countries with coalition. So it is not overly slow in Thailand MOUs are just hot air they don't mean much. I think the Senate will expire and a new one will selected but I missed to understand how the new one will be selected.... A long term strategy plan is a good idea but can be also harmful if it is wrong.....On one side it protects against incompetent governments...on the other hand it does the same against competent ones....
  8. But they already thought with the industrial revolution that as we have steam engines the labor won't be needed anymore. So we need communism to just give distribute fair. I don't know now.....Maybe there will be billions of robots that create millions of jobs for service technicians? Or handmade things get so popular that everyone does pottery as it is a must have?
  9. I chat with some of the AIs about polar bears and penguins....they got it mostly right, beside insisting that arctic and the antarctic is colder than the other....that both can't be colder didn't bother it, even after questions. In that dialog I ask it to speculate if we take polar bears to the antarctic if they might survive. Every 5 year old would speculate if a polar bear could hunt for penguins or maybe not. Even with push it can not speculate about it....also not declining it for any reason. It is just a large language model with some amazing difficult statistic program. But it can't get an idea that no one has written about. There is no little bit of I in this AI...only a following the rules. And for the GO....it would not get the idea of moving one of your parts while you go on the toilet, as you won't remember it.....An intelligent move that every 5 year old gets.
  10. When my grandmum needed care, they proudly said that they change the old rules. Old: a main responsible person that knows the person well. And a team of others. New: everyone is rotated and no one should know any patient too good or have too much contact. While I see why they do it and the danger if some patient get to attached to a helper. It is plain horrible for an old person who is only in the bed to have not even the helper to speak with. Yes robot would be better.....But humans could be also better than these soulless bureaucrats that try to make robots out of real humans
  11. nope there are already robot sex girls who can do conversation.....And bar conversations are usually not that complex.
  12. That is silly...if there are big demonstrations and shown in say Germany than some tourists book different to be on the safe side...Maybe Bali. One of our supplier from China (who was previously in Thailand) was already afraid because she saw in TV that Marijuana is allowed. She sent me an email if I am OK...imagine that there is dead and murder on the streets and people with overdose lying on the side walk. If you choose your holiday destination and are not well informed you avoid such places which might be dangerous or in your opinion unpredictable....Even if it is all nonsense.
  13. he did not win enough to decide alone....you need to have >50% of the MPs...they have 151 of 500 and >50 of the MPs+Senators. Everyone who has that is democratic correct elected.....Like here the majority were for the speaker... If the majority vote for some PTP guy than PTP won this vote. Thailand vote parties not Prime Ministers in elections.
  14. should should...they won't care. And sure PTP has already the alternative ready and so it will be equal democratic.
  15. If they succeed than it is not stupid....if they fail it is stupid
  16. But strange MF said they must have the speaker in case they can't get the PM to have at least the speaker. Than they also said if they don't have the speaker they might get blocked changing the 112 Now they don't have the speaker and call it a success? As if PTP is their enemy...but in public they show hearts....
  17. yes.....ears are not something to take too much time.......I guess everything internal on the head is more fragile.
  18. that is normal.....see USA...how long was Trump there after loosing the election before Biden got into office.....In other countries there are often like 4 month long negotiations about coalitions and meanwhile the old government stays in some kind of power.
  19. And Bacillus cereus can be heat resistant....so the hot water might not kill it complete.
  20. Things like that are the reason why I want to have basic medication at home....if we are flooded again for 1.5 month with difficult transportation (in case of our sick neighbor, the army helped....can't repeat that often enough, when everyone is bashing the Thai army...whenever there were problems they were there and helped), if someone get terrible ear pain, it is safer to self medicate than do nothing for days. And if we don't need to use them, even better.... At this time, the wife of the security guard, walked in less deep water and the cover of a sewer hole on the side walk was missing......she complete submerged into the sewer dirty water, came out of it again without drowning or broken bones.....had <deleted>water in all body openings (beside mouth/ears/eyes, I can guess it is not so great in the female parts).....she laughed it off and got nothing. From all kind of virus to bacteria in that waste water......zero problems.
  21. I hear since forever how cheap transportation will be....And now only a little bit per truck from Lao as they have the train already. Just non of the transport companies know anything....
  22. No one knows what you eat and can sell that information
  23. Some call it a merge of private companies and state. I am not sure if Wiki is correct but I didn't studied politic science
  24. Yes some claim that it is not a cure. But afterwards you can eat "normal"....but not as before. Living a healthy normal life without medication.....Other docs claim it is a cure...... Which is semantic. Both arguments make sense
  25. Yes that is what I had in my mind...she did it as a selfless act but maybe someone makes a profit out of it...as she is sad about her son and didn't think for it....Heard some terrible report about the trade with organs and greedy people who can't wait till the person is dead for sure as the money is waiting.....with a case that a person woke up who was about to cut open.... (But was all in USA not in Thailand, China seems to have problems as well)
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