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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. On Friday, March 03, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Wilsonandson said:

    Many countries around the globe are following America in its anti smoking laws. I don't really understand why?
    Let people do what they want. If you want to increase your chances of dieing quicker then its up-to-you.

    Leave people alone to make up their own life choices. All these laws and rules that we all need to abide by. You can't do squat. Relax the laws and let people have a little freedom. There's too much control of the masses.

    It's like living in a world controlled by whinging do-gooders with their perfect little family and who never fart in public. Yuppies I think they call them.


    I agree with you up to a point.  That point being when what you do in public interfers with my health, or enjoyment of living.


    Case in point, I am alergic to tobacco smoke, especially cigarettes, as it gives me a headache, never mind the foul residual smell on my clothing, hair and skin.  So personally, I think no one should be allowed to smoke in ANY public space.   Those who do have no regard for others.  What you do in the privacy of your own home is entirely your own business, and if you want to slowly destroy your health, that is your decision, but you have no right to destroy mine.

  2. This is basicly old news.  I can remember headlines shouting that the Thai educational system is failing it's students 10 and 15 years ago.  So really, it's no secret.  The issue seems to be more of a total lack of caring and complete inaction by the Thai authorities.


    So this begs the question, why?   The only answer that springs to mind is that this is the way the ruling class wants it.  Dumb, ignorant, illiterate peasants are much easier to control than smart, educated, literate citizens.

  3. 15 hours ago, tbthailand said:

    why is it always "her fault" with you folks... the kid is just that, a kid - 17 - maybe 16 when she became pregnant. The dad is an adult. Maybe he should have used protection?  Where were his and her parents? This is a family issue.


    And aborting a baby at 8 months is absolutely nuts, but given the complete and total lack of sex education here, young people like this girl don't really have all that much information.   This is a tragic event that could have easily been avoided.


    Absolutely agreed.  And trying to charge her with murder is an absolute travesty.  

  4. Happy Zones?   Seriously?   :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


    And this from 'a top policeman'?   If this is the best they can come up with, god help us all.  Sadly, I think this IS the best they can come up with. 


    It NEVER seems to occur to any of these numnuts that they should be out doing their job, policing.  They should be visible and be out enforcing, and seen to enforce, the law.   Forget about trying to track, or harrass, tourists, just go out and enforce the law, for both Thais and foreigners.   And put an end to all those tea money traffic stops.  All they do is make traffic worse and make people hate the cops even more.

  5. 19 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    Be aware it were the shin governments (and their predecessors)  who did not do anything to solve the well known problems Thailand has with its police force

    Whatever the "democracy" (in quotes) fans say. This government is the first one which is doing something in the right direction. (Im nit saying they don't make mistakes)


    Are you serious?   They are doing NOTHING.  Just shuffling the deck, the same old corrupt faces remain.  No progress at all.   In fact, they seem to be going out of their way to make sure it is a big show for all to see, but of essentially zero substance.


    Until the police and justice system receives a complete top to bottom reform, NOTHING will change in this country.

  6. 15 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

    I assure you again, as I have done several times, that I have read up on it, and still fail to see clearly where the crime is rather than trumped up charges. If you, and several others on here, after several courteous appeals, cannot explain clearly in a few words (such an explanation seems not to be available anywhere on the internet) then I assume you don't have an answer.


    Honestly, all this whining about 'google it'. I've googled it enough and got nowhere, now I'd like to discuss it with real live  human beings. If you don't want to provide the clear answers that I'm asking for - giving you the clear opportunity to state the case in no uncertain terms -  then don't reply at all.


    Perhaps it might be easier, as a starting point, to acknowledge that this case is in fact politically motivated by a military junta aiming to extirpate all challenges to the establishment.




    Jeeze, how about...


    * Thieft

    * Conspiracy to defraud

    * Money Laundering


    to name just a few.   You are being intentionally obtuse to the point of idiocy.  But then, that is actually your intention, is it not?


  7. 23 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Now the tactic seemd to be at resoring the face in the eyes of the tourists. Better the tourists think about the bars generally charges more for beer and drinks than a 7/11 shop. Just another maniac.
    And yes, it justifies the attack. Enough of these people can even make me irritated just sitting in a bar drinking and hearing them complaining with their galactically stupid reasons.

    NO, it does NOT justify the attack.  Nothing does.


    Or perhaps, you could patronize a better class of establishment, where you will not be irritated by those around you..

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