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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. What's with this 'bargaining' BS?  Why are charges of criminal negligence, among many others, not being pressed?  The police and justice system in this country are a joke, and until that is corrected, NOTHING will change.


    I thought this junta was about reforming the country (for the better).  But all they have done so far is go after the low hanging fruit.  Nothing in the way of serious, and mush needed, reform has happened, and many things are going backwards at light speed (media reform, CCA and les majeste laws, for instance).


    First the fallout from Thaksin put the country into a 10 year period of stagnation and now this junta aims to continue the stagnation for another 20 plus years, as well as moving the clock back 50 years, at least.  Thailand is doomed, it has no future.


  2. I spent the first 3 days of Songkran (13/14/15) in Pattaya, where I was lucky enough to get about without getting wet  :shock1:      Returned to Bangkok Sunday morning in record time (very light traffic), as there is no way I would want to be in Pattaya for the 18th or 19th.  Just sheer madness.


    When I first came to Thailand over 15 years ago, I used to participate in Songkran.  I would go to Sanam Luang and have a great time.   Then about 5 years or so ago, I got hit with some foul water and ended up very sick for about 2 weeks.  That was when I said enough is enough.  Now I either leave, or batten down the hatches, raise the drawbridge and hole up for 3 days.  My health is more important than Songkran.


    Songkran has also changed a lot since those early days.  Back then it was more sedate and a lot more fun.  Now it just seems like it is a nationwide full-moon party on steroids.  It has gotten totally out of control, and unfortunately, there are just too many people, both Thai and foreigners, who relish pushing the limits to see how far they can go and how nasty and miserable they can make it for others.



  3. On 4/5/2017 at 5:24 AM, Wilsonandson said:

    And ever so slowly the grip on power is weakening. There are certain things you don't mess with and the car is there near the top of the list. Bad mistake today was.

    As a foreign observer on an expat forum. No bias meant. Just saying.


    Actually, I think the problem is much deeper.  It shows that little or no thought goes into the making of these 'rules'.  Everything seems to be done by pulling ideas out of his nether regions without thinking anything through.  Only a total and complete idiot would not have forseen the backlash trying to enforce this law, without any real advanced warning, would bring.


    The simple fact is, that the REAL problem is the idiot drivers.  I do not condone carrying passengers in the back of pickup trucks, especially at highway speeds, but it is the very poor driving skills of most Thais that is the cause of the vast majority of the accidents.

  4. Last night, leaving Tawandang Rama 3 around midnight, at least 8 taxis refused to take us to Asoke.  One even claimed he never heard of Asoke.


    The really sad thing is that the officials in this country seem more interested in supporting the bad ways of these scumbag drivers than in solving the problem.  Bring on Uber and let them run the 'official' taxis into the ground.  It will serve them right.

  5. 18 hours ago, jonclark said:

    Great free publicity. The book will now be known to more people  PTP should publically offer the military nothing but their heartfelt and genuine thanks.The event has now been reported on most Thai news channels.




    How true.  Trying to suppress something always makes it more popular, as everyone wants to find out what all the fuss is about.


    The smell of desperation is in the air, as the junta loses it's grip on reality.

  6. 15 hours ago, Saladin said:

    Taxis in Bangkok are cheap - I think probably too cheap, but in ChiangMai they charge like wounded elephants. And tuk-tuk prices are outrageous, a minimum of 100 Baht to go even a short distance, whereas Uber is very reasonable in price, convenient, comfortable, and (would be) reliable if they didn't have to be constantly on their guard against the taxi mafia. For two people travelling from the Old Town to Nimmenhaemin the cost is less than by songtheow.

    Same in Pattaya, Puket, etc.  The 'taxis' are mafia run and NEVER use the meter.   Songtaus are just as bad.

  7. 19 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    read the whole thing. this is max over 20years



    Many bars will try to implement this immediately in the full amount.  Why wait?  This is Thailand.   :partytime2:


    3000 baht tax on 1 (ONE) litre of beer is absolutely rediculous.  Talk about pricing yourself OUT of the market.   Whoever came up with this is stupid beyond belief.



    Right now, a 3 litre column of beer at Tawandang is about 750 or 800 baht.  So this increase would put that 3 litre column up to at least 10,000 baht.  That's more than I spend for a night out at Tawandang with 6 or more girls.


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