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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Unf**kingbelievable.  Seriously, you just could not make this up if you tried.   Monty Python would be so proud.


    The funny thing is, that it is the actions of the police themselves that leads to the worst tarnishing of their (so-called) reputation.  This story is likely to make the rounds internationally and will have tons and tons of scorn heaped upon the police as a result, never mind the heaps of scorn it is likely to generate locally.  And they deserve every last bit of it too.


    Those involved in this decision should be fired immediately.  No inactive posts, no pensions or other benefits, just unemployment.  They have absolutely no clue what their job is or should be.


    Reform anyone?   Prayut?...   Prayut?...   Prayut?       (deafening silence)



  2. Given how absolutely useless the police are and continue to be, now that the military seem to have taken up the role of the police, would it not be a very good time to completely shut down the police (ie Fire the lot of them, every last one, top to bottom), and start up a new professional police force, with all new and properly vetted personnel?


    Just a passing thought.   :tongue:


  3. Time to start arresting some of the police involved in this farce, especially any officer that threatens or intimidates witnesses, or even makes threatening/intimidating remarks.


    I know, I am dreaming.


    Police AND judicial reform anyone?                Prayut?...  Prayut?...  Prayut?   (deafening silence)


  4. Much ado about nothing.  She shows her legs.  Big deal.  What's with all the fuss?  Very slow news day, or what?   And how, exactly, has she disrespected the university?   She has absolutely nothing to say sorry for.  Perhaps the university should apologize to her and all the other 'graduates' for taking their money and giving them nothing but a useless piece of paper in return.


    To all those who gave her negative comments or complained, perhaps they should remember the old adage... 'If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.'


    I would also like to add that the 'photographer' should have asked for her permission to post the photos on the internet.



  5. 17 hours ago, timewilltell said:

    The sad thing about the article is that it makes corruption and bribery sound rather benign when it is the absolute opposite


    This cancer affects everything everywhere in Thailand not least the justice system. Other people suffer substantially because of it. It is truly evil.


    Sad, but true.

  6. 20 hours ago, natway09 said:

    I get a bit of a laugh out out of some of the crazy statements made here by Farang who have

    maybe not visited places like Suttisan. to enjoy.

    But under age is something I think is a fair cop. I detest it


    To be fair, I have known (not in the biblical sense) several underage girls working in the Thai sex industry.  Soi Cowboy, in fact.  I have absolutely no doubt that the girls I knew were working there of their own volition.  It is not easy to determine the age of these girls, simply by looking at them.  If you ask them, they will say at least 18.  So who is at fault if you unknowingly end up with a girl who is really under 18?


    I do not condone underage  girls working in the sex industry, in reality, I am not all that comfortable with 18 and 19 years olds working either.  But those girls are of legal age and I do respect their right to choose.


  7. On Tuesday, February 07, 2017 at 2:29 PM, candide said:

    If he feels the need to deny it, it must be really worrying.....



    Absolutely.  I also have to wonder how the 2 TRILLION baht infrastructure projects factor in.  Something tells me that Thailand is in deep kimchee.   All they can do is deny it until the proverbial poop hits the fan, by which time these pillars of government will be hiding abroad somewhere.  Dubai, perhaps?  :partytime2:


  8. Horse hockey.  Once again, the rediculous 'Alcohol Ban'.   I would like to see a ban on alcohol bans.  It serves ZERO benefit.  Anyone who feels they MUST drink, simply buys in advance, or at a local mom and pop store.  Thais are Buddhist in name only.  Only a very very small minority actually follow the teaching of the Buddha.  Isn't alcohol supposed to be a Buddhist no-no?  Hypocrites, one and all, and the a$$holes on power are the worst of all.

  9. 15 hours ago, Morakot said:

    Clearly you haven't sampled the craft beer produced in those boutique workshops in Nonthaburi.


    I can assure you, they were easily comparable to fine ales that CAMRA would approve.


    What an idiotic prime-ministerial move to shoot down a promising cottage industry that could have been the envy of many other countries!


    Thailand 0.4 entrapped by its own fears and absurd fantasies of control. What next? Outlaw home cooking? :sad:


    Don't give the moronic general any ideas.

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