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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. 21 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    "PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha has urged law enforcement to take tough action against people carrying out illegal activities in retaliation for the amendment to the Computer Crime Act that was recently approved by the National Legislative Assembly."


    A bunch of appointed YES men approved a draconian law and now it wants to enforce it.  It sounds like modern day Thailand.  These things did not happen during Yinglucks time in office.  Compared to the good general, she looking better and better.


    I despise Yingluck,  Thaksin and his sycophantic followers, but I would rather have them in power than these military idiots.   At least under the Phua Thai, when the people finally woke up and smelled the coffee, they could vote the Shins out.   With this lot, there is no way out, short of a civil war, and that may yet come.

  2. 15 hours ago, cms22 said:

    This is BS. I work in this field and know quite a few Thai journalists. I'm sorry but they wouldn't know "ethical promotion and professional standards of media professionals" if it hit them over the head. Self-sensorship is the game and always has been.



    You work in the field?  Yet you use a word like self-sensorship?  Really makes me wonder what you did in 'this field'.


    Sensor:  A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment.




    noun:    an official who examines material that is about to be released, such as books, movies, news, and art, and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
    (in ancient Rome) either of two magistrates who held censuses and supervised public morals.

    verb:    examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.  

  3. 21 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Very often whilst driving behind Thais, their brake light is often going on, flickering, indicating that they have their left foot on the brake......in panic situations, there's no place for the right foot to brake.....

    Using 2 feet in a automatic car is just lazy.


    It is not lazy.  It is flat out dangerous.  It also means they were never trained to drive properly.

  4. 5%.  Wow, nothing like setting the bar high.



    That said, they will not even succeed at 5%.   They say they are allotting 100,000 police to watch your house (probably casing the joint), but only 2500 for traffic duty.  Those numbers are wrong.  It should be 100,000 to traffic duty, and not just sitting on the side of the road sleeping or f**'ng with their smartphones, and 2500 assigned to case (I mean protect) your house.

  5. 18 hours ago, Searat7 said:

    The main airport is 10 years old already and has yet to be expanded despite numerous announcements. I will believe them when I see the expanded facilities.

    The BTS is more crowded than usual during the day...I think they need to look at frequency of trains....I think they are cutting back too much from rush hour frequency.



    Not only do they need to increase the frequency of trains, but they should be looking at adding additional carrages too.  The stations can handle 6 carriage trains (maybe 7).  MRT has the same problem as BTS with serious over crowding now too.


    And when, if ever, are we going to get a single pass card for both BTS and MRT?   It was promised when the MRT started operating.  Then it was promised again when BTS switched to the Rabbit card.  And still NOTHING.

  6. 16 hours ago, BuckBee said:

    This eyesore needs bulldozing. Religion is for the weak who can't cope with reality or absorb scientific fact .

    This temple is nothing more than a massive scam and money laundering ring. You can see how high they are in crime ring by fact police, dsi, army and mighty buck banana man can't touch them by legal means or verbal means . Another festering boil on thailand, no wonder the worlds tourists and investors have slowly moved on ...


    And yet, this is just the TIP of the iceberg that is corruption in Thailand.

  7. Ah, the old 'Zero Dollar Tour' chestnut.   So how exactly would the pricing of hotel rooms be associated with zero dollar tours.  In fact, nothing in the article is about zero dollar tours, just one person's silly comment.    Just an attempt at fear mongering.


    However, I do agree with making sure ALL hotel/BnB rooms are legal and up to standards appropriate for the room type.  THAT is a problem with the police and government agencies that are supposed to enforce regulations.  So start with the enforcement agencies and police.  Fix that and the rest will fall in line.


    On the other hand competition is what makes the world work and customers can choose who to support with their wallet.  Thais just do not like any form of real competition.



  8. Well, if Prayut is serious about fixing Thailand (yeah, I am having trouble keeping a straight face too) then scrap the submarines the military wants to buy for US$1 BILLION (about 35 BILLION baht) and use the money for fixing things like this sewage treatment plant.


    The submarines are useless to Thailand and are just  a pure toys for the boys expenditure, however Thailand's crumbling and seriously neglected infrastructure needs immediate attention, so the submarine money should be put to a use that will actually benefit the citizens of Thailand.


    I know, fat chance.

  9. 16 hours ago, hdkane said:

    What's the point of having police? They seem pretty useless, and apparently everyone knows it...


    Indeed, everyone does know it.  That being the case, it might be an opertune time to allow the army to do the job of the police.  Then disband the RTP/DSI and start anew with a professional police force (no former RTP/DSI need apply).  Once properly trained, the army could relinquish control back to the new professional police.


    This, of course, MUST be done simultaneously with a complete reform of the judicial system.


    But I won't hold my breath.

  10. Good that someone is pointing the finger back at Thailand and Thais, however they completed missed that one of the biggest source of problems is the RTP.


    Untill the RTP and the Thai justice system gets a complete top to bottom reform, NOTHING will change in this country where money trumps the law or any form of justice.   Prayut is simply a puppet of the Thai elite.

    By the way, where are these 'lurid sex shows'?  I have been here over 15 years and have never seen a lurid sex show, and not for want of looking, I might add.  :shock1:


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