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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I would not be surprised if the MAGA caucus re-opens the Bengazi case, so DT can campaign against Hillary. Sounds ridiculous? That's the modern day GOP for ya. So far this election season he's been campaigning against President Obama, Pelosi, Hunter Biden, (who did I leave out?) and it looks like none of them will win the presidency When it is mentioned that Jordan may be facing charges he gets this facial expression like he may be soiling his pants, I first saw this when he was put forth as a member of the 1/6 congressional committee and Liz Cheney mentioned that he may actually be called as a material witness. It's always entertaining when a bully is revealed to be a coward. https://www.newsweek.com/jim-jordan-joe-biden-impeachment-bribery-russia-1871889 Comer might consider a new career as a Walmart greeter, or hope he gets kitchen duty in prison. https://www.newsweek.com/james-comer-resignation-calls-grow-after-russian-intel-bombshell-1871862 Hey, these links are to Newsweek, a true booster for DT. So none of that fake news dismissal.
  2. The Pussycat Dolls played KL (or Singapore?) back when they had that international hit. I recall reading about it in the Straits-Times, imams were sending out missives condemning the lasciviousness etc. Well, I used to think if the Spice Girls were supposed to be the hot gals you'd meet in a club, these Dolls were predatory strippers. If in need of entertainment, type into your search page beatles philippines (try to get the recording of Lennon telling it)
  3. Pulling out a wad of bills like that in front of people is counter to instinct, especially with someone who has power over you at that moment. Well, for me, at least. There are a lot of Indonesians who go to Malaysia for work. If you ever took an AA flight between the two countries you've witnessed it. It looks like LOS is putting things in place to discourage that. If people have that kind of money they probably would not be going abroad in search of work, looks like our folks in brown uniforms figured out.
  4. Mike Flynn has been touring the country for the past 2 years selling this god and country amalgam. I expect some sort of fireworks from him and his at the GOP convention in July. Our Miz Boebert picked up on it some time last year without realizing what she was getting into. I've been waiting for mention of his emergence in the media this election year, and a few days ago a political columnist brought him up. Big problem is people having personal conversations with god, two-way dialog. Met a nutter from Norway a few years back, traveling the world going to destinations that god tells him to. The current Speaker of the House also has conversations with god. Ooooo, god just said something to me! He said he wants everybody who reads this to give my post the thumbs-up. He also told me to set up a gofundme and that everyone should donate lots of money to it and he'll give you a special blessing. Gotta run now and set that up.
  5. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Never had the idea to visit the place before moving there? But couldn't the charitable acts of the people helping them be conceived as "woke"? OMG! No escape!! And did one of those neighborly women actually have a penis? oooooooooooooohhhhhhh nnnnnooooo!!! Maybe he listened too much to the TV dinner guy on Fox.
  6. If it's not covered by Fox/OAN/RT it'll be considered fake news. There could be criminal charges against the MAGA congressionals for this farce they've been running for over a year. If so, the only way for MAGA caucus to promote their guy will be to amp up that Putin loves America and why his buddy DT should be president. Could they succeed in a creating a "Putin Patriots" caucus? Not so far fetched these days, the word "patriot" has been redefined in the US. An infosphere where authoritarianism is synonymous freedom. Go figure. Remember Tommy Tuberville and how he stifled the US military for months? What kind of pocket stuffing did he get from foreign gov'ts for that?
  7. Yes, DT weaponized the IRS. Just asked Comey, the guy who helped him win in 2016. More gaslight.
  8. Johnny Depp came over to help clean up the mess. The floor was spotless when he was done. Great job, JD!
  9. Had this problem with indoor grows in the US. Spider mites don't like garlic, I learned from Ed Rosenthal's manual back in the 1980s. The trick is how to keep pieces of crushed garlic inside the cluster of leaves, I ended up sticking pieces in the leaf-branch nodes. Vaguely recall something to do with cayenne or other chilis, I may have gotten rid of some but wasn't gone of it until I harvested what I could and then fumigated. Looking back now, I'm thinking I should have put the garlic in little gauze bundles and hung them from the light rack in specific locations. Best of luck.
  10. Yeah, South America had this same idea for their continent, Hugo Chavez was a big proponent. A person needn't be an economist or political wonk to immediately see it's going to be a bunch of kleptocrats picking each other's pockets. There is also a certain amount of animosity between the countries of Latin America that you will rarely see expressed in any sort of media, save for futbal matches. Chavez bought out Argentina's debt in the '00s and he became a hero in that country. A few years later Chavez died and Arg. piled up yet another Everest of debt. Talk is back again for Arg. and Brazil to have a common currency. Governments and political situations aside, there is no love lost between the people of both countries. I've spent enough time in either country to have heard the denouncements on either side. With the fall of the US being seen as a real possibility I would think any of these ideas would be re-assessed in light of who would be the next economic world power.
  11. This is worthy of a discussion of it's own, but this is not the place for it. My point was that so much of the economy has to do with money generating more money as opposed to generating money by actually producing goods and usable services.
  12. He may not know much about Thai amulets, but now he's sure of one that will not keep the police away.
  13. Notice how the top 4 are in the business of dealing with money, and do not actually produce any tangible items, aside from money itself.
  14. Stay tuned for the next episode of "President Felon"! Five months till Milwaukee.
  15. Interesting topic. I had a shop teacher told us about how during WWII the Allies figured out the Germans had only one factory making bearings, and soon put it out of business.
  16. I am considering a civil suit against any employee at the US State Dept. that approved any of Morgan's visas.
  17. The ones with the Rolexes are the ones laying down the grift to the congregations and shoveling in the cash. And you can be sure they are quite tight-fisted in supporting the volunteers that go out into the world to convert the savages (sarcasm alert). They are a part of modern American culture, unfortunately. https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/1330222/televangelist-pastor-worth-760-million-flips-out-on-reporter-says-he-bought-tyler-perrys-private-jet-with-church-funds-because-commercial-airlines-are-full-of-demons In my childhood years there was a guy named Reverend Ike, and he was openly all about the $$$. "God is green!" was his slogan (for those unfamiliar, the US dollar is sometimes called the greenback). For a satirical perspective there is a television series called The Righteous Gemstones. The Salvation Army and other such orgs provide for the poor (the ones who approach them), but they make them listen to sermons and sing hymns in exchange for the help and shelter.
  18. culture of impunity I came across this term recently when I read this page https://legaldictionary.net/impunity/
  19. I know what you mean. I wanted to be a philanthropist but no one would hire me.
  20. This is not a joke https://apnews.com/article/trump-sneakers-sneaker-con-philadelphia-4de093eda6f8d1c68baf8fe8095f777b
  21. They should at least have a sense of irony on their mission, like calling the place Mary Magdalene's House of Heavenly Delights. Or maybe some enterprising Thai can sell amulets to protect the girls from these missionary devils. Personally I find it intrusive and insulting to the Thais (or the people any place else that they set up these operations) for imposing their morals where they are guests. IMO the only reason they do these things is for a sales pitch to the congregations to give give give that money, because jesus wants them to.
  22. Maybe god is already in their hearts, and that god does not have a quarrel with them boom-boom for a living. Or are they opening a christian bar? How much bar fine?
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