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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Yes, phenomenal would be another word. A huge block of voters who consistently voted against their own self-interest. Hey, how about rounding up the guys who came up with that Tea Party hogwash back when and have them answer for their lies spreading misleading info?
  2. Ah, gone are the days of warrior kings, no inspiration for Shakespeare here.
  3. Maybe this is a puppet show for those he owes $$$ to: Q: When we getting the money, Rudy? A: I'm waiting for this Biden suit to pay off
  4. The GOP is letting itself be bullied. It's their party, it's their problem. This is showing what these people are really about. I vote Dem usually not because I agree with them but because these guys are so loathsome.
  5. He wants to get arrested and taken away by uniform cops as a photo op for fund raising. The rubes will take out second mortgages and send him the $$$ He knows his people. But yeah, a weekend in the hoosegow will help him put things in perspective.
  6. Print that up on leaflets and pass them out to the punters arriving at the airport.
  7. One day I noticed, at an entrance to Siam Center (the mall adjacent to Paragon) there was a video camera on a table next to the door, aimed at the entrance. It wasn't plugged in, no light to indicated it was running on battery, and no data cable -- someone could have just picked it up and carried it off. Would have been on the Skytrain within a few minutes. So much for security.
  8. Taking a shot of vinegar right before a meal, isn't that rough on the taste buds?
  9. And don't forget how well the Founding Fathers defended the airports during the US Revolutionary War.
  10. Aside from vinegar another one that is supposed to lower blood glucose is cinnamon. But it has to be Ceylon cinnamon. A little searching on the web will explain why -- it is the one that smells/tastes like Dentyne chewing gum, the other smells like Cinnabon, that's how I tell them apart. I'm not in LOS now, so can't say anything about availability or type there. I use this one, a pound lasts about a year, a teaspoon in the morning cereal. https://www.amazon.com/Organic-Ceylon-Cinnamon-Powder-Resealable/dp/B07MHX96HW/ Something that hasn't come up yet in this thread is fiber. Ya gotta have fiber. OP: good job having an all fruit meal every day, but adding some protein (like nuts) makes it a proper meal. For me leafy greens works wonders, my fasting read drops even after scarfing down a bag of potato chips.
  11. I had heard about carbohydrates but didn't really know what they were until I was diagnosed with type 2 and started reading up on these things. There was some kind of breakthrough in diabetes research in the 1990s, and carbs are a culprit; before then diabetes was viewed by some as a sugar allergy, I recall from when I was a kid (back before the flood) when a relative had it. It would pay to do a little reading on carbs. Spoiler alert: when you eat a carb your body turns it into sugar, in some cases in a matter of seconds. Time to start looking nutritional data, like this: https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/usda/bananas I would caution on info from the American Diabetes Association, too often I'll read something from them and later read another that contradicts it. There is a whole industry built on diabetes: treatments, pills, gadgets, magazines (Diabetes Today!) and books books books. Coincidentally, just found this yesterday: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/10/01/type-2-diabetes-prevention-progress/70768126007/
  12. Meanwhile, House Republicans Reportedly Looking to Expel Gaetz By Using Findings from Upcoming Ethics Report: ‘No One Can Stand Him’ I have to admit I do enjoy the way the post-Gingrich conservatives hate each other, the wackier their stance the more hateful they get. The pols, the wonks, the pundits, they are like battling rats. My fave: Limbaugh used to say of O'Reilly "he's Ted Baxter." And then there's the MAGA gals . . .
  13. There is also chatter Jordan could be nominated for Speaker of the House. DT has never said a bad word regarding him. He is a bully and a coward. When they tried to put him on the 1/6 committee last year, Liz Cheney said not possible because he may be called as a material witness; he may have pooped his pants upon hearing that. No matter, ain't gonna happen.
  14. A certain element in the US began amassing guns when Obama was president. Every few weeks someone on the right would exclaim "he's coming for your guns!" and by the following Monday stores that sell firearms would have empty shelves. Eight years of that. That's a lot of people with a lot of guns and they are just waiting for a chance to use them, so statements like this go over well. I suspect DT thought the armed uprising would have followed his indictments. I guess it could be said they may be dumb enough to believe his lies and gaslighting but are smart enough to see how 1/6 seditionists are being sent to jail, and how they were not pardoned by the orange guy when he was still in the WH. There may also be enough smarts to understand that shooting puts themselves in danger of being shot. There may even be enough sense (collectively) to know they are no match for organized law enforcement and the military. Well, when they are not cowering in a hallway, like those fine Texas lawmen in Uvalde.
  15. After the 2020 election I stopped paying attention to the STS farce, though I continued to read the news. I recall the press caught Pillow Guy (who I hadn't heard of before) running around the WH just a little before Xmas with a list of possible strategies that included armed insurrection (or words to that effect). Then the day after Xmas the doors of the clown car opened and we met Sidney, Overstock guy, and a few others, jumping on the Crazytown Express. My opinion at that time, which I still hold to, is that DT dangled a pile of money in front of the clowns for whoever gets the election results returned. What followed could be seen as a re-make of "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World," where no one finds the double-ya. My take is this guy in Georgia is smart enough to see he has nothing to gain by remaining true-orange, and is already tinged beyond compare. Yes, Georgia governor Kemp and Raffensperger are anti-MAGA, but I still think they are slime. I'm putting my money on the Smith-DC case: the Georgia and MAL cases could very well drag out into the 2030s. There is a lot more coming from Smith, but those charges may be different cases that will come after the 1/6 case, like the grifts of collecting $$$ from MAGA fans and where exactly those dollars end up.
  16. Comer: "We're going to show . . . " If they had something to show they would do so instead of saying this sort of thing. An example of just how stupid these politicians think the American people are. (Umm, apparently some of them actually are!) Brings to mind something I saw in a Brazilian gentlemen's club. I was chatting with an American guy who just had a session and was apparently waiting for his "2nd wind." He had his lady picked out, she was clinging to him and every few minutes she'd tell him "let's go." This guy was over 50, he kept stalling her with lines like "just wait, I'm gonna do to you stuff that . . . " etc.
  17. Here's one that I loathe: I had no choice Tied for first place with: Someone having to answer for an obvious willful act: "I can't help it" An ex of mine who aspired to be a corporate powerhouse would use this when it was not possible to blame another person (like throwing a temper tantrum). She couldn't be held responsible because she was is a re-incarnated samurai, also a re-incarnated ninja.
  18. They say they have something, but instead they are presenting ANYTHING. It means that is all they have. It seems the DT zealots think that those who support Biden do so as vehemently as they support the orange messiah. These are politicians, guys!
  19. The only sure way to make money from gambling is to own the casino. It has been disproven so I don't say it anymore.
  20. THIS is an issue in a presidential election in the US? This is even lower than Congressional dress codes. "Mommy, what is tragendersim?" So much for protecting kids, morals, etc. 25 years ago another such crusader named Starr had little kids asking "Mommy, what's a semen-stained dress?" Throw in the towel, Swamy, you're no match for The Great Orange.
  21. Means they still haven't found anything. fishingexpeditionhoaxwitchhunt There should be an inquest to look into this inquest. Use recursion to extend if necessary.
  22. Transgenderism 'a mental health disorder' Like MAGA -ism? A lot of this 'mental health disorder' stuff going around these days.
  23. Give up on the MAL trial: he has his stooge in place, it will not be settled in this decade. The DC judge needs to talk to the head of Secret Service to figure out that if she sentences the orange guy to incarceration, what would that entail? I don't understand why a former pres should get gov't security protection for the rest of his life, particularly one who was a national disgrace while in office. Where's the GOP hand-wringing about wasting hallowed taxpayer money on this?
  24. There are some showbiz personalities in the US who promoted cyber currencies, now they are in trouble.
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