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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Consider how a small typo can make a big difference: "you will not get jail" is one letter off from "you will not get bail." That's enough to ruin one's return from exile!
  2. A T____ victory next year would be the end of the GOP. The biggest priority for a first-term US pres is re-election. If he gets back in it will all be out in the open with paleo-conservatism and fundamentalist christianity. Comparing it to Germany in the 1930s his second inauguration will be the night of the long knives. The members of SCOTUS who are currently close to some sort of punishment for their corruption will emerge as the heroes of the new order.
  3. Anyone remember Emmanuelle ? I think it was this movie that made the ping-pong ball and cigarette show famous, but maybe that was in Patpong.
  4. Sounds good. Emphasize that it is old, used, falling apart etc but has personal sentimental value. Good idea to not be carrying any receipts involving it.
  5. It is now common knowledge that it has reached the US Supreme Court. Not all members, at least not now.
  6. His niece says he wears a corset, which is why you usually see him slightly bent forward at the waist. Obvious this is a let it all hang out moment. Well, if they ever start making movies again and need a live-action Homer Simpson . . .
  7. So him giving a fake weight amount could get him busted for giving false info on a gov't document, right? More fraud, what?
  8. The billionaires are the only ones that DT came through for. The paleo-conservative ones got the double scoop in that he'd sign their oppressive legislation.
  9. Absolutely. No end of stories about divided families, grandparents who are not seeing their grandchildren grow up because of political disputes with their children, sending $$$ to the charlatan, etc. Ask them why they support the guy and they get aggressive. Weirdest thing I hear from trying to talk to his fans is they think they are at an advantage because they voted for him, like the us in the next sentence. When the Covid thing hit the MAGA fans were saying "this isn't supposed to happen to us."
  10. So he's gangsta now? Is he going to start wearing his pants backwards?
  11. Here's another Georgia song https://youtu.be/oG4V24I3qkY?t=37
  12. There is nothing else in the world like 7-11 hot dogs. Thank god.
  13. Undue? Hey, he's paying good money for those privileges! Strictly coincidental that those medical problems arose as soon as he set foot in LOS.
  14. Perhaps it means you do not provide the envelope, instead you give them the 100b and the postage+envelope is covered.
  15. A lawyer who takes his own case has a fool for a client. (Not original, and certainly not new)
  16. Who would have thought!?!? Well, ol' Vlad solved that problem. Other world leaders look on in envy.
  17. Some pervs out there will say Sidney Powell looks hot, in a frustrated schoolmarm kind of way. But I won't.
  18. Cash-strapped Rudy Giuliani lands in Atlanta in private plane ♫ oh ya gotta have friiiieeeeeeends . . . ♫ ♪ Maybe Ginni Thomas hooked it up for him.
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