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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Don't bother getting your back up on this stuff. Whatever he does the Dems will point and say "ooo, he's not allowed to do that!" and a week later it'll be forgotten as he proceeds onto his contrived reality show stunt. Just like he's been doing since the 2015. Or does no one remember his first term? Thanks anyway, Liz. There was a US television series that ran for a few seasons a few years back called Unreal. It's a fictional series about the making of a reality show, and the sort of rascality done behind the scenes to create nasty situations. It may broaden your understanding of DT's political career.,
  2. Just more Thai bashing, as usual. 😅
  3. Well, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's back! That means it's back to released documents looking something like this: MAGA, baby!
  4. They know the people that voted their way are easily led and not too bright, gullible enough to believe whatever they say, and they make the most of it. Fortune favors the bold -- literally! Now they telling them to send more $$$. I'm expecting a new phenomenon in the near future (if it is not happening already): DT foreclosures. This would be people who sent so much of their money to you-know-who that they cannot maintain their lives and mortgages. And we know just how generous the conservatives are when it comes to helping people in need.
  5. Just a wee bit of web searching and the Great Minds there could have found out that former US presidents get Secret Service babysitters for the rest of their lives. I wonder if there is an agent disguised as Abe Simpson in the home where Jimmy Carter stays. At least with Iran it's the same set of enemies since the Shah left. The US is now kissin' cousins with Russia, and we know who is kissing who's what. Truly sad.
  6. darling, if you really care don't touch me there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w-HpBPJC1I
  7. Unless you've done some exploring of the terrain you have nothing to report.
  8. Tomorrow's news today! US President Donald T. said "Putin told me he didn't do it, and I believe him." Nothing new there.
  9. Some years back I was staying on Soi Diana in Pattaya, there was one bar seemed to have fights going on pretty regularly. Seemed like it was usually Brits and Aussies. Gave me the idea for a fight bar. Drinks only served in paper cups, barstools riveted to the floor, mirrors behind the bar made of metal. Maybe the girls instigate.
  10. Gotta wonder how many bets were placed for 59 when this announcement was made.
  11. That's how I want to go: ZAP! and I'm gone. No drama, no dealing with it, just no mas.
  12. They're eating the dogs.
  13. Yes indeed. If the exiting president had pardoned the 1/6 demonstrators it would be a very different. If there is one thing that straightens out an idealist's perspective (most of the time ) it is sitting in a jail cell. His calling out for demonstrators during his NYC trials didn't go well, maybe a dozen or so turned up but left their mojo at home. Nearly every thing he comes up with involves him being victimized, cheated, etc. I'm sure there must be some good ol' boys (and gals) out there thinking "man, what is he complaining about now?" Sound wimpy, no?
  14. He thinks he can talk his way out of anything, but IMO he comes off as as a dumb-azz rapper without a beat box. Seems to do well for him financially.
  15. It started here:
  16. Why are DT and Vance scared of fact checking? At the VP debate Vance called out the moderator "hey, you said there would be no fact checking!" CBS said one of DT's conditions for appearing on "60 Minutes" was there would be no fact checking.
  17. In the post WWII era in the US (aka the Cold War era) there was a huge fuss about fluoridation of the drinking water. I used to hear it mentioned when I was a kid but didn't know what it was about, some kind of commie plot. Where I lived the people were too upset about the Brooklyn Dodgers moving to L.A. to rant about anything else. I don't know of it even coming up in the media since then. But now we have RFK Jr. Someone should ask him if he'll re-open the investigations of the murders of his father and uncle as well.
  18. I saw a documentary about Roy Cohn. He was hiring this big, muscular white guy to be his assistant/driver/bodyguard etc, and would also engage in sex. "Who is the woman?" asked the interviewee. "Me" said Cohn, "I am the woman." Well now, we know how much the candidate admires strong men, so there is no question as to whom the man is.
  19. Well, he had some personal time with Vlad during the Helsinki conference. When they emerged this is what they looked like. My guess is Vlad finished a little too quickly for POTUS 45. But the announcement he made afterward was the real act of both feet in the horse pile https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-ap-top-news-elections-moscow-2d4866bea9f243419ac216f68a858704 https://www.vox.com/conversations/2018/7/19/17588518/trump-putin-helsinki-meeting-history-diplomacy-russia-us-syria-ukraine America first, eh?
  20. Is he demonstrating what he does in his meetings with Putin and Kim?
  21. Be sure all this skullduggery about his medical records is for a reason, or several. That goofy doctor with the hippy wig from before the 2016 election (remember him?) had his office raided by a bunch thugs that seized everything that could possibly relate to DT after the election. "All the tests came back positive" the ex-president liked to say: did that include tuberculosis and dementia? Bill Gates said that DT asked him several times about HPV, so there's a hint right there. He couldn't pull the garbage truck thing NYC because the union probably wouldn't let him get into the truck.
  22. He is probably at his wit's end because he can't use any excuse related to health, he's too much of a manly man for that! But I think before he tried a Vinny the Chin (a NY mafioso who made like he was koo-koo) he'd go into exile.
  23. Will someone please wake up AG Garland and tell him? Probably won't get to court until 2028 anyway.
  24. I'm calling DT at 45% or less of the popular vote.
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