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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Press lady: Mr president-elect junior, are you on drugs? DonJr: Why do you ask, you want to buy some? The above is not true. Hey, if I had his kind of money and I didn't have to work . . .
  2. If is was possible to change that "natural born" requirement it would have been done for Schwarzenegger, and he would have run in 2008.
  3. Ok, but you have to give the Yanks a 2-for-1 for actually pushing one into The Palace. I ignore all that stuff, so I only hear about the juiciest incidents in the headlines. Best comment I've heard was Meghan complained of the royals "they were racist to me," to which Chris Rock comments "Look who they are, what did you expect? They practically invented it!" Imagine if it was Tiffany Haddish instead!
  4. He was so smart that he paid other people to write his papers, so that he himself wouldn't have to learn and . . . . . . Umm, nevermind.
  5. Take that, Brits! Consider it retaliation for allowing Piers Morgan to come to the US.
  6. It's a possibility. There was a "son of Frankenstein" too. He considers himself to be the heir to the office. Can you say "Kendall Roy"?
  7. Where are the rocks now?
  8. Stupid is as stupid does. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13769
  9. He paid her, and he still got into trouble? I thought the trouble started if you don't pay.
  10. Can't you just hear him? "Trafficking? Hell, it was 3am, we were the only car on the road, there was no traffic!"
  11. Sounds like Biden saying 'this time it's your turn to clean it up, buddy."
  12. Store workers wanted to see if you stole anything and put it in your backpack.
  13. Hey, have you been trying to poke my ex-wife?
  14. It was the MAGA candidate who, weeks before the election, said the election would be rigged, stolen, etc. Why does no one believe him? Why isn't this being investigated now? Same thing happened in 2016. Why is this man's word not being respected?
  15. My first thought when reading about this was it was a tribute to him. Did it work? Did oil just stop? I looked a few hours ago, the gasoline stations are still open and the pumps are dispensing.
  16. DT is the swamp. "We have met the enemy, and he is us." There is a war of wills in the works. Two arrogant egomaniacs in a world that's too small. And both are quite fragile. DT's way of doing things is usually described as transactional. And Elon is not going to let the notorious deadbeat grease out of paying up. "Elon won't go home. I can't get rid of him, at least until I don't like him," Trump said. Sounds ominous. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-jokes-elon-musk-maralago-speech-1986217
  17. Our Fox-watching brethren seem to never have, perhaps. They never saw the violence on 1/6 as well. Those Muslim guys (supposedly) voted for the guy who pushed the Muslim ban. Sense? Sense has nothing to do with it.
  18. Trump's 'huge lie' shows 'he’s taking everyone for an idiot' And it's working! These geniuses didn't have clue: Muslims who voted for Trump upset by his pro-Israel cabinet picks What? He's pro Israel? Who'da thunk? What next, that he favors Putin over his own country? C'mon, how can that be?
  19. Becket, 1964 Double portions of ham.
  20. Probably some rascally Pakistani nerds up to some sort of joke with a weather balloon.
  21. Don King. Already has.
  22. Did I miss any mention of Jimmy Page? I didn't think he was all that, and that painted-on smile gave me the creeps. I like Hendrix, Electric Ladyland lives on. His first two albums became the primer for a whole new generation of rock performers. I still like JBeck too. Check out one of his later albums from 1989, Guitar Shop. And then there's Roy Buchanan: Sweet Dreams, fella.
  23. Might be something like if someone was looking to make an impression on potential investors, showing up with a royal should do it. And because of the alleged scandals, it might send a signal that he's the sort who knows how to operate with a nudge and a wink. I don't know if he can actually get things done, like, say, a certain aging rock star of humble origins wanted a knighthood, could he make it happen?
  24. The potential for juvenile humor from this single sentence is astounding!
  25. Remember, way back, when impeachment was something taken seriously?
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