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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Recall when DT was saying he exchanged love letters with Kim Jong Un? Someone should take a public stand addressing this relationship, saying they sympathize with the two lovers, and applaud DT's coming out and so on. That'll melt the paint off his face! Also, DT has been known to privately ask people what the know about HPV, e.g. Bill Gates says he was asked about it on two different occasions. Maybe he got it from Putin?
  2. Someone on US TV news said something about Liberace, like the decor was from his estate sale. Not the first such reference about the occupants of the 45 admin 'Fresh from the Liberace discount bin': Melania's Memorial Day medallions roasted And then my brother George . . .
  3. Plan B would be to initiate Stolen Election 2024. They know they are going to lose and instead of campaigning they are setting it up. Back to reports of the US waterways clogged with all those ballots. Did you see how he looked when he took the stage for today's MAL matinee? Pale, hunched over and defeated.
  4. IMO it was money talking, as well as the man who would give it to him. Do not forget his publicly-stated offer to the oil cartel in exchange for $1 billion, and you can be sure other corporate concerns were interested as well. Thiel is Vance's Don King, though JD is no kind of champ.
  5. Wouldn't the correct Trumpism be "like a dog"? As for being able to cut the microphones look at how well that did at the last debate.
  6. He knows they are going to lose, and I get the impression he is considering whether or not to engage in the "nuclear option": destroy whatever is necessary to get back in the WH. IMO the big psych-out now is that all that freak show stuff of the past 9 years, which for the most part the press said "ha-ha, hear the silly the stuff he said today" about Hannibal Lecter, exploding washing machines, toilets flushed 15 times, cancer and wind turbines, dating his own daughter, and so on, is now being tossed in his face by his opponents on the stump. And now him and the guy from Dogpatch are being forced to defend the stuff, and he hasn't figured out how, other than the usual "not true, you're fake news." Also I suspect there are other influences, no names here, much more powerful than he'll ever be, who will really be running things while keeping him in his gilded country club cages, like the GOP did with fading Ronnie and the 2 Bushes. They are giving him $$$ and if he is in office again and they when come for their due he's not going to blow them off with one of his dingleberry lawsuits. Consider the 2020 electoral trauma a dress rehearsal for what is to come. For amusement, try to catch incidents of other candidates/world leaders going off babbling about nonsensical things: 2 off the top of my head are Boris Johnson who would go on about how the Americans wash their chickens in chlorine bleach, and who can forget Herschel Walker pondering werewolves vs vampires? https://nypost.com/2019/09/05/british-pm-boris-johnson-talks-trade-chlorinated-chicken-with-pence/
  7. And there it is: why do they say these guys are so weird? Because they bring up stuff like this.
  8. When all this MAGA corruption has been eliminated Liz is going to be at the top of the heap of whatever replaces the present MAGA party, and I'm not looking forward to it. The only thing likeable about her is she's vehemently anti-MAGA, otherwise she's still as conservative as she's always been.
  9. Most definitely a new Attorney General, preferably a hanging judge willing to clean up the MAGA cesspit. One to take on a corrupt Supreme Court taken over by fascists (and their wives) who have reduced the Chief Justice to be their errand boy. Don't have any names, but someone like this guy.
  10. It can be considered an American tradition that presidents and VP are alienated. FDR never spoke to Truman, Ike hated Nixon, said it straight out. JFK and LBJ had zero love, and so on. [psst, did HWBush order a shot at Ronnie?] Carter was a governor, not a DC guy, probably forgot the VPs name during his admin, I know I did . Maybe never saw him again after the inauguration.
  11. How could you possibly leave out money in politics ? The possibility of success is measured by money. A candidate openly selling favors, like a street hustler pushing fake Rolexes. Convicted felon running for president, doesn't know a socialist from a social worker. What a country! It's called inheritance. Effortless, you just sit there and they hand it to you. DonJr has been practicing for years.
  12. Perhaps he doesn't care about the things you mentioned. It was decades ago that a certain real estate magnate (female) did state that "laws were for little people." I would think that someone who can buy and sell politicians might consider himself above the law -- there's a lot of that going around these days, you may have noticed. Rhetorically, in the same vein, why doesn't Clarence Thomas support anti-discrimination measures for Black folks?
  13. Just because Thiel (or any politician) is gay is no reason to assume they will be sympathetic to the cause. I recall Thiel was bothered when he was outed. Liz Cheney has a gay sister but she puts as much distance between them (publicly) as possible. Lynne Cheney is the matriarch and reputed to be just as sweet and lovable as her husband (sarcasm alert!) yet wrote a book on pioneer life in the western US that is quite sympathetic to ways women comforted each other while their men were away riding the range. And then there is: Conservative leader Matt Schlapp is accused of fondling a male campaign staffer in Georgia There was a character in the "Veep" series played by Patton Oswald that was either inspired by Schlapp, or Schlapp was inspired by the character. On the other hand, there was a porn actress (Brandi Love, I think) that was a MAGA booster, sort of a MTG type, who was run out of a CPAC for being what she is.
  14. The question should be "how much did Thiel pay DT to take Vance?" The answer will take 4 years to be revealed, then another 4 years to bring to court, so, see ya in 2032. Just because someone makes a promise while campaigning in no way implies they are going to follow through. Saint Ronald of Reagan stuck it to the Christian Right as such. Twice.
  15. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0328589/ Yeah, it's a chick flick, but scrape off the cute Hollywood stuff and this will give an idea of what it will be like to buy a $1 house in Italy. For Japan, wouldn't want to have the face the bill for having this roof re-tiled. Those charismatic old wooden houses don't seem to be insulated.
  16. I knew better to respond to you but I did anyway. My bad.
  17. Personality. Watch one of his TV appearances. If you're hoping for extreme left communist fascist very bad things etc prepare to be disappointed.
  18. I like Walz. In regard to who brings in votes, Kelly: Americans love astronauts. Or at least did.
  19. Is Thai prison system sensitive to dietary restrictions of the inmates? "Hey Abdul, do you want the pig bone or just the fat?" "Sharia? Oh yeah, she worked a gogo on Walking Street, but she quit and married a farang."
  20. DT doesn't debate, he just does his usual prattle of insults, deprecations and lies, pivots from questions, dodges any sort of blame, and is the perpetual victim. He can't use medical excuses as he's to much of macho man to be sick, even though he obviously has a lot to hide in this regard, e.g. his continued questions to others about HPV. So this (maybe) billionaire addresses the public and tells them to send him even more money, which is actually funny. The weird thing is people ACTUALLY DO, in the millions! I guess him knowing he can pull off such a thing gives him a sense of power. But it does seem his followers for the most part DO have enough sense to not do another 1/6 -type event, seeing as how he let them sit in jail and not pardon them; all his "calling for" support at his various trials hasn't been met with what he wanted. He knows he's going to lose, it's time to start planning for the next round of stolen election claims. I don't expect Biden to do this, but he should bring in a REAL Attorney General, sleeping on the job should be reserves for Congress members.
  21. Well, not private, but one time I went to Mahidol tropical disease clinic and the receptionist couldn't find anyone nearby who spoke English, so I ended up speaking to a fellow who was high up in scientific researchers there. He was a relatively young guy, no apparent attitude about his position. There was a lot of dengue at the time, and he told me with a laugh that the only tried-and-true mosquito repellent they came up with was DEET. I was headed for the back of beyond elsewhere in SEA and he educated me on the use of antimalarials.
  22. As James Carville put it "you know there's ketchup bottles flying down there!"
  23. Trump Demands Transparency on U.S.-Russia Prisoner Swap Details . . . and people in hell demand ice water. Does the release signal that Putin is displeased with his Donny?
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