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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Steal from the right-hand pocket and hide it in the left. Sheer stupidity! Did he really think no one would check out his education and employment history? A few months ago the WH gave an event for all the new members of Congress. Georgie did not attend, it is speculated that he couldn't because all visitors to the WH must be vetted by the Secret Service, and he would not submit to it.
  2. "The base" is generally of the opinion Latin American immigrants are lazy. They want to seal the border to keep them from coming over and taking all the jobs. Ummm . . . Meanwhile check out what is happening the agri-biz in Florida. https://fruitgrowersnews.com/news/floridas-new-immigration-law-creates-panic-in-ag-community/
  3. Well, all of that letting him slide during his term turned into a "give him enough rope" scenario. Did he really think he was going to get away with all this stuff? Treason charges are in the wind.
  4. Behind every great fortune there is a crime. — Balzac (maybe) Actually, it was his father's fortune.
  5. I've been alluding to this in different ways in different threads: the giveaway for T____ and his minions is that they behave as if they are guilty. Take the EJean case. All he needed to say was "I didn't do it." And stick with it. And testify in his own defense in court. And that's it. Then go about his business and let justice prevail. All the shesnotmytypeIdonotknowhersheisawhackjob and so on, well, a patently dishonest person of his age should have figured by now he is just too damned obvious. I think with all this adulation from rallies he thinks everyone is as vulnerable as his "poorly educated" horde. I have an old friend that in his later years thinks he has developed a talent for deception but is obvious as hell, thinks he's as slick as snot on a doorknob.
  6. "2020 election was stolen" is his 2024 platform. He's holding onto it like a soi dog with a pork bone. In 2016 he started the stolen election thing a few weeks before election day, the media should replay those bits and take him to task along the lines of "so YOU stole the 2016 election?"
  7. I grew up in slum areas in NYC. A 2 bedroom railroad apartment was $50/month 1950s/60s. When the rent went up $2/month it was a big deal. Mel Brooks grew up in one of those neighborhoods 25 years previous and says rent was $30. We had relatives who moved up in the world and moved to Long Island, back then a house was $25k. Hardly ever saw them again. I recently heard from a cousin, a young woman attending a famous New England college. She was excited that after she graduates she'll be moving to one of the old slum neighborhoods, slightly renovated; from a little online perusing the rents there are around $2k for a place the size of a bathroom stall. One of those neighborhoods has a big movie studio now, in a building that used to be a bread factory. It shows up a bit in movies and TV shows.
  8. I don't see any babble here. Are you referring to your previous posts? You either get it or you don't.
  9. Something that is not coming up in the discussion is who had access to these documents while they were in DT's possession, either during his term or after he lost the office. This could possibly go to treason -- I don't think the US gov't would care enough about the well-being of a traitor to provide protection, he'll be just another convicted felon. IMO he's going to do a Thaksin, and from abroad he can keep his MAGA money stream flowing.
  10. It wasn't the first time. In some of the stolen election-related trials the jury sat down and had their consensus right off, took more time to walk from the courtroom to the jury room. They decided to hold off the announcement until after lunch -- the court pays for the lunch. Everybody appreciates a free lunch. From reading the accounts of the lawyers who are jumping ship, I get the impression DT knows he's going to be convicted. According to Parlatore, who quit the defense team, he said he was hired for defense but other lawyers on the team were sabotaging any defense he came up with. I suspect DT is playing to be the Grand MAGA Martyr, the poor, persecuted narcissist. Former Trump lawyer accuses current Trump lawyer of interfering with classified documents searches I don’t think so he’s been bloviating crying and begging his maga nuts to fight for his sorry rear end And get them to send him $$$. He can sucker them out of millions per month -- like Gene Hackman's recurring line in Bonnie and Clyde "don't kill that cow!"
  11. Inciting sedition is patriotic? Censorship and medical restrictions is freedom? The ghost of George Orwell sits off to the side, nodding knowingly.
  12. China buys the lithium, makes batteries with it, then sells them to the rest of the world.
  13. I think he'd be scared shirtless. He's been caught remarking how disappointing and disgusting his rabble is. He also knows one day they may wise up and . . . "Hey boss, remember 'I'll pardon you?' 'I'll pay the lawyer?' We didn't!"
  14. I suspect they were pulled into a racket where they themselves made very little: fee for the use of the vehicle, not so much of a mark-up from cost of product, and maybe even paid the scoundrels for the privilege of being pulled in to the scam. Also must pay for accommodation. Do some searching on the net, scams like this all over south Asia, and they are sent all over the world. Poor b_stards.
  15. Why the Supreme Court Is Blind to Its Own Corruption Maybe it's something like the way Dracula cannot see himself in a mirror. My take is they've normalized it to the degree that they have become sloppy, and now that it is becoming visible to the rest of the country they've taken an up yours stance. Look at the hearings of the T____/Federalist Society appointees, particularly Gorsuch's smirk said it all: "I'm lying, you know I'm lying, and what are YOU gonna do about it?" The highest court in the land is corrupt, with no mechanism to take them to task. Part of the overall sedition plot. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, cliched but true.
  16. The way the Congressional GOP in the US does it is: "Yes, we're against [enter social/governmental ill here] but the bill in question does not address the problem correctly." They usually say they will come up with their own bill, and if they do it will be a joke. More likely they'll never mention it again. My favorite Farage stories involve people throwing milk shakes at him https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/may/20/nigel-farage-doused-with-milkshake-in-newcastle
  17. She's feeling out-done by Boebert's divorce news. Just another day in The War for Center of Attention.
  18. Does anyone else ever wonder if there may be something in the tattoo ink that affects brain function? Where's your shirt, buddy? He made the international news: https://www.insider.com/american-tourist-trapped-pattaya-thailand-sewers-falling-manhole-2023-5 But this guy was rescued in 4 hours, not 8. Maybe there were two incidents involving the same circumstance and guys that look alike?
  19. Just because people watch DT's events on television and laugh at his jokes in no way is an indicator that they will vote for him. He is a reality show. Look at the audience shots at town hall -- there were people laughing at his insulting jokes who were not applauding. You may like an athlete because he is a good player, but you certainly wouldn't elect him president. (But then there is the movie Idiocracy . . .)
  20. Just heard on the news that Mr Smith may make a major announcement within "weeks rather than months." "Eric, how many times do I have to tell you to keep the jet prepped!"
  21. Evidence of the Deep State? Look at the Supreme Court and the three Federalist Society picks that occupy it, and the sudden revelations regarding the actions of SCOTUS wives.
  22. Her constituents don't see the idiocy, they'll keep re-electing her. Georgia is still Georgia, you know. That new progressive, inclusive Georgia is Atlanta and a few other spots, otherwise, well, things like this were still happening in my lifetime. Lester Maddox's "Pickrick Drumstick" Axe Handle, 1965
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