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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. You may have noticed that being a conservative does not require a lot of thought. It's easy to toss around a word you can't define.
  2. 37 charges, and that's only Florida stuff. Once they get into the racketeering in DC, they just might cover all his transgressions since he announced his candidacy in 2015. And then there is his pre-politics antics. I'd like to know about the private meeting he had with Lavrov and Kisliak at the WH in 2017, that one stank like naam pla.
  3. Sometimes irony rises as if a force of nature. At one point W had a press secretary named Tony Snow. For the sake clarity, snow job, sometimes just snow used as a verb, is another word for bull droppings.
  4. Television news in the US is already distinguishing it as "the DC case," today it was about "the Florida case."
  5. If Thaksin returns and allies with MFP he'll use his political savvy to make sausages out of Pita. On the other hand he's been away for 14 years, maybe the bulk of his connections are no more. If not for the words "Move Forward Party" in that quote it sounds like something from the US. (And some would call the last few words of the quote as a positive.)
  6. Been a long time since I've been there, but yeah, it was called Sri Lanka then, about 12 years after they changed the name. But the money still said Ceylon. Maybe the airport vendors were confused. ???? India does some weird things with its money, like voiding all notes of a certain size. That is just too damn weird! There's a few documentaries on the net about Thai pickers in Scandinavia, from what I recall the Thai job brokers make out like bandits. But with all this grief and hand-wringing about Middle East refugees in Eurozone, aren't they able to hire them to do the picking?
  7. Scandalous! Cohabiting shamelessly like beats! There should be better photos available. They already have someone to do the pointing.
  8. Sometimes witches are old men with orange facepaint. No need to hunt, they knew where he was all along.
  9. Right now there is no official will they indict/when will they indict. DT is making stuff up, like he did with Bragg, remember his "next Tuesday" announcement which didn't happen, though it did happen a few days later? He tries to make it look like his has the inside track, as if he has some control. He's 24/7 on the con. That all caps message candide posted above really boils down to "SEND ME $$$!!" I think there may be some indictments pertaining to his money appeals. Smith was caught by a TV crew yesterday. https://www.msnbc.com/jose-diaz-balart/watch/special-counsel-jack-smith-does-not-comment-on-trump-documents-case-180542021993 The guy carries his own bag as well as his own lunch, gotta admire that. Those two other guys look like tech operators, not bodyguards -- I think he should be more cautious.
  10. Credit to John Oliver's team for coming up with the hands thing. Rubio picked up on it a few days later, and it is still a thing.
  11. Christie is the value candidate. He weighs twice as much as half the people in New Jersey. He is so fat that it's like having two people on the same ballot. Penny for penny, pound for pound you get more candidate when you vote Christie! Really though, IMO he doesn't have a chance. If US voters want more of an abrasive NY/NJ type they would re-elect the orange guy.
  12. Lack of an extradition treaty is no guarantee they won't send someone packing. Brazil is known for its lack of such treaties, made famous with cases like Ronnie Biggs, but each of these is on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes it is simply "we don't want you here." I would expect it is the same from any country.
  13. Poll numbers in no way reflect the sanity of a political candidate. Anyone with any sense should have figured that out by now.
  14. entitled to his day in court But he doesn't show up, not even in his own defense. Sure is strange for a guy who is never at a loss for words, no? He needs to be in front of a video camera, it has a magical effect on him, like Mrs Maisel and a microphone. So he's on the witness stand, the camera is on him, the prosecutor is goading him, and then WHAM! He goes into his MAGA ranting and ends up being led from the courtroom in a straitjacket. Now that's what you call a day in court! old joke from the 1990s: what is the most dangerous place in the world? the space between DT and a camera
  15. This is the way it was in the US when I was a kid. You would have to have your phone service shut off because it was not a necessity. This changed around 1970 when crime rate was up and the welfare inspectors were getting mugged when they made the rounds, so no more home inspections.
  16. Maybe they should embrace P's flesh-pit rep and allow international providers, like in Macau. "You want Mongolian massage? Russian massage?" and so on. They can even have their own sois, the place is big enough. So the country will have a Sin City, which it did anyway. Like Las Vegas.
  17. Free-standing tower -- boring as hell, 20 years behind the trend, admission price included in the Chinese package deals.
  18. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/law-targeting-undocumented-migrants-already-affecting-south-florida-farms/ What will be dying on the vine is Florida's agricultural industry. With a lack of laborers to do the picking unharvested produce will rot in place. These bean-brains aim for the outrage of the day with no regard for the Big Picture. During the 1988 campaign George HW Bush one day presided over a massive citizenship oath ceremony in a stadium (it was either in Texas or Arizona). Along with oath, they were also given voter registration forms, where they had to choose a party -- gee, I wonder which was the popular choice. A lot of the people who came to the US from socialist countries were pretty much conservative: family values, Christianity, cultural traditions, respect for authority. Florida guy and Texas guy helped snuff that out. The immigrants from Latin America who do not work in agri-biz are housekeepers, kitchen help, landscaping, and all sorts of manual labor. Jobs that US citizens won't do.
  19. Waiting for his nibs to brush the whole thing off with a sweeping insult for all those who dare challenge him.
  20. With so many of these Republicans joining in the running I have to wonder what propels them. For those who are not in gov't at the moment, almost everything they spend during the candidacy can be written off (meaning tax deductible) AND they get to collect $$$ from their supporters. Especially fruitful for the very rich, meaning private jet rich. I think Ross Perot's accountants opened up a vista on this 1992, which is why you see the occasional rich guy throw his hat in the ring and then expend very little effort, like Starbucks Guy, Steve Forbes, Mike Bloomberg to name a few. Of course there is vanity, self-promotion, etc. I suspect there is some buzz in GOP land that the RNC will be forced to distance itself from orange guy so as not to be tagged "the pro-felony party." The possibility of an open convention for GOP looms -- anything can happen, meaning it's possible someone not in the primaries can walk away with the nomination.
  21. I suspect they are likely to find stuff from before he took the WH, like money laundering for his Russian friends via real estate. These would be scandalous cases in their own right, pretty much detached from the ones currently known to be pending.
  22. No sale. Should have said "it was an act of God!" He never figured out that if he behaved as if he had something to hide people may get the impression he has something to hide. Tomorrow's lesson: why you should not put your hand in a fire
  23. It seemed, back when, that all agreed that no one wins a nuclear war. I think some of those born after the SALT treaty were not informed of this. I think it was JFK who said "the taste of victory would be a mouthful of ashes."
  24. Please add "and reality TV personalities going into politics."
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